TOSFOS DH Shum Tum'ah Chamurah b'Olam v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä ùåí èåîàä çîåøä áòåìí ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether Tum'ah requires intent.)
úéîä ãéôøù äà ã÷úðé ãàéðä éåøãú ìëê äîçùáä âåôä ãìà îöéðå èåîàä çîåøä ùöøéëä îçùáä áùåí î÷åí
Question: [How can Rashi] explain what was taught "it does not descend for this" to be the intent itself, i.e. we do not find a Tum'ah Chamurah that requires intent in any place?
Note: Our text of Tosfos asks why the Gemara did not ask this. Aruch l'Ner asks that this is Rava's answer, according to Rashi! He suggests that perhaps words are missing from Tosfos, and Tosfos challenges Rashi. We explain like this.)
ãäà ãàîøéðï ãðáìú áäîä åòåó èäåø öøéëéï îçùáä
Implied question: We say that Neveilah of Behemah and Ohf Tahor require intent [even though they have Tum'ah Chamurah]!
äééðå ìèåîàú àåëìéï ìöøó ôçåú îëæéú åôçåú îëáéöä àåëìéï
Answer: This refers to Tum'as Ochlim, to join with less than a k'Zayis or less than a k'Beitzah of food;
àáì ëæéú îäí îèîà àãí åëìéí áìà îçùáä ëãôøù"é (ëï äåà áãôåñ åðöéä)
However, a k'Zayis of them is Metamei people and Kelim without intent, like Rashi explained (50b DH Nivlas).
àáì èåîàä ÷ìä öøéëä îçùáä áòìîà
However, light Tum'ah requires intent in general.
åîéäå ðáìä ðîé áòéðï ùúäà øàåéä ìâø ìáø ôãà.
Question: However, also Neveilah must be proper for a convert, according to Bar Pada! (Aruch l'Ner - in Bechoros 23a, Bar Padas says that it still has light Tum'ah as long as a dog would eat it. This answer is like Tosfos there, who explains that "light Tum'ah" is Tum'as Ochlim. However, Rashi there explains that it is Tum'as Maga! Rashi can say that we find severe Tum'ah that requires intent, i.e. some Kelim need intent to receive Tum'ah, and they can become an Av ha'Tum'ah.)
TOSFOS DH Ela d'Zar'inhu li'Behemah
úåñôåú ã"ä àìà ãæøòéðäå ìáäîä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why it discusses in a Chatzer.)
åäà ãð÷è ùáçöø
Implied question: Why did it discuss in a Chatzer?
ìôé îàé ãîñé÷ ùòìå îàéìéäï àúé ùôéø îùåí ãáçöø àéï ãøê ìæøåò àìà áâéðä
Answer #1: According to the conclusion, that they grew by themselves, this is fine, for it is not normal to seed in a Chatzer, rather, in a garden.
åòåã ãáçöø ñúîà ìàãí ìôé ùøåàä åéåãò îúé ììå÷èï òã ùìà éú÷ùå
Also, in a Chatzer, Stam they are for man, since he sees and knows when to pick them before they harden.
åìôé îàé ãñ"ã äùúà éù ìôøù ãð÷è çöø ìôé ùãøê äúðà ìîð÷è çöø ãâí áùàø ãáø úðé çöø
Answer #2: According to the current Hava Amina, we can explain that it discusses in a Chatzer because the Tana's style is to discuss a Chatzer. Also regarding other matters he taught a Chatzer;
ã÷úðé äúí úàðä òåîãú áçöø àåëì àçú àçú (äâäú äá"ç) îäï åôèåø åàí öéøó çééá
He taught there "a fig tree standing in the Chatzer, he eats one at a time and he is exempt [from Ma'aser]. If he gathered [figs together], he is obligated;
âôï ðèåò áçöø ë÷åøðéú ùáçöø ùäçöø ÷åáòú áãáø ùðâîøä îìàëúå àí öéøó àå áìà öéøåó ëäðäå ùàéï øâéìéï ìòùåú îäï âåøï
If a vine was planted in a Chatzer, like savory in a Chatzer, the Chatzer is Kove'a (forbids eating before tithing) something whose Melachah was finished if he gathered, or even without gathering, e.g. for matters from which one does not make a granary.
