According to "רבא "פלוני בא על אשתי Is combines for what?
- Kill both.
- Kill neither.
- Kill him.
- Kill her.
- Machlokes A&C.
"פלוני בא על נערה המאורסה בתו של פלוני" if they are Muzam what happens?
- They pay.
- They are killed.
- Both.
- Neither.
- Machlokes C&D.
Is there Makos for 'לא תענה'?
- No, each witness can say without the other we did nothing.
- No, merely talking.
- Sofek.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
Why does רבי ישמעאל require 23 judges for lashes?
- The fellow might die.
- The fellow should die.
- It is smiilar to a death penalty.
- Talmid Toeh.
- Machlokes A&C.
____ judges are needed for Kidush ha'Chodesh.
- 3
- 23
- 70
- 71
- Machlokes C&D.
Which months are Mekudesh?
- All.
- None.
- Those that start on the 30th.
- 31st.
- Machlokes all of the above.