SUKAH 38 (18 Tishrei) - dedicated by Reb Tuvya Marcus and family (Baltimore/Yerushalayim) in honor of the Yahrzeit of his father, Binyomin Leib ben Aharon Marcus.
Until when may one shake Lulav?
All day.
Third of the day.
Bein ha'Arbaim.
Machlokes B&D.
May one eat before he takes Lulav?
As long as he has time to shake afterwards.
Not the first day.
Machlokes C&D.
One may have an Eved, Isha or Katan dictate the words of Halel for him.
True, he answers Amein.
True, he answers הללויה .
True, he repeats word for word.
Machlokes all the above
How did the way they used to recite Hallel in the times of the Mishnah differ from the way we recite it nowadays?