åäà ãúðï ô"ç ãùáéòéú [î"à] ëì ùàéðå îéåçã ìà ìàåëì àãí åìà ìàåëì áäîä çéùá òìéå ìàåëì àãí åìàåëì áäîä ðåúðéï çåîøé àãí åçåîøé áäîä ëâåï äàæåá åä÷åøðéú
Implied question: A Mishnah (Shevi'is 8:1) teaches that anything that is not special for human consumption, and not for animal consumption, if one intended for it for human and animal consumption, we give it the stringencies of [food for] man and animals, e.g. hyssop and savory. (Here, we say that Stam savory is for human consumption!)
ìà ÷ùä àäà ãàîøéðï áùîòúéï ãñúîéä ìàãí ãäééðå ãå÷à áçöø ëãôøéùéú ìòéì.
Answer: This does not oppose what we say in our Sugya that Stam, it is for people, for this is only in a Chatzer, like I explained above.
TOSFOS DH Min ka'Tani Shma Minah
úåñôåú ã"ä îéï ÷úðé ù"î
(SUMMARY: Tosfos answers a question against this proof.)
åà"ú áøéù äâåæì ÷îà (á"÷ öã.) ÷àîø àáéé ãìø' éùîòàì ùéðåé àéï ÷åðä
Question: In Bava Kama (94a), Abaye said that according to R. Yishmael, Shinuy (changing a stolen object) does not acquire it;
ã÷àîøé øáðï ìà äôøéù ôàä îï ä÷îä éôøéù îï äòîøéí àå îï äëøé åìà îï äòéñä åìø' éùîòàì (äâäú äøù"ù) àó îï äòéñä
Rabanan say that if one did not separate Pe'ah from the standing crop, he separates from the piles or stack, but not from the dough (for he already acquired through Shinuy). According to R. Yishmael, [one separates] even from a dough.
åãçé øáà áòìîà ùéðåé ÷åðä åäëà îùåí úòæåá éúéøà
Rava rejects this. Normally, Shinuy acquires. Here, [it does not] due to an extra "Ta'azov";
åàáéé úòæåá éúéøà ìîô÷éø ëøîå
Abaye explains that the extra "Ta'azov" teaches about one who was Mafkir his vineyard;
àí ëï ìøáà îô÷éø ëøîå ôèåø îï äôàä ìø' éùîòàì (äâäú äøù"ù)
Consequence: If so, Rava holds that one who is Mafkir his vineyard, it is exempt from Pe'ah according to R. Yishmael.
åà"ë äéëé îåëç äëà ãîéï ÷úðé ãéìîà îúðé' ã÷úðé ëì ùçééá áôàä çééá áîòùø ø' éùîòàì (äâäú äøù"ù) äéà
Summation of question: If so, how is it proven from here that we taught species [that are liable or exempt from Ma'aser and Pe'ah]? Perhaps our Mishnah, which says that anything obligated in Pe'ah is obligated regarding Ma'aser, is R. Yishmael!
åé"ì ãìøáà ðîé úòæåá éúéøà ìîô÷éø ëøîå åúøúé ù"î
Answer: Also according to Rava, the extra "Ta'azov" teaches about one who was Mafkir his vineyard. It teaches two laws;
ãäà àáéé ðîé ããøéù ìéä áäâåæì ÷îà (ùí öã.) ìîô÷éø ëøîå ìë"ò ãøéù ìä áô"÷ ãúîåøä (ãó å.) ìîéìúà àçøéúé
Source: Also Abaye, who expounds this in Bava Kama (94a) for one who was Mafkir his vineyard according to everyone, expounds this in Temurah (6a) for a different matter!
ã÷àîø äúí àáéé ëì ãàîø øçîðà ìà úòáéã àé òáéã îäðé ìéä
Citation (Temurah 6a - Abaye): Anything that the Torah commanded not to do it, Iy Avid Mehani (if one did it, it took effect);
îåúéá øáà åäøé ôàä ãàîø øçîðà ìà úëìä åàîøéðï ãàí ìà äôøéù îï ä÷îä éôøéù îï äòåîøéï àå îï äëøé ìøáðï àå àó îï äòéñä ìø' éùîòàì (äâäú äøù"ù) àìîà ãìà îäðé
Citation (cont.) Question (Rava): Regarding Pe'ah, the Torah said "do not finish [harvesting the corner of your field]", and we say that if one did not separate Pe'ah from the standing crop, he separates from the piles or stack according to Rabanan, and even from the dough according to R. Yishmael. This shows that Iy Avid Lo Mehani] (it did not help)!
