AMBIGUOUS EXPRESSIONS (Yerushalmi Perek 1 Halachah 3 Daf 4a)
כאימרה ר' יוחנן אמר כאימר תמידא.
Answer: 'Like Imra' - R. Yochanan said, [he means] like a lamb of the Tamid;
תמן אמרין כוולד חטאת.
There (in Bavel) they say, like the child of a Chatas. (It dies and it is not offered! Rather, we must say that is Matfis in the original Kedushah, i.e. its mother. The same applies to one who said 'k'Nosar of Shelamim.' Even though R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish argue about k'Imra, there is no source to say that they argue about whether or not one is Matfis in the original Kedushah.)
ר"ש בן לקיש אמר כאילו של אברהם אבינו.
(Reish Lakish): [He means] like the ram of Avraham Avinu (that he offered in place of Yitzchak).
תני ר' חייה מסייע לר"ש בן לקיש כאימרא דלא ינק מן יומוהי.
Support (for Reish Lakish - R. Chiyah's Beraisa): Like a lamb that never nursed. (Avraham's ram was created at the end of the six days of Creation (Avos 5:6), i.e. as a mature ram.)
על דעתין דרבנין דתמן ניתני כעזרה
Source: Rabanan there [say that Imra is not a Korban that is offered, for 'Mizbe'ach' teaches this. If 'Mizbe'ach' refers to the Mizbe'ach itself,] it should have taught [also] 'k'Azarah'!
אמר רבי אבין על דעתיה דר"ש בן לקיש ניתני כקרבנות המזבח.
(R. Avin): Reish Lakish [holds that Avraham's ram was a proper Korban. 'Mizbe'ach' refers to the Mizbe'ach itself. If it referred to Korbanos of the Mizbe'ach,] it should have taught Korbanos ha'Mizbe'ach!
אמר ר' יוסי בי ר' בון על דעתיה דר' יוחנן ניתני כדישון מזבח הפנימי והמנורה
(R. Yosi bei R. Bun): R. Yochanan [did not explain like Rabanan or Reish Lakish, for Me'ilah does not apply to Vlad Chatas, nor to Avraham's ram, for he did not have the law of Yisrael. If our Mishnah wanted to teach about Kedushah without Me'ilah] it should teach ashes of the inner Mizbe'ach and the Menorah! (We explained this like TAL TORAH.)
כדיריי' כדירים של עצים [דף ד עמוד ב] כדיריים של קרבנות כעצים כשני גיזירי עצים.
[Our Mishnah said] 'like pens' - like pens of wood (for the fire on the Mizbe'ach), or like pens of Korbanos. 'Like wood' - like two logs (that are arranged on the Mizbe'ach each day).
כאישים כשלהביות של אש. כמזבח כקרבנות המזבח. כהיכל כקרבנות ההיכל. כירושלים כקרבנות ירושלים.
'Like fires' - like flames [on the Mizbe'ach]. 'Like the Mizbe'ach' - like Korbanos of the Mizbe'ach. 'Like the Heichal' - like Korbanos of (i.e. their blood is brought into) the Heichal. 'Like Yerushalayim' - like Korbanos of Yerushalayim.
נדר באחד מכל משמשי מזבח כגון כף ומחתה ומזרק.
If one vowed through any of the matters that serve the Mizbe'ach, like a spoon [for Levonah], incense pan or bucket [for blood, it is as if he said Korban].
ר' יודה אומר האומר כירושלים לא אמר כלום שלא נתכוון זה אלא לעצים ולאבנים שבה.
R. Yehudah says, one who says 'ki'Yrushalayim' it has no effect, for he intended only for the wood and rocks in it t.
כתורה הרי זה מותר. כקדושת תורה
[If one said] 'k'Torah', it is permitted; [he intended] ki'Kedushas ha'Torah (it is not Devar ha'Nadur).
ככתוב בה הרי זה אסור. כקרבנו' הכתובין שבה.
[If one said] 'like what is written in it', it is forbidden. He intended for the Korbanos written in it.
אית תניי תני כתורה וככתו' בה הרי זה מותר.
Some teach 'k'Torah' and 'like what is written in it', it is permitted.
ר' אבין בר כהנא אמר דר"ש היא.
(R. Avin bar Kahana): This is like R. Shimon;
אמר רבי יוחנן דברי ר"ש נמצא שאין בידו חיטין ופטור על השאר.
(R. Yochanan): R. Shimon says that [if one swore 'I do not have of yours wheat or barley or spelt',] if it is found that he does not have wheat, he is exempt for the rest (since he is exempt for the first. Also here, since the vow does not take effect on the first matter (k'Torah), it does not take effect on the rest.)
אמר רבי יוסי דברי הכל היא. כתורה כקדושת תורה. ככתוב בה כקדושת כתוביא:
(R. Yosi): It is like everyone. 'K'Torah', he intended] ki'Kedushas ha'Torah. 'Like what is written in it', he intended for the Kedushah of [Hash-m's name and other Kodesh matters] written in it. (RASHBA 14b).