(a)The Mishnah now discusses what is considered a Chatzitzah by Adam (see Tos. Yom-Tov). What does the Tana Kama say about ribbons made of wool, linen or leather with which girls plait their hair (see Tos. Yom-Tov DH 'she'be'Roshei ha'Banos')?
(b)Regarding which kind of ribbons, besides those made of wool, does Rebbi Yehudah validate the Tevilah?
(c)On what grounds does he argue with the Tana Kama?
(a)The Mishnah now discusses what is considered a Chatzitzah by Adam (see Tos. Yom-Tov). The Tana Kama rules that ribbons made of wool, linen or leather with which girls plait their hair (see Tos. Yom-Tov DH 'she'be'Roshei ha'Banos') - are considered a Chatzitzah.
(b)Rebbi Yehudah also validates the Tevilah if they are wearing ribbons made of wool or - hair.
(c)He argues with the Tana Kama - because he maintains that, due to the texture of these materials, they do not prevent the water from getting through to the hair.
(a)Like whom is the Halachah regarding woolen ribbons?
(b)How about ribbons made of hair?
(c)And what will be the Din regarding ribbons that they tie round their necks?
(a)The Halachah regarding woolen ribbons is - like the Tana Kama ...
(b)... who concedes that ribbons made of hair do not create a Chatzitzah.
(c)And the same will apply to ribbons that they tie round their necks - seeing as they do not tend to tie them tightly (so as not to strangle themselves [see Tos. Yom-Tov]).
(a)The Tana inserts Kilkei ha'Leiv ve'ha'Zakan u'Beis ha'Setarim be'Ishah in the list of things that are Chotzetz. What are Kilkei ha'Leiv ...?
(b)On what basis are all these things Chotzetz?
(c)Why is Beis ha'Setarim ba'Ishah confined to a married woman?
(a)The Tana inserts Kilkei ha'Leiv ve'ha'Zakan u'Beis ha'Setarim be'Ishah in the list of things that are Chotzetz - matted hair on the chest or beard or on the private parts of a woman.
(b)All these things are Chotzetz - because the water does not get to the actual hair.
(c)Beis ha'Setarim ba'Ishah is confined to a married woman - because an unmarried woman doesn't really care if the hair there is matted, and whatever one doesn't care about is not Chotzetz.
(a)What does the Mishnah say about pus ...
1. ... outside the eyes and ...
2. ... that is outside a wound that turned into a scab (as well as the plaster that covers it) and sap from a tree or fruit-juice?
(b)On what condition is the latter Chotetz?
(c)What do crusts of excrement on one's flesh, dirt under the nails and Milmulei Zei'ah on one's body have in common?
(d)What are Milmulei Zei'ah?
(a)The Mishnah includes in the list of what is Chotzetz - pus that is ...
1. ... outside the eyes or ...
2. ... outside a wound that turned into a scab (as well as the plaster that covers it) and sap from a tree or fruit-juice.
(b)The latter is only Chotzetz -if it has dried.
(c)Crusts of excrement on one's flesh, dirt under the nails and Milmulei Zei'ah on one's skin - are all included in the list of what is Chotzetz.
(d)'Milmulei Zei'ah' are - balls of perspiration that form when a person rubs his dirty hands together.
(a)The Tana lists various kinds of Tit (mud or clay) that are Chotetz too, including Tit ha'Yavein, potter's clay and Getz Yevani. How does he define ...
1. ... Tit ha'Yavein (based on the Pasuk in Tehilim "va'Ya'aleni ... mi'Tit ha'Yavein")?
2. ... Getz Yevani?
(b)What does Rebbi Yossi say about ...
1. ... Tit ha'Yavein?
2. ... Tit Moreikah? What is Tit Moreikah?
(c)Like whom is the Halachah?
(d)What does the Mishnah say about ...
1. ... other kinds of mud?
2. ... the dust on one's feet?
(a)The Tana lists various kinds of Tit (mud or clay) that are Chotetz too, including Tit ha'Yavein, potter's clay and Getz Yevani. He defines ...
1. ... Tit ha'Yavein (based on the Pasuk in Tehilim "va'Ya'aleni ... mi'Tit ha'Yavein") as - mud from a pit.
2. ... Getz Yevani mud - in the street through which people have walked and which has since dried (Yisdos ha'Derachim [pegs of the road]).
(b)According to Rebbi Yossi ...
1. ... Tit ha'Yavein is - Tahor, but ...
2. ... Tit Moreikah - (clay mixed with egg-white), which is used to repair cracked vessels - is not (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama.
(d)The Mishnah rules that ...
1. ... all other kinds of mud - are only Chotzetz when they are dry, but not when they are wet (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
2. ... Lechatchilah, one should not Tovel before washing off the dust on one's feet.