åîùðé àáéé äúí îùåí úòæåá éúéøà
Abaye answers that this is due to the extra "Ta'azov";
åøáà úòæåá éúéøà ìîô÷éø ëøîå
Rava says that the extra "Ta'azov" teaches about one who was Mafkir his vineyard;
åäùúà áéï àáéé åáéï øáà ãøùé úòæåá ìîô÷éø ëøîå
Observation: Both Abaye and Rava expound Ta'azov to teach about one who is Mafkir his vineyard;
åàáéé ãñáø ãáòìîà àé òáéã îäðé ãøéù ðîé îúòæåá ãéôøéù îï äòåîøéí àå îï äëøé àå îòéñä ìø' éùîòàì (äâäú äøù"ù) ãìà ðéîà àé òáéã îäðé
Abaye, who holds in general that Iy Avid Mehani, expounds also from Ta'azov to obligate separating from the piles or stack, or from the dough according to R. Yishmael, that we should not say Iy Avid Mehani;
àáì àé áòìîà ùéðåé ÷åðä ìø' éùîòàì (äâäú äøù"ù) ëîå áâæì àéï ñáøà ìäòîéã úòæåá ùéôøéù îï äòéñä àìà ããå÷à îòîøéí àå îäëøé
However, if in general Shinuy acquires according to R. Yishmael, like regarding theft, there is no reason to establish Ta'azov to obligate separating from a dough; [he must separate] only from the piles or stack.
åøáà ñáø ãúòæåá ìîô÷éø ëøîå åìø' éùîòàì (äâäú äøù"ù) ùéôøéù îï äòéñä àò"â ãáòìîà ùéðåé ÷åðä
Rava holds that "Ta'azov" teaches about one who was Mafkir his vineyard, and according to R. Yishmael, that he separates from a dough, even though normally Shinuy acquires;
àáì ìäôøéù îï äòåîøéí àå îï äëøé ìà öøéê ÷øà ãáòìîà ðîé ëì ãàîø øçîðà ìà úòáéã àé òáéã ìà îäðé ìøáà.
However, to separate from the piles or stack does not require a verse, for also normally, whenever the Torah said not to do something, Iy Avid Lo Mehani according to Rava. (Shinuy does not acquire).
TOSFOS DH v'Ha Sheves mid'Chayav b'Pe'ah Chayav Nami b'Ma'aser
úåñôåú ã"ä åäà ùáú îãçééá áôàä çééá ðîé áîòùø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we did not ask a different question.)
äåé îöé ìàúåéé äà ãúðà áîñ' îòùøåú (ã:ä - ëï öøéê ìäâéä) åîééúé ìä áô"÷ ãîñëú ò"æ (ãó æ:) äùáú îúòùø æøò åéø÷
Implied question: He could have brought what was taught in Ma'aseros (4:5), and it is brought in Avodah Zarah (7b), that the seed and Yerek (leaves) of Sheves (dill) are tithed;
åáäãéà úðï åîééúé áñîåê ãùáú îùðúðä èòí á÷ãøä àéðä îèîàä èåîàú àåëìéï äà òã ùìà ðúðä îèîàä
It is explicitly taught in a Mishnah, and we bring it below, that once dill gives taste in a pot, it has no Tum'as Ochlim. We infer that before it gives taste, it is Metamei [Tum'as Ochlim]!
àìà ãðéçà ìéä ìîôøê ãøáé ò÷éáà àãøáé ò÷éáà.
Answer: He prefers to ask a contradiction in R. Akiva.
TOSFOS DH ha'Ti'ah
úåñôåú ã"ä äúéàä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether Rashi's Perush can be defended.)
ôøù"é ãäééðå ñéàä
Explanation (Rashi): This is Si'ah (safflower).
å÷ùä ãìòéì àîø ãñúîéä ìàãí åçééá áîòùø åà"ë îèîà èåîàú àåëìéï åäëà ÷àîø úéàä àéï îèîà èåîàú àåëìéï
Question: Above, we said that Stam [Si'ah] is for people, and it must be tithed. If so, it has Tum'as Ochlim, and here we say that Tei'ah does not have Tum'as Ochlim!
åé"ì ããå÷à áçöø ñúîééäå ìàãí
Answer #1: Only in a Chatzer we say that Stam it is for people.
àé ðîé á' îéðéí äï.
Answer #2: These (Ti'ah and Si'ah) are two different species [unlike Rashi].
