TOSFOS DH v'Al ha'Yayin Ben Mem Yom
úåñôåú ã"ä åòì äééï áï î' éåí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is Kosher for the Mizbe'ach l'Chatchilah.)
ôøù''é ã÷åãí ìëï äåé ééï îâúå
Explanation (Rashi): Before [40 days], it is grape juice.
àò''â ãàîøé' áäîåëø ôéøåú (á''á ãó öæ.) ééï îâúå àí äáéà ëùø
Implied question: We said in Bava Basra (97a) that if one brought grape juice, it is Kosher [b'Di'eved]!
áï î' éåí ìëúçéìä ðîé éáéà àôéìå éù äøáä îééï àçø
Answer: If it is 40 days, he may bring even l'Chatchilah, even if he has much other (older) wine.
TOSFOS DH Yesh Lahen Bi'ur ul'Demeihem Bi'ur
úåñôåú ã"ä éù ìäï áéòåø åìãîéäí áéòåø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that there is a difference in their Kedushah.)
àò''â ãùáéòéú úåôñú ãîéä éù çéìå÷ ááéòåø áéï ãîéä ìòöîä
Observation: Even though the Kedushah of Shemitah transfers onto the money paid for it, there is a difference between its money and itself;
ëãúðï áô''æ (äâäú äá"ç) ãùáéòéú ø' îàéø àåîø ãîéä îúáòøéí òã ø''ä (äâäú äøù"ù).
Source (Shevi'is 7:2 - Mishnah - R. Meir): Its money is eradicated until Rosh Hashanah.
Note: Tosfos ha'Rosh concludes "this implies that they [Peros Shemitah] are not."
úåñôåú ã"ä ÷èó
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is the name of the tree.)
ôéøù øù''é ùí äòõ
Explanation (Rashi): This is the name of the tree.
åëï ááøééúà ô''÷ ãëøéúåú (ãó å.) øùá''â àåîø äöøé àéðå àìà ùøó îòöé ä÷èó åùøó òöîå ð÷øà ÷èó òì ùí äòõ ëãàîø äëà ãéù áå ùáéòéú
Support: In a Beraisa in Kerisus (6a), R. Shimon ben Gamliel says "Tzari is just a sap of the Ketaf tree." The sap itself is called Ketaf, due to the name of the tree, like it says here that it has Shevi'is.
åáñîåê ðîé àîø ã÷èôå æäå ôøéå åöøé åìåè (áøàùéú ìæ) îúøâîéðï ÷èó åìåèà
Also below, it says "its Ketaf is its fruit." The Targum of "u'Tzeri va'Lot" is Ketef v'Luta.
åîä ùôéøù''é ãàéðå òåùä ôéøåú àìà ùøó ðåèó îîðå åæäå ôøéå
Explanation (Rashi): It does not make fruit. Its only fruit is the sap that drips from it.
àéðå ìîàé ãîå÷é ìéä ø' æéøà áñîåê á÷èôà ãôéøà
Question: This is not true, according to how R. Zeira establishes below to discuss Kitfa (sap) of fruit [of the Kitfa tree]!
TOSFOS DH v'Amar R. Pedas Man Tana v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä åàîø øáé ôãú îàï úðà ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with a Gemara that connotes that R. Elazar had no children.)
åàí úàîø ãáôø÷ ÷îà ãáøëåú (ãó ä:) àîø ìéä ø' éåçðï ìøáé àìòæø àé îùåí áðé ãéï âøîà ãòùéøàä áéø îùîò ãìøáé àìòæø ìà äéå ìå áðéí
Question: In Brachos (5b), R. Yochanan said to R. Elazar "[why do you cry?] If it is due to [lack of] children, this is a bone from my 10th son (all my sons died)." This implies that R. Elazar did not have children!
åéù ìåîø ùàçøé ëï ðåìã ìå
Answer #1: Afterwards R. Elazar had children.
àå äéå ìå áðéí äøáä åîúå î÷öúí åàîø ìéä øáé éåçðï ëê ëãé ìðçîå
Answer #2: [R. Elazar] already had many children, and some died, and R. Yochanan said so in order to console him.
