(a)All Keilim have (the Din of) Achorayim and Toch, says the Mishnah. What area of Tum'ah is he referring to?
(b)What does the statement mean?
(c)What is the reason for this leniency (see Tiferes Yisrael)?
(a)All Keilim have (the Din of) Achorayim and Toch, says the Mishnah - with reference to Tum'as Mashkin (which is only mi'de'Rabbanan).
(b)This means - that Keilim with a Toch are subject to two Dinim. If the outside of the K'li becomes Tamei, then the inside does not; whereas if the inside becomes Tamei, the outside is automatically Tamei, too.
(c)This leniency, the Tiferes Yisrael explains -
serves as a reminder that Tum'as Mashkin is only mi'de'Rabbanan, and that one should therefore refrain from burning Terumah and Kodshim with which it came into contact.
(a)R. Yehudah cites various types of covers and sacks that the above principle incorporates. What is the significance of these examples?
(b)What does R. Meir say? What does he mean by 'Kol she'Yesh Lo Tovaros ... '?
(c)What is the status of the inside of a K'li that does not have loops, according to R. Meir, should the outside become Tamei?
(a)R. Yehudah cites various types of covers and sacks that the above principle incorporates - which are subject to the above leniency, even though it is possible to turn them inside out.
(b)According to R. Meir - Tum'as Achorayim will only apply to Keilim that have loops ('Tovaros' [see also Tos. Yom-Tov]), and which one is therefore unlikely to turn inside out.
(c)According to R. Meir, should the outside of a K'li that that does not have loops become Tamei - the inside will be Tamei too.
(a)According to R. Yehudah, a table and a Dulf'ki are also included in the Din of Achorayim and Toch. What is the definition of 'Toch' and 'Achorayim' in this context?
(b)What does R. Meir say?
(c)What does the Tana mean when he says 've'Chein Tavla she'Ein Lah Lizbez' (see Tiferes Yisrael)?
(a)According to R. Yehudah, a table and a Dulf'ki are also included in the Din of Achorayim and Toch. 'Toch' in this context - refers to the top of the K'li, which has been planed and is therefore smooth, and 'Achorayim' to the underneath section, which is still rough.
(b)R. Meir repeats here what he ruled in the previous case - 'Ein Lahem Achorayim'.
(c)When the Tana says 've'Chein Tavla she'Ein Lah Lizbez', he means - that R. Meir and R. Yehudah argue over a board that has no rim just as they do over the table and a Dulf'ki (Tiferes Yisrael).
(a)And they also argue over Achorayim and Toch of a Marde'a. What is 'Marde'a'?
(b)R. Yehudah refers to the Charchur and the Darban of the Marde'a. What is ...
1. ... 'Charchur'?
2. ... 'Darban'?
(c)What do the two have in common?
(a)And they also argue over Achorayim and Toch of a Marde'a - (a thick round plow-stick [which we will now discuss).
(b)R. Yehudah refers to the Charchur and the Darban of the Marde'a.
1. 'Charchur' is - a sort of spade with sharp edges, with which the person who is plowing cuts away roots that interfere with the plow.
2. 'Darban' is - a thin awl-shaped piece of metal which is stuck in the ground and is used as a rudder (to prevent the oxen from veering away from the furrow).
(c)The two have in common - that they are both made of metal (and therefore subject to Tum'ah even though they do not possess a receptacle.
(a)According to R. Yehudah, if the Charchur becomes Tamei, the seven Tefachim next to it becomes Tamei, too. How many Tefachim next to the Darban will become Tamei together with the Darban (see Tos. Yom-Tov)?
(b)How do others explain the Din Achorayim in this case?
(c)According to R. Meir, what is then the significance of the seven Tefachim next to the Charchur and the four, next to the Darban, referred to by Chazal?
(d)What is the reason for this Shi'ur?
(e)Like whom is the Halachah in all of the above cases?
