LIABILITY FOR REPEATED TRANSGRESSIONS (Yerushalmi Perek 6 Halachah 4 Daf 29a)
îúðé' ðæéø ùäéä ùåúä áééï ëì äéåí àéðå çééá àìà àçú àîøå ìå àì úùúä àì úùúä åäåà ùåúä çééá òì ëì àçú åàçú
(Mishnah): If a Nazir drank wine all day, he is liable only once (one set of lashes). If they warned him 'don't drink, don't drink' and he drank, he is liable for each [warning].
äéä îâìç ëì äéåí àéðå çééá àìà àçú àîøå ìå àì úâìç àì úâìç åäåà îâìç çééá òì ëì àçú åàçú
If he was shaving all day, he is liable only once. If they warned him 'don't shave, don't shave' and he shaved, he is liable for each [warning].
äéä îéèîà ìîúéí ëì äéåí àéðå çééá àìà àçú àîøå ìå àì úéèîà àì úéèîà åäåà îéèîà çééá òì ëì àçú åàçú:
If he was being Mitamei (exposing himself to Tum'as Mes) all day, he is liable only once. If they warned him 'don't be Mitamei, don't be Mitamei and he was Mitamei, he is liable for each.
âî' ðæéø åäåà ááéú ä÷áøåú ø' éåçðï àîø îúøéï áå òì äééï åòì äúâìçú
(Gemara): If a Nazir was in a cemetery, R. Yochanan says, we warn him for wine and shaving (he is lashed for them).
ø' ùîòåï áï ì÷éù àåîø îàçø ùàéï îúøéï áå òì äèåîàä àéï îúøéï áå òì äééï âø"ù ëå' äé"ì áôø"÷ â'
(Reish Lakish): Since we do not warn him for Tum'ah, we do not warn him for wine [and shaving]. The rest of this Halachah was taught at the beginning of Perek 3.
äéå ìôðéå öìåçéåú ùúéí àçú ùì îéí åàçú ùì ééï ðèì åùúä àåúä ùì îéí àîøå [ö"ì ìå - òìé úîø] äåé éåãò (îùàú) [ðøàä ùö"ì îä ùàúä, ëìîèä] ùåúä ùì îéí [ö"ì àí - òìé úîø] àú ùåúä ùì ééï åéù áä òùøä æúéí åàúä îúçééá òùøä îì÷éåú àéðå î÷áì äúøééä áãòú äæàú
If there were two flasks in front of him, one of water and one of wine, and he took and drank the one of water, and they told him 'know that what you drink [now] is of water. If you will drink the one of wine, there are 10 k'Zeisim in it, you will be liable 10 sets of lashes, this is not acceptance of Hasra'ah (for it is not at the time he transgresses);
àáì àí äéúä öìåçéú àçú ùì ééï åäúçéì ìùúåú áä àîøå ìå úäà éåãò àí úùúä àú ëåìä éù áä òùøä æúéí åúúçééá òùøä îì÷éåú î÷áì äúøééä áãòú [ãó ëè òîåã á] äæàú
However, if there was one flask of wine, and he began to drink it, and they told him 'know that if you will drink all of it, there are 10 k'Zeisim in it, you will be liable 10 sets of lashes, this is acceptance of Hasra'ah.
äéå ìôðéå ùðé ùôåãéï àçú ùì ùçåèä åàçú ùì ðáéìä ðèì ìàëåì àåúä ùì ùçåèä àîøå ìå úäà éåãò îä ùàúä àåëì ùì ùçåèä àí àú àåëì àú äðáéìä åéù áä òùøä æéúéí åàúä îúçééá òìéä òùøä îì÷éåú àéðå î÷áì äúøééä áãòú äæàú
If there were two roasting spits in front of him, one of Shechutah (slaughtered meat) and one of Neveilah, and he took and ate the one of Shechutah, and they told him 'know that what you eat [now] is of Shechutah. If you will eat the one of Neveilah, there are 10 k'Zeisim in it, you will be liable 10 sets of lashes, this is not acceptance of Hasra'ah;
àáì àí äéä ùôåã àçã ùì ðáéìä äúçéì ìàëåì áå àîøå ìå úäà éåãò (îùàú àåëì) [ðøàä ùö"ì ùàí úàëì] ëåìå åéù áä òùøä æúéí åàúä îúçééá òùøä îì÷éåú î÷áì äúøééä áãòú äæàú:
However, if there was one spit, and he began to eat it, and they told him 'know that if you will eat all of it, there are 10 k'Zeisim in it, you will be liable 10 sets of lashes, this is acceptance of Hasra'ah.