TOSFOS DH Man Tana d'Amar Kitfa Peira R. Eliezer
úåñôåú ã"ä îàï úðà ãàîø ÷èôà ôéøà ø' àìéòæø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the argument.)
åàí úàîø áîàé ôìéâé
Question: What do they argue about?
àé áéòåøå åäðàúå ùåä îàé èòîà ãøáðï ãàôé' òöéí äåå àñéøé áùáéòéú àé ìàå ãàéï äðàúå åáéòåøå ùåä
If it is eradicated at the time one benefits from it, what is Rabanan's reason [to permit]? Even wood of Shevi'is would be forbidden, if not that it is not eradicated at the time one benefits from it!
åàé àéï äðàúå åáéòåøå ùåä ìà àñåø áùáéòéú
If it is not eradicated at the time one benefits from it, [R. Eliezer should agree that] it is not forbidden in Shevi'is!
åàéï ñáøà ìåîø ãôìéâé àé äðàúå åáéòåøå ùåä àé ìàå
It is unreasonable to say that they argue about whether or not it is eradicated at the time one benefits from it!
åéù ìåîø ãåãàé äðàúå åáéòåøå ùåä åìôé ùàéðå ëé àí ìçìåçé äòõ ùøå øáðï ãáèì àâá äòõ
Answer: Surely, it is eradicated at the time one benefits from it. Since it is merely moisture of the tree, Rabanan permit, for it is Batel to the tree;
åøáé àìéòæø ñáø ãäðàúå çùéáà åäåé ôéøé
R. Eliezer holds that its benefit is important, and it is [considered] fruit.
TOSFOS DH v'Avuch Amar Halachah k'R. Eliezer b'Dalet
úåñôåú ã"ä åàáåê àîø äìëä ëø''à áã'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the inference that the Halachah does not follow R. Eliezer.)
àò''â ãø' éåñé ÷àé ëååúéä ãáäâåæì ÷îà (á''÷ ãó ÷á.) àéú ìéä (äâää áâìéåï) ãùáéòéú ðåäâú áòöéí åà''ë ë''ù ÷èôà
Implied question: R. Yosi holds like him in Bava Kama (102a). He holds that Shevi'is applies to wood. If so, all the more so it applies to Kitfa;
åîùåí ãøáé éåñé ÷àé ëåúéä ìà çùéá ìéä òí äðê
[Perhaps the Halachah follows R. Eliezer, but] because R. Yosi holds like him, it is not counted with the other [such places]!
ãèòîà ãø' éåñé îùåí ãìà áòé äðàúå åáéòåøå ùåä åìà ÷ééîà ìï ëååúéä àìà àéï ùáéòéú ðåäâú áòöéí
Answer: R. Yosi's reason is because he does not require that it is eradicated at the time one benefits from it, and we do not hold like him. Rather, [we hold that] Shevi'is does not apply to wood;
ãø' éåñé ðîé îåãä ã÷èôà ìàå ôéøà äåà ìòðéï òøìä
Also R. Yosi agrees that Kitfa is not fruit regarding Orlah.
TOSFOS DH Mishum d'Kai R. Yehudah ben Bava Kevasei
úåñôåú ã"ä îùåí ã÷àé øáé éäåãä áï ááà ëåúéä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we did not say that R. Yehoshua holds like him.)
àò"â ãáîúðé' ðîé çæø áå ø' éäåùò å÷àé ëååúéä åàô"ä îðé ìä áã'
Implied question: Also in our Mishnah, R. Yehoshua retracted and holds like him, and even so, it is counted among the four [places where the Halachah follows R. Eliezer]!
åé"ì ãùîà ø' éäåùò ñáø ëø' éåñé ãîöøéê â' òåðåú áîòåáøú åîðé÷ä ãôìéâ àøáé àìéòæø
Answer: Perhaps R. Yehoshua holds like R. Yosi, who obligates three Onos for a pregnant or nursing woman. He argues with R. Eliezer;
åìà äãø áéä àìà îîä ùàîø àðé ìà ùîòúé àìà áúåìä. âé':
R. Yehoshua retracted only from what he said "I heard only a Besulah."
TOSFOS DH u'Mi Kai (pertains to Amud B)
úåñôåú ã"ä åîé ÷àé (ùééê ìòîåã á)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we did not ask the contradiction in R. Chanina.)
