Why do we date documents according to the King's reign?
- We date from creation.
- שלום מלכות
- Ease of transacting with others.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
A tree is planted in Av when is it one year old for ערלה ?
- שבט
- חמשה עשר שבט
- ניסן
- תשרי
- Machlokes A&B.
A Jewish king is crowned on the third of תמוז when does his second year start?
- The third of תמוז .
- One solar year later.
- ניסן
- תשרי
- Machlokes C&D.
One pre-dates a Shtar it is ________ .
- fine
- worthless, transaction Batul
- מלוה על פה
- גובה מן המשועבדים from the real date.
- Teiku.
Jewish King dies in Ellul new one is crowned in שבט
. On 12 אדר a שטר is written whom is dated for?
- The old king.
- The new king.
- Whichever he wants.
- The new king if he is the son of the old one.
- The new king if he is not the son of the old one.
יציאת מצרים years are counted from _______ .
- ניסן
- תשרי
- 15th of ניסן
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.