May one put a basket under a chicken to catch its egg?
- Yes.
- No,דקא מבטל כלי מהיכנו .
- No, דאינו הצלה מצויה.
- No, אין כלי ניטל אלא לדבר הניטל בשבת .
- Machlokes B&C&D.
May one put a basket under an egg so it shouldn't break?
- Yes, דהוא הצלה מצויה.
- Yes, we move a Keli even for an immovable object.
- No, דאינו הצלה מצויה.
- No, אין כלי ניטל אלא לדבר הניטל בשבת .
- Machlokes A&B&D.
Tevel wine is not Muktzah.
- True.
- False.
- Machlokes.
- Sofek.
- Teiku.
Is a regular honeycomb Muktze?
- Yes.
- No.
- Not if it has honey.
- Not if bees are still using it.
- Only on שבת not Yom Tov.
What method is there of moving the corpse out of the sun which all will agree with?
- Place a loaf of bread on the corpse.
- Carry the corpse less than 4 Amos at a time.
- Move it from bed to bed.
- Cover it with a sheet.
- Have 2 people sit next to it.
May one move the oil that remains in a lamp after it has gone out?
- Yes.
- No.
- Only on Yom Tov.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes B&C.