Quiz on שבת מא
SHABBOS 41 - Dedicated by an anonymous donor who has given a generous
gift to the Kollel
How did they come up from Mikve?
- Wearing a bathrobe.
- Bent over.
- Covered פניו של מטה.
- Standing straight.
- All but A.
If a group of armed Nochri soldiers enters a town what is the Din of its wine barrels.
- They are all considered נסך .
- They are all not considered נסך .
- Open ones are considered נסך.
- Open ones are considered נסך during peacetime.
- Machlokes A&B.
Why was ר' זירא hiding from רב יהודה ?
- He owed him money.
- He had a Shiduch he was avoiding.
- He wanted to move to א"י and רב יהודה was against it.
- רב יהודה wanted him to give a Shiur.
- He thought רב יהודה was angry at him.
בבלה יובאו ושמה יהיו (They shall be carried to Babylon and there they shall be) from this we learn __________ .
- One may not go from Babylon to א"י .
- One may not leave Babylon.
- The Kli Shares may not go from Babylon to א"י .
- Babylon is a good place to live.
- Machlokes A&C.
A pot taken off the fire with water remaining what if anything may one put in?
- Anything.
- Nothing.
- A large amount of water.
- A small amount of water.
- Machlokes B&D.
A pot taken off the fire and emptied of water what may one put in it?
- Anything one wants.
- Nothing.
- A small amount of water.
- A large amount of water.
- Machlokes C&D.