Mishnah 1
Hear the Mishnah


(a)According to R. Eliezer, the age of an Eglah is one year, that of a Parah, two. What are Eglah and Parah, respectively?

(b)Why the difference?

(c)Is this the minimum age or the maximum age?


(a)According to R. Eliezer, the age of an Eglah - Arufah is one year, and that of a Parah - Adumah two.

(b)The reason for the difference is because - Eglah by definition means a calf, and Parah, a cow.

(c)The age given by the Mishnah is - the maximum age (see Tos. Yom-Tov DH 'u'Parah ... ').


(a)What do the Chachamim say?

(b)By what principle do they concede that a calf in its first year is Kasher for Eglah Arufah?

(c)Then on what grounds do they permit it in its second year?


(a)The Chachamim give the maximum age as - two for the Eglah, and three or four for the Parah.

(b)In fact they maintain that - a calf in its first year is even preferable, since that is what 'Eigel' means ...

(c)... and they permit one in its second year - because the Torah refers to it as "Eglas *Bakar*".


(a)R. Meir is even more lenient than the Chachamim. What does he say?

(b)What is the Din regarding a cow that is older than prescribed age (See Tiferes Yisrael)?

(c)Why does one not wait before Shechting it?

(d)What is the source for invalidating a cow with two black hairs?

(e)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)R. Meir - permits even a cow in its fifth year.

(b)A cow that is older than prescribed age - is permitted (See Tiferes Yisrael).

(c)One does not however, wait before Shechting it (See Tiferes Yisrael) - in case it grows two black hairs, in which case it becomes Pasul ...

(d)... because the Torah writes "Adumah Temimah" (meaning that it must be completely red).

(e)The Halachah - is like the Chachamim. Older than that is permitted too, but one does not wait.


(a)What does R. Yehoshua say about a Parah Adumah?

(b)What did he reply when they asked him what Shelashis mean?

(c)How does ben Azai explain it?

(d)Then why was he not taught Shelishis?


(a)R. Yehoshua confines a Parah Adumah to a Shalashis.

(b)When they asked him what Shelashis means, he replied that - this is what he had heard, but that he did not know what it meant.

(c)ben Azai explained that - it means three years old (see Tos. Yom-Tov) ...

(d)... and the reason that he was not taught Shelishis is because - strictly speaking, that means the third-born of its mother.


(a)In the same triple dialogue, how does ben Azai differentiate between Kerem Reva'i and Kerem Revi'i?

(b)And similarly again, R. Yehoshua declined to explain why, in giving the Shi'ur for a Beis ha'Menuga, he gave it as a loaf, at three per Kav. To which Halachah does this refer?

(c)What did they ask R. Yehoshua this time? What ought he to have said instead of a loaf, at three per Kav?

(d)And how did ben Azai explain why he did it?


(a)In the same triple dialogue, ben Azai differentiate between Kerem Reva'i which he explains, means - in its fourth year, and Kerem Revi'i, which means the fourth vineyard.

(b)And similarly again, R. Yehoshua declined to explain why, in giving the Shi'ur for a Beis ha'Menuga, he gave it as a loaf, at three per Kav (see Tos. Yom-Tov) - with regard to the period of time that one needs to remain in a plagued house in order to render Tamei the clothes that he is wearing.

(c)This time, they asked him - why he did not say a loaf at eighteen per Sa'ah (instead of at three per Kav).

(d)And this time, ben Azai explained that it is - because a Kav of dough is not subject to Chalah (one and a quarter Kabin is the minimum Shi'ur), whereas a Sa'ah is. To have said a loaf at eighteen per Sa'ah therefore, would have added to the Shi'ur the amount of Chalah that one subtracts.

Mishnah 2
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What is the problem with the words in Beha'aloscha (in connection with the purification ceremony of the Levi'im) "Par Sheini" (in the Pasuk "u'Par Sheini ben Bakar Tikach le'Chatas")?

(b)What does R. Yossi therefore learn from there?

(c)The Chachamim are more lenient, and R. Meir, more lenient still. What ...

1. ... do the Chachamim say?

2. ... does R. Meir say?

(d)What does he conclude?

(e)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)The problem with the words in Beha'aloscha (in connection with the purification ceremony of the Levi'im) "u'Par Sheini" (in the Pasuk "u'Par Sheini ben Bakar Tikach le'Chatas") is that - the Torah specifically writes afterwards "va'Asei es ha'Echad Chatas ve'es ha'Echad Olah", rendering the word "Sheini" redundant.

(b)R. Yossi ha'Gelili therefore learns from there - that bulls (for Korbanos) must be two years old.

(c)According to ...

1. ... the Chachamim - even (see Tos. Yom-Tov) bulls of three are also Kasher, whereas ...

2. ... R. Meir permits even bulls that are four or five years old ...

