(a)Tum'as Nesakin can last two weeks. What is Nesakin?
(b)hat does Nesakin mean?
(c)One of the two Simanim is Pisyon. What is the other?
(d)The Tana listed four Mar'os Nega'im with regard to a Nega on the skin. How many Mar'os are there with regard to Nesakim?
(a)Tum'as Nesakim, which can last for two weeks (see Tos. Yom-Tov) is - Tum'ah in the location of the hair or the beard, which occurs after the hair has fallen out ...
(b)... which is what Nesakin means.
(c)One of the two Simanim is Pisyon; the other is - two golden hairs (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(d)The Tana listed four Mar'os Nega'im with regard to a Nega on the skin. With regard to Nesakim - any Mar'eh is Tamei.
(a)According to R. Akiva, the golden hairs must be shorter than the Metzora's regular hair. From where does he learn this?
(b)R. Yochanan ben Nuri disagrees. How does he interpret the word "Dak"?
(c)How does R. Yochanan ben Nuri prove his point?
(d)What is R. Akiva's counter-argument?
(a)According to R. Akiva, the golden hairs must be shorter than the Metzora's regular hair (see Tos. Yom-Tov). He learns this - from the word "Dak" (in the Pasuk in Tazri'a "Se'or Tzahov Dak" [see Tiferes Yisrael]).
(b)R. Yochanan ben Nuri interprets "Dak" to mean - thin.
(c)R. Yochanan ben Nuri proves his point - from a stick or a cane, which people tend to describe as Dak when they mean long and thin (and not short).
(d)R. Akiva's counter-argument is - from hair itself, which people tend to call Dak when it is short (and not when it is long but thin).
(a)For the two golden hairs to be Tamei, do they need to be ...
1. ... next to each other or apart?
2. ... in the middle of the Nega or at the side?
(b)According to R. Yehudah, it makes no difference whether the yellow hair precedes the Nesek or vice-versa. What does R. Shimon say?
(c)How does he learn this from the equivalent case of two white hairs of a regular Nega from a Kal va'Chomer?
(d)R. Yehudah refutes R. Shimon's proof from the Pasuk "Lo Hayah bo Se'or Tzahov". How does he do that?
(e)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)For the two golden hairs to be Tamei - they can be either ...
1. ... next to each other or apart.
2. ... either in the middle of the Nega or at the side.
(b)According to R. Yehudah, it makes no difference whether the yellow hair precedes the Nesek or vice-versa. R. Shimon say maintains that - it is only a Siman Tum'ah if it turns yellow afterwards.
(c)He learn this from the equivalent case of two white hairs of a regular Nega - which are only a Siman Tum'ah if they turn white afterwards, even though black hair does not prevent the Tum'ah from taking effect. How much more so golden hairs, where black (or any other colored) hair does (see Tos. Yom-Tov DH 'she'Se'or Lavan ... ' & 'Eino Din ... ').
(d)R. Yehudah refutes R. Shimon's proof from the Pasuk "Lo Hayah bo Se'or Tzahov" - making no mention of the need for the hair to turn a golden color afterwards (like it does in other places) see also Tos. Yom-Tov.
(e)The Halachah is - like R. Yehudah.
(a)We just learned that two black hairs prevent golden hair from rendering Nesakim Tamei (see Tos. Yom-Tov). How about two black hairs together with Pisyon?
(b)What does the Tana say regarding two black hairs that grow in a Nesek that are Mechunas or Mefuzar, Mevutzar or not Mevutzar?
(c)What is the definition of ...
1. ... Mechunas and Mefuzar?
2. ... Mevutzar ve'she'Lo Mevutzar?
(a)We just learned that two black hairs prevent golden hair from rendering Nesakim Tamei (see Tos. Yom-Tov). Similarly - they prevent Pisyon from doing so.
(b)The Tana rules that - two black hairs that grow in a Nesek saves from Tum'ah, irrespective of whether they are Mechunas or Mefuzar, Mevutzar or not Mevutzar (by the side [see Tos. Yom-Tov]).
(c)The definition of ...
1. ... Mechunas and Mefuzar is - whether the two hairs are in the same location and where they are in opposite locations (respectively).
2. ... Mevutzar ve'she'Lo Mevutzar is - whether they are in the middle of the Nesek or at the side.
(a)Mesho'ar will save from Tum'ah in all the above cases. What is the definition of "Mesho'ar"?
(b)On what condition will the hairs not save from Tum'ah?
(c)What is Kamah?
(d)What distance must there be between the two black hairs and the hairs growing just outside the edge of the Nesek for them to save it from Tum'ah?
(a)Mesho'ar - where the two hairs preceded the Nesek (which the Tana referred to earlier as she'Lo Hafuch) saves from all of the above ..
(b)... unless it is at the edge of the Nesek right next to the Kamah, ...
