May one use a stolen סוכה?
- Yes.
- No.
- All but the first night.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
May one use a סוכה built in a public place?
- Yes.
- No.
- All but the first night.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
May one use a סוכה with stolen סכך ?
- Yes.
- No.
- All but the first night.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
May one use a dry Lulav?
- Yes.
- No.
- Only in the Mikdash.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
May one use a dry Esrog?
- Yes.
- No.
- Only in the Mikdash.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
Why is an Esrog called הדר ?
- Must be Mehudar.
- Is unique in that it can stay on the tree for years?
- You haven't shopped for one if you are asking.
- Gematria Ketana of Esrog.
- Machlokes A&B.