Quiz on שקלים ב
SHEKALIM 2 - Generously dedicated by Lee and Marsha Weinblatt of
Teaneck, New Jersey.
On the fifteenth of Adar the _______________ .
- Megila was read.
- roads and Mikvaos were repaired.
- communal needs were arranged
- Sheluchei Beis Din went out to destroy remaining Kilayim.
- All of the above.
Why do we bring the Shekalim in Nissan?
- This parallels the date of the first such purchase in the Mishkan.
- Gezeirah Shavah חדשי
- So the children should ask. (couldn't resist)
- תיקו
- Machlokes A&B.
When do they start announcing שקלים ?
- אדר
- Winter.
- בחמה עשר באדר
- Depends on need.
- A in E.Y. Machlokes A&B in Bavel.
All the Shekalim were brought as one by Nisan when was the purchasing done?
- Nisan
- As needed.
- בפרוס הפסח בפרוס העצרת בפרוס החג
- Purim.
- Shevuos.
Adar Stam in a document means Adar Rishon.
- True.
- False, Sheini.
- Minhag Medina.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Only in Bavel.
Making a Hesped and fasting apply to the fourteenth and the fifteenth of both Adars.
- Halacha.
- Minhag.
- Only Rishon.
- Only Sheini.
- Rishon Minhag, Sheini Halacha.