(c)... the hair that grows just outside the edge of the Nesek (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(d)For the two black hairs to save from Tum'ah they must be - at least two hair-breadths away from the Kamah.
(a)What does the Mishnah say about a case where, besides two golden hairs, the Nesek contains one golden hair plus one black or white one?
(b)Why does the golden hair not combine with the two golden hairs?
(a)The Mishnah rules that in a case where, besides two golden hairs, the Nesek contains one golden hair plus one black or white hair (see Tos. Yom-Tov) - the latter do not save the nesek from Tum'ah.
(b)The golden hair does not combine with the two golden ones - because it preceded the Nesek (see next Mishnah and Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)If the golden hairs preceded the Nesek, the Tana Kama declares it Tahor. What does R. Yehudah say?
(b)R. Eliezer ben Ya'akov agrees with the Tana Kama. What does he say with regard to the Nesek saving from Tum'ah?
(c)And what does R. Shimon say?
(d)How many opinions are there in this Mishnah?
(e)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)If the golden hairs preceded the Nesek, the Tana Kama declares it Tahor - R. Yehudah declares it Tamei.
(b)R. Eliezer ben Ya'akov agrees with the Tana Kama. He holds however that - it does not save the Nesek from Tum'ah either.
(c)R. Shimon, who also holds like the Tana Kama (see Mishnah 2) - maintains that whatever is not a Siman Tum'ah, saves from Tum'ah.
(d)There are three opinions in the Mishnah - since R. Eliezer ben Ya'akov and R. Shimon both come to explain the Tana Kama.
(e)The Halachah is - like R. Yehudah (as we ruled earlier). see Tos. Yom-Tov, who queries this ruling. Added to his questions, one can also ask why we should rule like R. Yehudah, seeing as he is the minority opinion, and besides, we ought to rule like R. Eliezer ben Ya'akov, whose Mishnah is 'Kav ve'Naki').
(a)How does one shave the Nesek?
(b)What is the purpose of the shaving?
(c)When is it performed?
(d)How do we interpret the Pasuk "ve'es ha'Nesek Lo Yegale'ach"?
(a)One shaves the Nesek - by removing all the hair surrounding it, leaving only two hairs on each side.
(b)The shaving - which enables the Kohen to check whether, in seven days time, the Nesek has spread or not, is performed ...
(c)... after the first week.
(d)The Pasuk "ve'es ha'Nesek Lo Yegale'ach" - refers (not to the Nesek itself (which contains no hairs to shave, but) to the hairs that one is obligated to leave.
(a)If the Kohen declares the two golden hairs Tamei Muchlat (Hichlito), what will be the Din if they disappear and subsequently return?
(b)How many possible time-periods does Hichlito incorporate?
(c)What if instead of the two hairs returning, the Nesek spreads?
(a)If, after the Kohen declares the two golden hairs Tamei Muchlat (Hichlito), they disappear and subsequently return - the Metzora is Muchlat (as he was before they went away) see Tos. Yom-Tov.
(b)Hichlito incorporate four time-periods - initially, after one week, after two weeks and after he has already been declared Tahor.
(c)If, instead of the two hairs returning, the Nesek spreads - the same ruling will apply.
(a)How many possible time periods are there in the same scenario as the previous one, but where the initial declaration of Tum'ah is due to Pisyon?
(b)What if the subsequent return of the Nesek is not via Pisyon, but viatwo golden hairs?
(a)In the same scenario as the previous one, but where the initial declaration of Tum'ah is due to Pisyon - there are three possible time periods (see Tos. Yom-Tov DH 've'Chein ... ') ... after one week, after two weeks and after the Kohen has declared the Nesek Tahor ...
(b)... and the same will apply if the subsequent return of the Nesek is not through Pisyon, but through two golden hairs.
(a)What do we learn from the Pasuk "Nega ha'Nesek' with regard to the minimum size of a Nesek?
(b)The Mishnah rules regarding two Nesakim, one beside the other, that have been declared Musgar and that are divided by a row of black hair, that if some of those hairs fall out, causing the two Nesakin to join in one location, it is Tamei, in two locations, it is Tahor. What is the definition of ...
1. ... one location?
2. ... two locations?
(c)On what grounds is ...
1. ... the former Tamei?
2. ... the latter Tahor?
(d)How many hairs must remain in between the two Nesakim for the Nesek to be Tahor?
(e)What if the hair fell out in only one place and the gap measures less than a G'ris?
(a)We learn from the Pasuk "Nega ha'Nesek' that - like the Din of Nega'im on the skin, the minimum size of a Nesek is k'Gris (ha'Kilki [see also Tos. Yom-Tov]).
(b)The Mishnah rules regarding two Nesakim, one beside the other, that have been declared Musgar and that are divided by a row of black hair, that if some of those hairs fall out, causing the two Nesakin to join ...