(a)According to R. Yehudah, if the Charchur becomes Tamei, the seven Tefachim next to it becomes Tamei, too - and the same applies to the four Tefachim next to the Darban (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(b)Others explain - that if Tamei liquid falls on the Marde'a, outside seven Tefachim from the Charchur or outside four Tefachim from the Darban, then it adopts the Din of Achorayim and the Charchur and the Darban, respectively, remain Tahor (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)According to R. Meir, the significance of the seven Tefachim next to the Charchur and the four, next to the Darban, referred to by Chazal is with reference to - where the Marde'a breaks into two pieces. The ends remain Tamei provided seven Tefachim of Marde'a remain with the Charchur, and four with the Darban ...
(d)... because if there are, then each one retains its original function.
(e)In all the above cases - the Halachah is like R. Yehudah.
(a)In what connection does R. Meir list a measuring cup for wine or oil, a Zoma List'ra, a mustard-strainer and a wine sieve? What do they all have in common?
(b)What is 'Zoma List'ra'?
(c)On what grounds does R. Yehudah maintain that they are not subject to Achorayim?
(a)R. Meir rules that a measuring cup for wine or oil, a Zoma List'ra, a mustard-strainer and a wine sieve - are all subject to the dual Din of Achorayim ve'Toch.
(b)'Zoma List'ra' is - a double-functional K'li, one end of which is a ladle (to serve the soup), the other, a fork (to serve the meat [see Tos. Yom-Tov]).
(c)R. Yehudah maintains that they are not subject to Achorayim - because one sometimes turns these Keilim round, and uses the base (which serves as an independent receptacle [though it is unclear how this will apply to Zoma List'ron [see also Tiferes Yisrael & Mishnah Achronah]).
(a)What does R. Shimon say? Like whom does he hold on principle?
(b)What are the ramifications of his ruling?
(c)In what connection does he then agree with R. Yehudah?
(d)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)On principle - R. Shimon holds like R. Meir ...
(b)... and if the Achorayim become Tamei, food that is in the Toch remains Tahor.
(c)He agrees with R. Yehudah however - that, even where the outside became Tamei, the entire K'li (inside included) requires Tevilah (even though with regard to other cases of Achorayim, this is not the case [see Tiferes Yisrael]).
(d)The Halachah - is like R. Yehudah.
(a)The Mishnah rules that, in the case of Rova and Chatzi Rova, if one is Tamei, the other is not. What is the case?
(b)On what grounds did the Talmidim of R. Akiva query this?
(c)What did R. Akiva reply?
(d)What was R. Akiva saying according to the text 'shel Kat Kodmin Hi'?
(e)In that case, what did he reply?
(a)The Mishnah rules that, in the case of Rova and Chatzi Rova - (a vessel that has two compartments one beside the other, one that contains a quarter of a Kav, the other, an eighth) if one is Tamei, the other is not.
(b)The Talmidim of R. Akiva query this - on the grounds that the smaller section ought to be considered Achorayim to the larger one, in which case it ought to be Tahor.
(c)To which R. Akiva replied - that who tells you that it is the other way round (so perhaps the smaller section is considered 'Toch', and the larger one, 'Achorayim' (see Mishnah Achronah).
(d)According to the text 'shel Kat Kodmin Hi' - R. Akiva was telling them - that an earlier group of Talmidim had asked him exactly the same question.
(e)... following which - he gave them the same reply as he gave according to the first version.
(a)Elaborating on R. Akiva's ruling, R. Meir now discusses the status of the Rova and its outside, and the half-Rova and its outside, with regard to all the possible scenarios. What is the definition of ...
1. ... 'Rova' and 'Chatzi-Rova'?
2. ... 'the outside of the Rova' and 'the outside of the Chatzi-Rova'?
(b)What will the Din now be vis-a-vis each of the four sections in a case where the Tum'ah touched ...
1. ... the Rova?
2. ... the Chatzi-Rova?
3. ... the outside of the Rova?
4. ... the outside of the Chatzi Rova?
(a)Elaborating on R. Akiva's ruling, R. Meir now discusses the status of the Rova and its outside, and the Chatzi-Rova and its outside, with regard to all the possible scenarios.
1. 'Rova' and 'Chatzi-Rova' - refer to the Toch of each one, whereas ...
2. ... 'the outside of the Rova' and 'the outside of the Chatzi-Rova' - refers to their walls.
(b)Where the Tum'ah touched ...
1. ... the Rova - then the Rova and its outside are Tamei, but not the Chatzi-Rova and its outside.
