If a Sukah is higher than twenty Amos and one fills the space with תבן he has no use for is the סוכה Kosher?
Only if there are no cows around.
Machokes A&B.
Machokes A&C.
Sukah that is exactly ten Tefachim, bits of S'chach that allow in more sun than shade protrude below ten Tefachim,would it be Kosher?
So long as no one is alergic.
As long as they are pretty.
Machlokes A&B.
Sukah that is higher than twenty Amos become Kasher if one raises part of the floor so long as the stand is sightly bigger than the minimmum size for a Succah. This stand needs ___________ .
to touch three walls.
to touch 2 be within 4 Amos of the third.
not touch more than one.
need to touch none so long as it is within less than 4 Amos off all 3 walls.
Machlokes A&D.
To move a Kosher wall דופן עקומה we allow up to a little less than 4 Amos. What about to connect 2 vertical walls to make 10 Tefachim?
The same.
Can't be done.
Less than 3 Tefachim.
Can only be done on one wall.
Machokes A&B.
If one builds a (7x7 Tefach) platform 10 Tefachim tall in a Sukah taller than 20 Amos (away from the walls, such that Dofen Akumah is not relevant) we may apply גוד אסיק מחיצתא and "make" walls.
No, גוד אסיק מחיצתא can only apply to 1 wall we need 3.
No, גוד אסיק מחיצתא can only effect ניכר walls.
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes A&C.
If one erects four poles, placing a crossbeam from one to the other and places S'chach above them does this suffice?
Only if the poles are on the edges of a roof so we may employ גוד אסיק מחיצתא .
אמצע is a Machlokes. שפת is Machlokes Amorim (A or B) and D.