ROSH HASHANAH 5758THE THREE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLESHowever, as the Sefer ha'Ikarim points out, the Rambam's list includes many specific points which can be summed up an even smaller set of general tenets. According to the Ikarim, there are *three* basics tenets of belief in Judaism: (1) There is a G-d Who Created all that exists; (2) G-d, the Creator, is aware of everything that transpires on this world and He will eventually reward the righteous deeds and penalize the unworthy ones. (3) G-d, the Creator, gave us the Torah in which He defined for us His will. Upon examination of the Rambam list of 13 principles, it becomes immediately evident that this short list includes all of the Rambam's principles in concise form. II(1) In Malchiyos, we affirm that Hashem is the Creator of the world and He therefore rules over all that exists. (2) In Zichronos, we affirm that Hashem remembers and records all that occurs in this world, and He will eventually reward Man according to his deeds. (3) Most of the verses of Shofros discuss the Shofar-blow that was heard upon the Giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai, representing the third of the principles. The Ikarim explains a verse in Yeshayah 33:22 as well based on this grouping of the tenets of belief. The verse states, "Hashem is our Judge, Hashem is our Lawgiver, Hashem is our King - He will bring us salvation!" Again, explains the Ikarim, the verse is referring to the three basic tenets of belief in Hashem: He created the world ("Hashem is our King"), He gave us the Written and Oral Law ("Hashem is our Lawgiver") and He will eventually judge us and reward us according to our deeds ("Hashem is our Judge"). |