TA'ANIS 11 - Dedicated by Morris and Caroline Massel in loving memory of Morris' grandparents, Ezekiel and Sadie Massel z'l and Moses and Aziza Montefiore, all of whose Yahrzeits are in this season.
One is on a long journey, through a densely populated region. Must he eat as he would בשני רעבון ?
Only in Cho'l
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes A&C.
When the community is in distress, a person should not say that he will go home, eat and enjoy. What is their Teshuva?
Why did משה רבינו use rocks to support himself when being Mispallel?
They were close.
Pillows wouldn't be strong enough.
צבור was at war it wouldn't be right for him to be comfortable.
He didn't want to use the money of the צבור .
He didn't need any help.
בליל תענית one starts to eat when must he finish?
עד קרות הגבר
עד עלות השחר
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes A&C.
Rebbi Yirmiyah bar Aba says that there is no Ta'anis-Tzibur in Bavel other than Tish'ah be'Av _______ .
meaning fasts begin in the morning
all other fasts one may wear shoes
Machlokes all of the above.
Which garments did Moshe wear while performing the initiation of the Mishkan?