TOSFOS DH Im Nikach b'Kesef Ma'aser Mipnei Mah Ein Metamei Tum'as Ochlim
úåñôåú ã"ä àí ð÷ç áëñó îòùø îôðé îä àéï îèîà èåîàú àåëìéí ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why R. Yochanan ben Nuri would not say so about Kor.)
åà"ú åäà àîøéðï áôø÷ áëì îòøáéï (òéøåáéï ëç:) ÷åø ð÷ç áëñó îòùø åàéï îèîà èåîàú àåëìéï
Question: We say in Eruvin (28b) that Kor (shoots of a date tree) may be bought with Kesef Ma'aser, and it does not have Tum'as Ochlim!
åé"ì ã÷åø ðîé àí ùì÷å åèâðå îèîà èåîàú àåëìéï åìëê àó ÷åãí ùìé÷ä ð÷ç áëñó îòùø
Answer: Also Kor, if one overcooks it and fries it, has Tum'as Ochlim. Therefore, even before cooking it one may buy it with Kesef Ma'aser;
îéãé ãäåé àáäîä åçéä ãð÷çåú áëñó îòùø ìôé ùøàåééï ìùçåè àáì èåîàú àåëìéí àéï ìäí îçééí
This is like a [live] Behemah and Chayah. One may buy them with Kesef Ma'aser, for it is proper to slaughter them, but they do not have Tum'as Ochlim while alive.
åäëà ôøéê ùôéø àé ð÷çú áëñó îòùø ìôé ùøàåéä àçø úé÷åï ìàëéìä àí ëï éèîà èåîàú àåëìéí îéã ùäøé á÷ì éëåì ìú÷ðä åîòúä éù òìéä ùí àåëì
Answer (cont.): Here we ask properly. If one may buy it with Kesef Ma'aser because it is proper to eat after it is fixed, it should have Tum'as Ochlim immediately, for one can fix it easily, and from now it is considered a food;
åìà ãîé ì÷åø ùîçåñø ùìé÷ä åèâåï
This is unlike Kor, which still needs overcooking and frying.
åàé àéï îèîà èåîàú àåëìéï ìôé ùàçø äú÷åï àéðä øàåéä áôðé òöîä ìàëéìä àí ëï âí ìà éäå ð÷çåú áëñó îòùø.
And if it does not have Tum'as Ochlim, because after fixing it is not proper to eat by itself, if so, also they should not be bought with Kesef Ma'aser.
TOSFOS DH v'Lichtov Rachmana Kaskeses v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä åìëúåá øçîðà ÷ù÷ùú ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that initially we knew this through a tradition.)
åà"ú åäéëé äåé éãòé îä ÷ù÷ùú ÷åãí ùðëúá ÷øà ãâìéú
Question: How did they know what is Kaskeses before the verse of Galyus was written?
åéù ìåîø ãî÷áìä äåä éãòéðï
Answer: They knew through a tradition.
ãäëé ðîé ðâéçä ìà éãòéðï ãäåéà á÷øï àìà î÷øà ãåéòù ìå öã÷éäå áï ëðòðä ÷øðé áøæì åâå' (á"÷ ãó á:)
Similarly, we knew that Negichah is with a horn only from the verse "va'Ya'as Lo Tzidkiyahu ben Kena'anah Karnei Barzel..." (Bava Kama 2b).
åà"ú åîðìï ãáòéðï úøåééäå àéîà ãèäåø áçãà îéðééäå àå áäà àå áäà òã ùéôøè ìê äëúåá éçãå
Question: What is the source that we require both of them? Perhaps [a fish] is Tahor if it has either of them, until the Torah says "together" [to teach that both are required]!
åé"ì ãåîéà ãñéîðé áäîä áòéðï îòìú âøä åîôøñú ôøñä îãàñø øçîðà çæéø åâîì.
Answer: This is like Simanim of animals. We require chewing the cud and split hooves, since the Torah forbade a pig (which has split hooves) and camel (which chews the cud).
TOSFOS DH Kol ha'Ta'un Berachah l'Acharav ha'Ta'un Berachah Lefanav
úåñôåú ã"ä ëì äèòåï áøëä ìàçøéå èòåï áøëä ìôðéå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Tevilah is an exception.)
åáøëú èáéìä ãàîøéðï áô"÷ ãôñçéí (ãó æ:) ãîáøê àçø èáéìä
Implied question: It says in Pesachim (7b) that one blesses after immersing!