(d)... though, he concludes, one should not bring them because of Kavod. (see Tos. Yom-Tov and Tiferes Yisrael).

(e)The Halachah is - like the Chachamim.

Mishnah 3
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What is the difference between Kevasim and Eilim?

(b)How does one reckon a year in this regard?

(c)What does the Mishnah say about a male sheep in its thirteenth month?

(d)R. Tarfon used to call such a sheep Palgas. Why did he call it by that name?


(a)Lambs are called 'Kevasim'in their first year - and become 'Eilim' in their second.

(b)One reckons a year (in this regard) - from day to day (and not until Tishri, and then from Tishri to Tishri [see Tos. Yom-Tov]).

(c)The Mishnah rules that a male sheep in its thirteenth month - is considered neither a Keves nor an Ayil (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

(d)R. Tarfon used to call such a sheep Palgas - from the word P'lag (half).


(a)ben Azai labeled R. Tarfon's Palgas, Noked, and R. Yishmael, Parchadigma. Noked stems from a Pasuk in Amos "Asher Hayah be'Nokdim". What does it mean?

(b)Parchadigma is a Greek word. What does it refer to?


(a)ben Azai labeled R. Tarfon's Palgas, Noked, and R. Yishmael, Parchadigma. Noked stems from a Pasuk in Amos "Asher Hayah be'Nokdim" - meaning sheep-owners.

(b)Parchadigma is a Greek word - with reference to a coin that has been disqualified.


(a)The Mishnah now discusses someone who is Chayav to bring a Keves or an Ayil, but who brings a Palgas instead. Is his Korban Kasher?

(b)What Nesachim does it require?

(c)What do we learn from the extra words in the Pasuk in Sh'lach-L'cha "O la'Ayil"?

(d)What does the Tana add to this, with regard to the owner's original obligation?

(e)At which stage does a Keves become an Ayil?


(a)The Mishnah now discusses someone who is Chayav to bring a Keves or an Ayil, but who brings a Palgas instead - which is Kasher Bedi'eved.

(b)It requires the Nesachim (wine-offering plus Minchah [flour-offering]) of an Ayil ...

(c)... as we learn from the extra words in the Pasuk in Sh'lach-Lecha "O la'Ayil" (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

(d)The Tana adds - that although the Korban is Kasher, the owner has not fulfilled his original obligation (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

(e)A Keves becomes an Ayil - at thirteen months and a day.

Mishnah 4
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What do the following comprise ...

1. ... Chata'os and Olos Tzibur?

2. ... Chata'os Yachid?

3. ... Asham Nazir and Asham Metzora (see Tos. Yom-Tov)?

(b)When is the earliest that one may bring any of these?

(c)What if one brings them earlier?

(d)What is the earliest that one may bring ...

1. ... Nedarim and Nedavos?

2. ... B'chor, Ma'aser Beheimah and Pesach?



1. Chata'os and Olos of the Tzibur comprise - the goats of Musaf of Rosh Chodesh and Yom-tov and their Olos (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

2. Chata'os Yachid comprises - a she-lamb or a she-kid-goat.

3. Asham Nazir and Asham Metzora comprise - he lambs.

(b)One may bring any of these - from the thirtieth day and onwards.

(c)Bedi'eved - if one brought them from the eighth day and onwards, they are Kasher.

(d)The earliest that one may bring ...

1. ... Nedarim and Nedavos and ...

2. ... B'chor, Ma'aser Beheimah and Pesach - from the eighth day and onwards.


(a)What is the basic difference between Nedarim and Nedavos and the former group of Korbanos?

(b)From where do we know that an animal becomes eligible as a Korban from the eighth day?

(c)Seeing as the Torah specifically permits an animal to be Shechted from the eighth day and onwards, what is the reason for the Din of thirty days by Korb'nos Chovah?

(d)Then why did they not include Pesach in the list of Chovos?


(a)The basic difference between Nedarim and Nedavos and the former group of Korbanos is that - the former are all obligatory (Korb'nos Chovah).

(b)We know that an animal becomes eligible as a Korban from the eighth day - because the Torah writes in Emor (in connection with B'chor) "ba'Yom ha'Shemini Titno Li".

(c)Despite the fact that the Torah specifically permits an animal to be Shechted from the eighth day and onwards, the Chachamim require thirty days by Korb'nos Chovah - because it is bagger MItzvah to bring a Chovah from one that is at least thirty days old. (See commentaries on the Mishnah, who explain why B'chor, Ma'aser and Pesach are listed in the second group).

(d)They did they not include Pesach in the list of Chovos however - because, since the Pesach is eaten in one group by night, it is preferable to take a smaller animal, to prevent it from becoming Nosar (See also Tos. Yom-Tov).

Hadran alach 'R. Eliezer Omer'