2. ... the Chatzi-Rova - the Chatzi ha'Rova and its outside are Tamei, but not the Rova and its outside.
3. ... the outside of the Rova - then the outside of the Chatzi-Rova (and certainly the Rova and the Chatzi Rova) is Tahor.
4. ... the outside of the Chatzi Rova - the outside of the Rova (and certainly the Chatzi-Rova and the Rova) is Tahor.
(a)What status do we ascribe to the wall that divides between the two sections?
(b)This follows the opinion of R. Yochanan ben Nuri in the second Perek. What does he say about the middle wall?
(c)What do the Chachamim say?
(d)What is the Tana referring to when he rules that the entire K'li requires Tevilah (see Tos. Yom-Tov and Tiferes Yisrael)?
(a)We consider the half the wall that divides between the two sections as being Toch of the Rova, and the other half, Toch of the Chatzi Rova.
(b)This follows the opinion of R. Yochanan ben Nuri in the second Perek - who rules that we divide such a wall in two in this way (see Tos. Yom-Tov DH 'ha'Rova ve'Achorav ... ').
(c)According to the Chachamim - we do not divide the outsides of the two Keilim, and when one of them becomes Tamei, so does the other.
(d)When the Tana rules that the entire K'li requires Tevilah - he is referring to 'Nitma Gabo ve'Lo Tocho' (see Tos. Yom-Tov and Tiferes Yisrael).
(a)The Mishnah now discusses a case where Tamei liquid falls on the Kanei Keilim, Hogneihem, Ozneihem vi'Yedos ha'Keilim. What exactly is each of these accessories?
(b)The Tana draws a distinction, in this regard between 'Keilim ha'Mekablim' and other Keilim. What does 'Keilim ha'Mekabli' mean?
(c)Which 'other Keilim' does he specifically refer to?
(a)The Mishnah now discusses a case where Tamei liquid falls on the Kanei Keilim, Hogneihem, Ozneihem vi'Yedos ha'Keilim - (the base, the lip and the [ear-shaped and long] handles, respectively.
(b)The Tana draws a distinction, in this regard, between 'Keilim ha'Mekablim' and other Keilim. 'Keilim ha'Mekablim' means - vessels that are receptacles.
(c)The 'other Keilim' to which he specifically refers are - those without Achorayim ve'Toch.
(a)What does he now rule there where Tamei liquid touched any of the above accessories, assuming they belong to ...
1. ... Keilim ha'Mekablim?
2. ... Keilim she'Ein Lahem Achorayim ve'Toch?
(b)What is the reason for the leniency regarding the earlier ruling?
(c)What does the Mishnah finally say regarding the status of the rest of the K'li including the above accessories, in the case of 'K'li ...
1. ... she'Nitma Achorav be'Mashkin?
2. ... she'Nitma Tocho (be'Mashkin)?
(a)He now rules that, there where Tamei liquid touched any of the above accessories, assuming they belong to ...
1. ... Keilim ha'Mekablim - they must be dried, after which they remain Tahor.
2. ... Keilim she'Ein Lahem Achorayim ve'Toch - the entire K'li becomes Tamei.
(b)The reason for the leniency regarding the earlier ruling is - to serve as a reminder that the Tum'ah pertaining to the K'li is only mi'de'Rabbanan, so that one should not come to burn Terumah on account of it. Note, that this leniency is confines to Terumah, but does not extend to Kodshim.
(c)Finally, the Mishnah rules that, regarding the status of the rest of the K'li including the above accessories, in the case of 'K'li ...
1. ... she'Nitma Achorav be'Mashkin - Tocho, ve'Ogno ... Tehorin'.
2. ... she'Nitma Tocho (be'Mashkin) - 'Kulo Tamei'.
(a)The Mishnah repeats the ruling that all Keilim have Achorayim ve'Toch (see Tiferes Yisrael) but adds that Beis-ha'Tzevitah (based on the Pasuk in Megilas Rus "va'Yitzbat Lah Kali"). What is 'Beis ha'Tzevitah'?
(b)Others refer to it as 'Beis-ha'Tzevi'ah'. What is then the root of the word?
(c)What does the Tana now mean?