Note: Some say that this refers only to a convert. Others say that it refers to any Tamei who immerses.
äúí ðîé ãéðä ìäéåú ìôðéä àìà îùåí ãâáøà ãìà çæé äåà.
Answer: There, he should bless, just he is not proper to bless beforehand.
TOSFOS DH veli'Vnei Ma'arava d'Mevarchei... Lishmor Chukav
úåñôåú ã"ä åìáðé îòøáà ãîáøëé... ìùîåø çå÷éå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when they blessed this.)
àåîø ø"ú ãòì úôéìéï ìáã äåå îáøëé ìùîåø çå÷éå ã÷øà (ùîåú éâ) ãåùîøú àú äçå÷ä äæàú ìîåòãä ñ"ì ìáðé îòøáà ãáúôéìéï ëúéá ëãàîø áéøåùìîé
Explanation (R. Tam): Only on [removing] Tefilin they blessed Lishmor Chukav, for Bnei Ma'arava hold that the verse "v'Shamarta Es ha'Chukah ha'Zos l'Mo'adah" is written regarding Tefilin, like it says in the Yerushalmi;
àáì öéöéú ëé ÷îñì÷ îòìéå ìéëà îàï ãîáøê
When one removes Tzitzis, there is no opinion that he blesses.
åúôéìéï ðîé ãå÷à ëùîñì÷ï ñîåê ìù÷éòú äçîä ùîçåéá ìñì÷ï
Also Tefilin, [he blesses] only when he removes them close to Shki'ah, when he is obligated to remove them;
ëãàîø áä÷åîõ øáä (îðçåú ãó ìå:) äðéç úôéìéï ìàçø ù÷éòú äçîä òåáø áòùä ãëúéá åùîøú àú äçå÷ä åäùîø ãòùä òùä
It says in Menachos (36b) that if one put on Tefilah after Shki'ah, he transgressed an Aseh "v'Shamarta Es ha'Chukah." [When a form of the word] Hishamer is written regarding a Mitzvas Aseh, this is an Aseh.
àáì öéöéú àò"â ãôèåø áìéìä ìéëà àéñåø åàéï çééá ìñì÷ï
Distinction: However, even though one is exempt from Tzitzis at night, there is no Isur [to wear them at night], and one need not remove them.
åáùîòúéï äåé îöé ìîéîø ìàúåéé öéöéú
Implied question: In our Sugya, why didn't we say that this includes Tzitzis? (One blesses before them, but not after.)
àìà ãðéçà ìîéð÷è øéçðé îùåí ãôñé÷à ãàëì øéçðé àéï îáøê àçøéäï
Answer: He prefers to mention fragrances, for it is uniformly true. On all fragrances, we do not bless afterwards.
åìãéãï ìà ÷é"ì ëáðé îòøáà åìà îáøëéï àçø úôéìéï ìùîåø çå÷éå ãáôø÷ ä÷åîõ øáä (ùí ãó ìå:) îåëç ãìéìä æîï úôéìéï äåà
Pesak: We do not hold like Bnei Ma'arava hold. We do not bless after Tefilin Lishmor Chukav, for in Menachos (36b) it is proven that [mid'Oraisa] the Mitzvah of Tefilin applies [even] at night.
ãäëé ñáø øá àùé äúí åîãøáðï äåà ãàñåø ùìà éùï áäï
Rav Ashi holds like this there. Mid'Rabanan it is forbidden to wear Tefilin at night, lest he sleep in them [and pass gas];
å÷øà ãåùîøú îå÷îéðï ìä ãáçå÷ú äôñç äëúåá îãáø
We establish the verse "v'Shamarta" to discuss Chukas ha'Pesach.
åàó òì âá ãùáú ìàå æîï úôéìéï äåà îëì î÷åí àéï îáøê òìéäí ëùîñì÷ï ò"ù òí çùëä
Implied question: There is no Mitzvah of Tefilin on Shabbos. We should bless when removing them Erev Shabbos, close to dark!
ãàéï çééá ìñì÷ï ãðô÷à ìï (ùí) îìàåú òì éãê éöàå ùáúåú åéå"è ùäï âåôï àåú
Answer: He is not obligated to remove them. We learn from "l'Os Al Yadecha" - this excludes Shabbos and Yom Tov, which themselves are Osos (signs that Hash-m chose us, and we are His nation. One is exempt from Tefilin, but there is no Isur to wear them (Maharam).)