(a)The Tana finally discusses Toveling a kettle which has Pechamin. What are Pechamin?
(b)What does he say about them?
(a)The Tana finally discusses Toveling a kettle which has Pechamin - (coal that has formed on it due to the steam and the flames that constantly surround it.
(b)He rules that - the kettle must be scrubbed before it can be Toveled (see Tiferes Yisrael).
(a)What does the Tana Kama say about matted hair ...
1. ... on a man's head?
2. ... on a his private parts?
(b)Why is that?
(c)R. Eliezer draws no distinction between a man and a woman in this regard. What does he say?
(d)On what condition will this not apply?
(a)The Tana Kama declares matted hair ...
1. ... on a man's head and ...
2. ... on his private parts - a Chatzitzah ...
(b)... because a man is always particular about that.
(c)R. Eliezer draws no distinction between a man and a woman in this regard. In his opinion - if someone is particular, then it is considered a Chatzitzah, and if he is not, then it is not.
(d)This only applies however, to a Chatzitzah on a minority of the body - but not if it covers the majority, when it always Chotzeitz.
(a)Halachically speaking, on what condition is something considered a Chatzitzah min ha'Torah?
(b)What did the Rabbanan say about ...
1. ... Rubo ve'Eino Makpid?
2. ... Mi'uto u'Makpid?
3. ... Mi'uto ve'Eino Makpid?
(a)Halachically speaking, something is considered a Chatzitzah min ha'Torah - if a. it covers a majority of the body, and b. the person concerned is particular about it.
(b)The Rabbanan ruled however, that in a case of ...
1. ... Rubo ve'Eino Makpid - it is a Chatzitzah, because of Rubo u'Makpid, and by the same token, so is ...
2. ... Mi'uto u'Makpid.
3. ... Mi'uto ve'Eino Makpid - is not a Chatzitzah at all.
(a)The Mishnah now lists pus in the eye, a scab on a wound, sap or fruit-juice, particles of dirt on the skin and dirt under the finger or toe-nails. What do they all have in common?
(b)On what condition are they all not Chotzetz (see Tos. Yom-Tov)?
(c)Then why is pus outside the wound Chotzetz even if it is still wet (as we learned earlier)?
(a)The Mishnah now lists pus in the eye, a scab on a wound, sap or fruit-juice, particles of dirt on the skin and dirt under the finger or toe-nails - which are all not Chotzetz ...
(b)... provided they are still wet.
(c)On the other hand, pus outside the wound is Chotzetz, even if it is still wet (as we learned earlier) - because a person tends to be more fussy there (see Tos. Yom-Tov & Tiferes Yisrael).
(a)The Tana adds two more items to the list of things that are not Chotzetz. One of them is a loose finger-nail or toe-nail. What is the other (see Tos. Yom-Tov)?
(b)What do the women call K'shus shel Katan?
(c)What else does the Tana say about all things listed in the Mishnah?
(d)Why is that?
(e)And what does he say about a scab that has grown over the location of the wound?
(a)The Tana adds two more items to the list of things that are not Chotzetz; a loose finger-nail or toe-nail - and K'shus shel Katan (a freak hair that has grown on the otherwise smooth skin of a small child's body (see Tos. Yom-Tov) ...
(b)... which the women call Sa'ar Shoteh.
(c)And he adds that - all the things listed in the Mishnah are not subject to Tum'ah, nor do they transmit Tum'ah to the person's body ...
(d)... because they/it are/is not sufficiently Chashuv to be subject to Tum'ah or to transmit it.
(e)whereas a scab that has grown over the location of a wound - does (Note, according to the Bartenura, 'Lo Tamei ve'Lo Metamei' refers to K'shus shel Katan exclusively, which is not part of the list of things that are not Chotzetz).
(a)The Mishnah, discussing things that are Chotzetz on vessels, lists pitch and myrrh (ve'ha'Mor). What alternative word do some texts have?
(b)What if any of these is sticking only to the outside of a glass vessel?
(c)On what condition are they Chotzetz on a table, a tray or a small bed (Dargesh)? '
(d)They are not Chotzetz on one that is Belusah. What does Belusah mean?
(e)What is the reason for the latter ruling?
(a)The Mishnah, discussing things that are Chotzetz on vessels, lists pitch and myrrh (ve'ha'Mor). Some texts re-place ve'ha'Mor with - ve'Chamar (a type of earth that sticks [Tos. Yom-Tov]).
(b)Even if any of these is sticking only to the outside of a glass vessel - it is still Chotzetz.
(c)They are Chotzetz on a table, a tray or a small bed (Dargesh) - provided it is clean.
(d)They are not Chotzetz on one that is Belusah - dirty ...
