האוכל תרומה בשוגג, and it has now gone up in price what does he pay?
- Nothing.
- Original price.
- New price.
- Average of the 2.
- Machlokes B&C.
האוכל תרומת חמץ בפסח בשוגג pays ________ .
- nothing
- קרן וחומש we hold לפי מדה משלם .
- קרן וחומש if one holds חמץ בפסח מותר בהנאה .
- Machlokes all the above.
- תיקו
If he ate b'Mezid he is exempt from payment, even from its fuel value.
- True, Kum lei.
- False, pays fuel value.
- False pays full value.
- Machlokes A&C.
- Machlokes B&C.
If on Pesach, one separated Chametz to be Terumah, it does not take effect.
- True.
- False.
- Safek.
- It is Teruma and new Teruma must be brought.
- Machlokes C&D.
If a Zar ate a k'Zayis of Terumah [b'Shogeg], he pays Keren v'Chomesh.
- True.
- No, he must eat a Beitzah.
- No, even Molei Lugma.
- Only if it is worth a Perutah.
- Machlokes A&D.
What if it was שוה פרוטה but not a Shiur?
- Patur.
- Pay Keren.
- Keren v'Chomesh.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes B&C.