(a)The Mishnah repeats the ruling that all Keilim have Achorayim ve'Toch (see Tiferes Yisrael) but adds that Beis-ha'Tzevitah (based on the Pasuk in Megilas Rus "va'Yitzbat Lah Kali") - a narrow, acute cavity near the rim of the K'li which serves as a handle (by which one hands it from one person to the other).
(b)Others refer to it as 'Beis-ha'Tzevi'ah' - which then stems from the word 'Etzba' (finger).
(c)What the Tana now means is - that when the Beis-ha'Tzevitah becomes Tamei, the inside of the K'li does not (and neither does the outside (see Tiferes Yisrael).
(a)R. Tarfon confines the latter ruling to a large wooden dish. Why is that?
(b)R. Akiva disagrees. What does he add to that?
(c)According to R. Meir, the ruling of Beis ha'Tzevitah applies, irrespective of whether one's hands are Tamei or Tahor. What does R. Yossi say
(a)R. Tarfon confines the latter ruling to a large wooden dish - because, with small Keilim, the likelihood exists that, even as one holds the K'li by its Beis ha'Tzevitah with Tamei hands, one touches the liquid on the outside of the K'li, rendering the entire K'li Tamei.
(b)R. Akiva disagrees, adding - cups to the list (see Tiferes Yisrael).
(c)According to R. Meir, the ruling of Beis ha'Tzevitah applies, irrespective of whether one's hands are Tamei or Tahor. R. Yossi says - only to someone whose hands are Tahor (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)Based on the opinion of R. Yossi, what does the Mishnah rule in a case where someone is holding by the Beis ha'Tzevitah, a Kos whose outside is Tamei, with wet hands?
(b)What are we not afraid of?
(c)What similar ruling does the Tana issue regarding ...
1. ... somebody who is drinking from a Kos the back of which is Tamei? What are we not afraid of?
2. ... a boiling kettle whose outside is Tamei?
(a)Based on the opinion of R. Yossi, the Mishnah rule that in a case where someone is holding by the Beis ha'Tzevitah, a Kos whose outside is Tamei, with wet hands - his hands remain Tahor ...
(b)... and we are not afraid - that perhaps he touched the outside of the Kos.
(c)Similarly, the Tana rules - that ...
1. ... if somebody is drinking from a Kos the back of which is Tamei, the Kos remains Tahor. We are not afraid that the liquid in his mouth became Tamei via the back of the Kos, and then went and rendered the inside of the Kos Tamei (see Tiferes Yisrael).
2. ... the inside of a boiling kettle whose outside is Tamei - remains Tahor. We are not afraid that perhaps some of the water from inside the kettle spilled on to its outside, and then re-entered the kettle, rendering it Tamei.
(a)What does the Mishnah say about K'lei ha'Kodesh with regard to ...
1. ... Achorayim ve'Toch?
2. ... Beis ha'Tzevitah?
(b)What third Chumra does the Tana present with regard to the Tevilah of K'lei Kodesh?
(a)The Mishnah rules - that K'lei ha'Kodesh are not subject to the leniency of ...
1. ... Achorayim ve'Toch or ...
2. ... Beis ha'Tzevitah (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(b)The third Chumra does the Tana present regarding K'lei Kodesh is - that one may not Tovel one K'li Kodesh inside another.
(a)The Mishnah declares all Keilim subject to Tum'ah with Machshavah alone. What are the ramifications of this ruling in the case of a ring that is used to tie animals (which is not subject to Tum'ah)?
(b)And what does he then say about becoming Tahor (for example, in the reverse case)?
(c)On what principle are these two rulings based?
(a)The Mishnah declares all Keilim subject to Tum'ah with Machshavah alone. Consequently - by merely designating a ring that is used to tie animals (which is not subject to Tum'ah), to use as a finger ring, it becomes subject to Tum'ah.
(b)However, he continues - they do not become Tahor (for example, in the reverse case), unless one actually effects a change in the article.
(c)These two rulings are based on the principle - 'Ma'aseh Mevatel mi'Yad Ma'aseh u'mi'Yad Machshavah, u'Machshavah Einah Mevateles Lo mi'Yad Ma'aseh ve'Lo mi'Yad Machshavah'.
Hadran Alach, 'Kol ha'Keilim'