(e)... because one is not particular over something that sticks to a surface that is dirty anyway.
(a)What distinction does the Tana draw between pitch ... that is stuck to ...
1. ... the bed of a Ba'al ha'Bayis and pitch that is stuck to the bed of a poor man?
2. ... the saddle of the donkey belonging to a Ba'al ha'Bayis and one that belongs to a merchant of leather flasks?
(b)What is the common reason for both of these distinctions?
(c)And what if, in the latter case, it is stuck to the saddle-cloth (on both sides of the cloth [see Tos. Yom-Tov])?
(a)The Tana draws a distinction between pitch that is stuck to ...
1. ... the bed of a Ba'al ha'Bayis - which is Chotzetz, and one of a poor man - which is not.
2. ... the saddle of the donkey belonging to a Ba'al ha'Bayis which is Chotzetz, and that of a merchant of leather flasks - which is not.
(b)The common reason for both of these distinctions is - that the former is particular, whereas the latter is not.
(c)If however, in the latter case, it is stuck to the saddle-cloth (on both sides of the cloth [see Tos. Yom-Tov]) - it is Chotzetz, because there, even the merchant is fussy too.
(a)R. Shimon ben Gamliel gives the Shi'ur Chatzitzah of pitch, myrrh or Chamar as the size of an Italian Isar. How big is an Italian Isar?
(b)What does the Tana Kama say?
(c)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)R. Shimon ben Gamliel gives the Shi'ur Chatzitzah of pitch, myrrh or Chamar as the size of an Italian Isar - which is the equivalent of four barley-grains placed one beside the other (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(b)The Tana Kama - considers them a Chatzitzah, irrespective of the Shi'ur.
(c)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama.
(a)According to the Tana Kama, on what condition are pitch and myrrh considered a Chatzitzah on clothes?
(b)What does R. Yehudah citing R. Yishmael say?
(a)According to the Tana Kama, pitch and myrrh are considered a Chatzitzah on clothes - only if it is visible on both sides of the cloth.
(b)R. Yehudah citing R. Yishmael rules that - even on one side will suffice.
(a)R. Yossi draws a distinction between a garment belonging to a builder and that of a Bur. What is the definition of ...
1. ... a builder?
2. ... a Boor?
(b)What does R. Yossi actually say?
(c)This fits nicely with a statement of R. Yochanan. What did R. Yochanan say about a Talmid-Chacham who has a fat-stain on his garment?
(d)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)R. Yossi draws a distinction between a garment belonging to ...
1. ... a builder - a Talmid-Chacham, who builds the world.
2. ... a Boor - an uncouth person who is inferior even to an Am ha'Aretz (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(b)R. Yossi - agrees with R. Yehudah regarding the garment of a Talmid-Chacham, and with the Tana Kama regarding that of a Bur.
(c)This fits nicely with R. Yochanan, who declares that a Talmid-Chacham who has a fat-stain on his garment - is Chayav Misah (bi'Yedei Shamayim [see Tos. Yom-Tov]).
(d)The Halachah is - like R. Yossi.
(a)The Tana Kama declares a stained cloth belonging to Zapasin or Mefaslei Ilanos eligible for Tevilah. Zapasin might mean people who tar barrels, and Mefaslei Ilanos, people who remove the waste from trees. What else might they mean?
(b)R. Yehudah adds a cloth belonging to Kayatzin, which might mean people who spread out fresh figs in the sun to dry. What else might it mean?
(c)What is the reason that is common to both the Tana Kama and R. Yehudah?
(d)Like whom is the Halachah?
(e)Why does the Tana find it necessary to repeat the K'lal that we learned in Mishnah 3 (that whatever one is fussy over is Chotzetz (see Tos. Yom-Tov)?
(a)The Tana Kama declares a stained cloth belonging to Zapasin or Mefaslei Ilanos eligible for Tevilah. Zapasin might mean people who tar barrels, and Mefaslei Ilanos, people who remove the waste from trees. Alternatively, they mean - tar-makers and people who cut off branches from trees, so that the trunk will grow thicker.
(b)R. Yehudah adds a cloth belonging to Kayatzin, which either means people who spread out fresh figs in the sun to dry or - people who collect thorns.
(c)The reason for this is that - they are not fussy about those stains, and that is also the reason of R. Yehudah (whose opinion we are about to discuss).
(d)The Halachah - is like the Tana Kama.
(e)The Mishnah repeats the K'lal that we learned in Mishnah 3 (that whatever one is fussy over is Chotzetz ... ) - because there it referred to a Chatzitzah on a person, whilst here, it refers to a Chatzitzah on clothes (Tos. Yom-Tov).
Hadran alach 'Eilu Chotzetzin ba'Adam'