One should allow the Terumah wine to fall into the Tamei Chulin wine below according to all if the _______________ .
- Tamei Chulin wine is more than the Terumah wine.
- Tamei Chulin wine is a sixty times more than the Terumah wine.
- Tamei Chulin wine is a hundred times more than the Terumah wine. .
- Never.
- Always.
** Hadran Alach, 'Or l'Arba'ah-Asar'! **
- TRUE!!!!
The fifth hour Erev Pesach Chametz is ________ .
- מותר באכילה ובהנאה
- אסור באכילה ומותר בהנאה
- תרומה מותר באכילה ובהנאה but Chulin is אסור באכילה .
- Machlokes all the above.
- Teiku
One may not sell Chametz to a Nochri unless he knows that the Nochri will finish it before Pesach.
- True.
- As long as he is allowed to eat he may sell.
- As long as he is allowed to own it he may sell.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes B&C.
Why does the Tana then need to add 'u'Mutar b'Hana'ah'?
- For the Frummies.
- Lo Zu Af Zu.
- If it were scorched before it is Mutar.
- Kashya.
- Machlokes B&C.
A Yisroel has a Neveilah may he sell it to a גר תושב ?
- Yes.
- No.
- Only at a discount.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.