äø"î æ"ì àîø ãìà ôøéê îáøééúà àáøééúà
Implied question (Maharam): Why don't we ask one Beraisa against the other Beraisa? (R. Chanina ben R. Gamliel contradicts himself!)
îùåí ãä"à ãäãø áéä îääéà ãäåãàä àçø ùùîò (äâää áâìéåï) îøáåúéå
Answer: One might have thought that he retracted from [holding like R. Eliezer, that one says Havdalah in] Modim after he heard from his Rebbeyim;
àáì äùúà ã÷àîø ã÷àé áùéèúéä îùîò ãìà äãø áéä ãàì"ë àëúé úé÷ùé åúå ìéëà ìëê ôøéê ùôéø åîé ÷àé. âé'
However, now that it says that [R. Chanina] holds like [R. Eliezer], this connotes that [R. Chanina] did not retract, for if not, we could still ask "are there no other places?!" Therefore, it is a proper question "does he really hold like him?!" (Another Beraisa teaches that R. Chanina holds that he says it in Chonen ha'Da'as!)
TOSFOS DH Mipnei she'Tzarich Lomar Havdalah b'Chonen ha'Da'as (pertains to Amud B)
úåñôåú ã"ä îôðé ùöøéê ìåîø äáãìä áçåðï äãòú (ùééê ìòîåã á)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we do not challenge this like we asked in Brachos.)
ä÷ùä äø''ø éò÷á îàåøìéð''ù åðëììéä îëìì
Question (Ri of Orlins): We should include [Havdalah] in Havineinu (the Brachah that encompasses all the middle Brachos)!
ãäëé ôøéê ôø÷ úôìú äùçø (áøëåú ãó ëè.) àäà ãàîø ùîåàì ëì äùðä îúôìì äáéððå çåõ îîåöàé ùáú îôðé ùö''ì äáãìä áçåðï äãòú åôøéê åðëììéä îëìì
We ask like this in Brachos (29a) against Shmuel's teaching, that the entire year one may pray Havineinu, except for Motzei Shabbos, because he must say Havdalah, and we ask that he should include [Havdalah] in it!
åé''ì ãäúí ôøéê îùåí ãìà éùðä àãí îùåí äáãìä îëîå ùäåà îúôìì ëì äùðä [ëéåï ãñáø ãëì äùðä îúôìì äáéððå] àìà éëìåì áäáéððå
Answer: There we ask because a person should not change due to Havdalah from the way he prays the entire year (since he holds that the entire year one may pray Havineinu), rather, he should include it in Havineinu;
åäëà ÷àîø ø' çðéðà [ëéåï ãñ''ì ãëì äùðä àéðå îúôìì äáéððå à''ë] áîåöàé éåä''ë îôðé èåøç úòðéú ìà éùðä îëîå ùäåà îúôìì ëì äùðä ëãé ùéàîø äáãìä áçåðï äãòú:
Here, R. Chanina says [since he holds that the entire year one does not pray Havineinu, if so] on Motzei Yom Kipur, due to difficulty of the fast, he should not change from how he prays the entire year, so that he will say Havdalah in Chonen ha'Da'as (to enable praying Havineinu).
TOSFOS DH v'Ha Kashish Minei Tuva
úåñôåú ã"ä åäà ÷ùéù îéðéä èåáà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how we know that he was older.)
ø''à îøáé çðéðà
Explanation: R. Eliezer was [much older] than R. Chanina.
ôøù''é ùø' çðéðà äéä áðå ùì ø''â ãéáðä
Explanation (Rashi): R. Chanina was the son of R. Gamliel of Yavneh.
åë''ð ãáôø÷ äîôìú (ì÷îï ãó ëâ.) à''ø çðéðà áï âîìéàì ðøàéï ãáøé ø''î ááäîä åáçéä
Support: Below (23a), R. Chanina ben R. Gamliel said "I agree with R. Meir's words regarding a Behemah and Chayah."