1. ... in one location - the Nesek comprises a gap in the middle of the hair (leaving hair at the side), it is Tamei.
2. ... in two locations - the gap is on either side of the hairs that remain in the middle), it is Tahor (because the remaining hairs are Mevutzaros).
(c)The ...
1. ... former is Tamei - because of Pisyon (see also Tos. Yom-Tov).
2. ... latter is Tahor - because black hairs in the middle of a Nesek are a Siman Taharah (as we have already learned).
(d)At least two hairs must remain in between the two Nesakim for the Nesek to be Tahor.
(e)If the hair fell out in only one location - the Nesek is Tamei even if the gap measures more than a G'ris (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)The Mishnah now discusses two Nesakim one inside the other. What divides them?
(b)The inner Nesek is the size of a G'ris ha'Kilki. What are the measurements of the outer one?
(c)What distinction does the Tana draw, with regard to the inner Nesek between where some of the hair falls out in one location and where it falls out in two locations?
(d)In the latter case, what must the size of the area where the hairs fell out for the Nesek to be Tahor?
(a)The Mishnah now discusses two Nesakim one inside the other that - are divided by a row of hair.
(b)The inner Nesek is the size of a G'ris ha'Kilki - the outer one, a k'Adashah wide, measuring a total of at least a k'G'ris.
(c)The Tana rules that, if some of the hair falls out in one location - the inner Nesek is Tamei; whereas if it should fall out in two locations - it is Tahor (like we learned in the previous Mishnah).
(d)In the latter case, the size of the area where the hairs fell out must measure - at least two hairs-breadth for the Nesek to be Tahor.
(a)In the current case, what is the status of the outer Nesek?
(b)What if the hair that fell out in only one location measures a G'ris?
(c)Why is that?
(d)On what condition did the Mishnah just rule that it is Tamei?
(a)In the current case - the outer Nesek is Tahor (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(b)If the hair that fell out in only one location measures a G'ris - the Kohen declares him Tahor ...
(c)... since the Nesakim have now combined into one - and the black hair in the middle is now a Simon Taharah (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(d)And when the Mishnah just ruled that it is Tamei, the Tana is speaking where the location under discussion measures less than a G'ris (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)What will the Kohen rule if someone comes to him with a Nesek containing two golden hairs?
(b)What if two black hairs ...
1. ... are there too?
2. ... grow there afterwards?
(c)Under what circumstances will the Kohen declare the Nesek Tamei in the former case, but Tahor, in the latter?
(a)If someone comes to the Kohen with a Nesek containing two golden hairs - the Kohen will declare him Tamei.
(b)If two black hairs ...
1. ... are there too - he will declare him Tahor, as he will if they ...
2. ... grow there afterwards.
(c)The Kohen will declare the Nesek Tamei in the former case, but Tahor, in the latter - if the Black hairs are at the edge of the Nesek (as we learned earlier in the Perek).
(a)What will be the Din if, in the previous cases, the black hairs subsequently fall out?
(b)According to the Tana Kama, what if ...
1. ... the black hairs on the Nesek coincide, not with two golden hairs, but with Pisyon?
2. ... the Nesek spreads, diminishes to what it was and then spreads again?
(a)In the previous cases, if the black hairs subsequently fall out - the Kohen will nevertheless declare him Tahor.
(b)According to the Tana Kama, if ...
1. ... the black hairs on the Nesek coincide, not with two golden hairs, but with Pisyon, then, if the black hairs subsequently fall out - the Kohen will declare him Tamei, as he will, if the ...
2. ... Nesek spreads, diminishes to what it was and then spreads again (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)What does R. Shimon ben Yehudah citing R. Shimon say?
(b)What does R. Shimon say?
(c)In which point does he disagree with the Tana Kama?
(a)R. Shimon ben Yehudah citing R. Shimon maintains that - once a Nesek has been declared Tahor, it cannot become Tamei.
(b)R. Shimon says that - once golden hair has been declared Tahor, it cannot become Tamei (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)He disagrees with the Tana Kama - in a case where, after the black hairs fall out, two other hairs grow inside the Nesek, in that he considers it Tamei, whereas according to the Tana Kama, it is Tahor (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)What do we learn from the Pasuk "(ve'Ish) ki Yimaret Rosho, Kere'ach Hu, Tahor Hu"?
(b)What does "ve'Ish" come to include?
(c)Does it make any difference whether he was previously declared Tamei via Se'or Lavan or Pisyon?
(d)What if a person appears initially before the Kohen with no hair on his head or on his beard?
(a)We learn from the Pasuk "(ve'Ish) ki Yimaret Rosho, Kere'ach Hu, Tahor Hu" that - if, after a Nesek has been declared Tamei, all the rest of the hair of the head falls out, he is Tahor (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(b)"ve'Ish" comes to teach us - the same Din regarding the beard (see previous Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)It makes no difference whether he was previously declared Tamei via Se'or Lavan or Pisyon.