åà''ú åäà áú''ë (ô' àîåø) âáé ôðçñ àéù äñúú ùòìä âåøìå ìäéåú ë''â ëå' àîø ø' çðéðà áï øáï âîìéàì åëé ñúú äéä åäìà çúðéðå äéä åçåøù äéä
Question: in Toras Kohanim, regarding Pinchas Ish ha'Sasas (the quarrier), whose fortune was to become Kohen Gadol, R. Chanina ben R. Gamliel said "was he a quarrier?! He was our son-in-law, and he was a carpenter!"
åàé áï ø''â ãéáðä äéä äéàê äéä ìå çúï ë''â åäìà äéä àçø äçåøáï
If [R. Chanina] was the son of R. Gamliel of Yavneh, how could his son-in-law be Kohen Gadol? He was after the Churban!
åé''ì ãìàå çúðéðå îîù ÷àîø àìà çúï àáåúéå
Answer: He was not truly his son-in-law, rather, the son-in-law of his ancestors.
åëï îùîò ãìà àîø çúðé àìà çúðéðå äéä
Support: He did not say "[he was] my son-in-law", rather, he was our son-in-law!
TOSFOS DH b'Kitfa d'Peira Modu Lei d'Tanan Amar R. Yehoshua v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä á÷èôà ãôéøà îåãå ìéä ãúðï à''ø éäåùò ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why R. Pedas established our Mishnah like an individual.)
åà''ú [à''ë] àîàé àå÷é øáé ôãú îúðéúéï ëø''à ëéåï ãøáðï îåãå á÷èôà ãôéøà
Question: Why does R. Pedas establish our Mishnah like R. Eliezer, since Rabanan agree about Kitfa d'Peira?
åàé îùåí ãáòé ìàå÷åîé áëì îéðé ÷èó àôé' áãâååæà
Suggestion: He wants to establish it to discuss all kinds of Ketef, even of wood.
î''î äéëé ÷àîø ìéä ø' æéøà çæé ãîùúøéà ÷èôà ìòìîà äà åãàé àîú äåà ã÷èôà ãâååæà ùøé ãàó ø' æéøà îåãä ãàéï äìëä ëø''à àìà áã'
Rejection: Still, how could R. Zeira say to him (8a) "see, you permit Kitfa to everyone"? Surely it is true that Kitfa of wood is permitted. Even R. Zeira agrees that the Halachah follows R. Eliezer only in four places!
åìéëà ìîéîø ãàúé ìîèòé åìîùøé àó ÷èôà ãôéøà
Suggestion: People will come to err, and permit even Kitfa of fruit.
îãìà îå÷é øáé ôãú îúðé' á÷èôà ãôéøà åãáøé äëì îëìì ãñáø àó á÷èôà ãôéøà øáðï äåà ãùøå
Rejection: Since R. Pedas does not establish our Mishnah to discuss Kitfa of fruit, and like everyone, this implies that he holds that even Kitfa of fruit, [only] Rabanan permit it;
äà ìà àúé ìîèòé ãäà çæéðï áîùðä ùàåñø øáé éäåùò ùøó äôâéí
People will not come to err, for we say in the Mishnah that R. Yehoshua forbids sap of unripe figs!
åé''ì ùéèòå åéñáøå ùøáé éäåùò ùîòúé ÷àîø åìéä ìà ñ''ì îãìà îå÷é ø' ôãú îúðé' ëååúéä åá÷èôà ãôéøà
Answer: They will err, and think that R. Yehoshua said "I heard", but he does not hold like this, since R. Pedas did not establish our Mishnah like him, and regarding Kitfa of fruit;
åàôùø ãø' ôãú ñáø ã÷èôà ãôéøà ùøé åø' [éäåùò] ÷àîø ùîòúé åìéä ìà ñáéøà ìéä
It is possible that R. Pedas holds that Kitfa of fruit is permitted, and R. Yehoshua said "I heard", but he does not hold like this.
TOSFOS DH Man Chachamim R. Eliezer
úåñôåú ã"ä îàï çëîéí (à''ø éåçðï) ø''à
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we establish it like an individual.)
àò''â ãúðà áìùåï çëîéí
Implied question: It was taught in the name of Chachamim! (Why should we establish it like an individual?)
ðéçà ìéä ìàå÷åîé ëø''à åìà ìéîà â' îçìå÷åú áãáø:
Answer: Even so, he wants to establish it like R. Eliezer, and not say that there are three opinions about the matter.