(d)If a person appears initially before the Kohen with no hair on his head or on his beard - he will declare him Tamei (Musgar [just like somebody who appears before him white from head to foot).
(a)What does R. Yehudah mean when he says that the head and the beard do not hold each other back? Back from what?
(b)What does R. Shimon say?
(c)What Kal va'Chomer does R. Shimon learn from the skin of the face and the rest of the body? What is the something that divides between the skin of the face and that of the rest of the body?
(a)When R. Yehudah says that the head and the beard do not hold each other back, he means that - if, regarding the previous Halachah, in the case of a Nesek on the head, all the hair of the head falls out but not of the beard, he is Tahor, and vice-versa (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(b)R. Shimon says - that they do hold each other back.
(c)R. Shimon learns a Kal va'Chomer from the skin of the face and the rest of the body - where something (the hair of the head and the beard) divides between them, yet they hold each other back from rendering Pore'ach be'Kulo, Tahor, how much more so the hair of the head and the beard, which are joined.
(a)What does the Tana mean when he rules that the head and the beard do not ...
1. ... combine into one another?
2. ... spread into each other?
(b)The beard begins by the jaw-bone. What is the easiest way of determining its location?
(c)And it stretches down to the Pikah shel Gargeres. What is the 'Pikah shel Gargeres'?
(a)When the Tana rules that the head and the beard do not ...
1. ... combine with one another, he means that - if a Nesek measuring a G'ris grows half on one, and half on the other, it is Tahor (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
2. ... spread into each other, he means that - if one contains a Nesek where it adjoins the other, into which it now spreads, it is Tahor.
(b)The beard begins by the jaw-bone. The easiest way of determining its location is - by pulling a thread from ear to ear. Whatever is below the thread belongs to the beard.
(c)And it stretches down to the Pikah shel Gargeres - the top of the Shipuy Kova (the thyroid cartilage).
(a)Karachas and Gabachas are both subject to two Simnei Tum'ah. What is the definition of ...
1. ... Karachas?
2. ... Gabachas?
(b)What is the basic distinction between Karachas and Gabachas on the one hand, and Nesakim on the other?
(c)To which two Simnei Tum'ah are they both subject?
(d)What do we learn from the Pasuk "ke'Mar'eh Tzara'as Or Basar" regarding the time period of Karachas and Gabachas?
(a)The definition of ...
1. ... Karachas is - a Nesek on the back section of the head, and of ...
2. ... Gabachas is - a Nesek on the front section of the head (see Tos. Yom-Tov), both of which are subject to two Simnei Tum'ah.
(b)The basic distinction between Karachas and Gabachas on the one hand, and Nesakim on the other is the fact that - whereas the hair of the latter re-grows, the hair of the former does not (see previous Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)They are both subject - to Michyah and Pisyon.
(d)We learn from the Pasuk "ke'Mar'eh Tzara'as Or Basar" that the time period of Karachas and Gabachas is - up to two weeks (like Tzara'as on the skin)
(a)Karachas comes in one of three ways (see Tos. Yom-Tov DH 'Eizehu' & 'Achal Neshem'), two of them, by eating or anointing oneself with Neshem. What is Neshem?
(b)What is the third possible way of becoming a Kere'ach?
(c)What causes Gabachas?
(a)Two of the three ways by which Karachas comes (see Tos. Yom-Tov DH 'Eizehu' & 'Achal Neshem') are by eating or anointing oneself with Neshem - a potion that prevents hair from growing.
(b)The third possible way is - by means of a wound that prevents the growth of hair on that location ...
(c)... and the same applies to Gabachas.
(a)Both Karachas and Gabachas begin on top of the skull in the middle (where it begins to slope towards the neck and the face, respectively), only the former extends as far as Pikah shel Tzavar. What is Pikah shel Tzavar?
(b)How far forward does Gabachas extend?
(c)What does the Mishnah say about Karachas and Gabachas ...
1. ... combining to make up a Shi'ur k'G'ris?
2. ... spreading from one to the other?
(d)R. Yehudah disagrees. On what condition does he concede that they do not combine?
(a)Both Karachas and Gabachas begin on top of the skull in the middle (where it begins to slope towards the neck and the face, respectively), only the former extends as far as Pikah shel Tzavar - the top vertebra of the neck.
(b)Gabachas extends to the hair-line (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)The Mishnah rules - that Karachas and Gabachas ...
1. ... do not combine to make up a Shi'ur G'ris (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
2. ... which spread from one to the other - are not a Siman Tum'ah.
(d)R. Yehudah disagrees. He concedes however, that they do not combine - if hair is growing in between them.
Hadran Alach 'ha'Nesakim'