
TOSFOS DH Tziref Gufo

úåñôåú ã"ä öéøó âåôå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that Tum'as Tzara'as is unlike Tum'as Mes.)

ëìåîø äéå éãéå öøåôåú åúëåôåú (ò"ô äøà"ù åúåñôåú àéåøà) ìâåôå åìà äëðéñï úçéìä èåîàä åáéàä áäãé äããé ÷àúééï


Explanation: His hands were next to his body. He did not enter them beforehand. Tum'ah and Bi'ah come at once.

åàåîø äø"í àó ò"â ãáéú äîðåâò àîø áôø' äùåçè (çåìéï ãó ìâ:) éãéå èîàåú ãøáðï àó ëé îöåøò îèîà áàäì


Implied question (Maharam): It says about [one who entered just his hands into] Bayis ha'Menuga (a house with Tzara'as) that hands are Teme'im [only] mid'Rabanan (Chulin 33b), even though a Metzora is Metamei b'Ohel [like a Mes, and presumably, the same applies to Bayis ha'Menuga]!

î"î àéðå ë"ë ëîå ãîìéà (äâää áâìéåï) èåîàä


Answer (Maharam): Even so, it is not so much as if it were full of Tum'ah.

ùëîå ëï ááéú äîðåâò äðëðñ ùí èîà àôéìå ìà ðâò åàô"ä ðùðéú áîùðéåú ãàí éù îçéöä òùøä áéï èäåø (ò"ô úåñôåú ø' ôøõ) ìîöåøò ìà éèîàðå


Support: Likewise, one who enters Bayis ha'Menuga, he is Tamei, even though he did not touch it, and even so it is taught in Mishnayos that if there is a wall 10 Tefachim tall between the Tahor person and the Metzora, he is not Metamei him;

åàéìå áèåîàú îú àó ôåúç èôç îáéà äèåîàä.


Tum'as Mes is different. Even [if a full wall up to the ceiling separates them, even] an opening [in it of a square] Tefach brings Tum'ah [to the other side].


TOSFOS DH Ha... Hichnis Chotmo Mishum Tum'ah Ika

úåñôåú ã"ä äà.. äëðéñ çåèîå (äâäú áàø îùä) îùåí èåîàä àéëà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he is liable only for Tum'ah in this case.)

ôéøåù îùåí ãçåèîå òééì áøéùà.


Explanation: This is because his nose enters first.


TOSFOS DH Hichnis Gufo Tum'ah u'Vi'ah Bahadei Hahadei ka'Asyan

úåñôåú ã"ä äëðéñ âåôå èåîàä åáéàä áäãé äããé ÷àúééï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how Tum'ah and Bi'ah come at once.)

ëìåîø ùäéä ëåôä øàùå çåõ ìáéú ëîå äìëåó ëàâîåï øàùå (éùòéä ðç).


Explanation: He was Kofeh his head outside the house. ["Kofeh" means to bend], like "ha'Lachof k'Agmon Rosho." (Birkas Rosh explains that these words "Kemo ha'Lachof..." are a marginal note added later by another author.)


TOSFOS DH v'Ha Lo Efshar d'Lo Ayil Etzba'a d'Kar'ei Techilah

úåñôåú ã"ä åäà ìà àôùø ãìà òééì àöáòà ãëøòéä úçìä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses another possible answer and rejection.)

åìà îöé ìàå÷îé [ááåàå ìáéú àçåøðéú


Implied question: Why can't we say that he entered the house backwards?

ãìà ùîéä] áéàä ëãàîø áôø÷ á' ãùáåòåú (ãó éæ:) åáô"÷ ãçåìéï (ãó é:)


Answer: This is not called entering, like it says in Shevuos (17b) and Chulin (10b).

åìëåìäå îöé ìîéôøê äà ìà àôùø ãìà òééì îéòåèà áøéùà åîèîà ìéä áèøí éëðñ øåáå (äâää áâìéåï) .


Observation: Against all of these answers, we could have asked that it is impossible that his minority does not enter first, and is Metamei him, before his majority enters.


TOSFOS DH Kegon she'Nichnas b'Sheidah... u'Va Acher u'Fara Alav ha'Ma'azivah...

úåñôåú ëâåï ùðëðñ áùéãä... åáà àçø åôøò òìéå äîòæéáä...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we must say that the Nazir helped.)

åö"ì [ãäåà] îñééò ìäñéø äîòæéáä ãäà áäúøå áå ìîì÷åú àééøé.


Explanation: We must say that he helped remove the top, for we discuss one who was warned for lashes.


TOSFOS DH me'Hacha Mashma

úåñôåú ã"ä îäëà îùîò

(SUMMARY: Tosfos infers that Kohanim may not enter a cemetery, even for relatives.)

ãëäï àñåø [ìéëðñ ìáéú ä÷áøåú àó ì÷øåáéå ùí ìèîà áäå (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) åàó ëé îçåìì åòåîã äåà


Inference: [Our Sugya implies that] a Kohen may not enter a cemetery, even for his relatives there, to become Tamei through them, even if he is already profaned (Tamei).

ãàó ìôé ãáøé øáä àí ôéøù àñåø ìéèîà


Even according to Rabah [who says that he is not lashed twice for Tum'ah after Tum'ah], if he separated, he may not become Tamei;

ùäøé àçø ùéôøåù îîúå éìê òì ùàø îúéí åîàäéì (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) òìéäï


[He may not enter the cemetery,] for after he separates from his Mes, he will walk over other Mesim and tower over them.

åëï ùðéðå áàáì øáúé (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) ìùåï ø"é


Support: We learned like this in Evel Rabsi (Perek 5). This is from the Ri.


Note: Maharav Ransborg says that the last words of this Tosfos belong at the end of DH Mar, above.


TOSFOS DH b'Mosam Eino Mitamei Aval Mitamei bi'Nega'im

úåñôåú ã"ä áîåúí àéï îèîà àáì îèîà áðâòí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that other Tum'os are permitted even for strangers.)

àôéìå áàçøéðé àéðå îåæäø ë"à áèåîàú îú ùëúåá òì ëì ðôùåú îú ìà éáà


Explanation: Even for others, he is not commanded [about Tum'as Nega'im], only about Tum'as Mes, for it says "Al Kol Nafshos Mes Lo Yavo."

[âìéåï, áú"ë] [ëúá] áîåúí ìà éèîà àáì éåùá äåà áäñôã åáùåøä.


Comment - Citation (Toras Kohanim): In their death he may not become Tamei, but he may sit at the eulogy and in the consolation line.


TOSFOS DH ume'Hacha Sham'inan

úåñôåú ã"ä åîäëà ùîòéðï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos brings two opinions about whether a Kohen must avoid a Goses.)

ãëäï àéðå îåæäø òì äâåññ ã÷é"ì ëø' éåçðï ìâáé ø"ì


Pesak: [We learn from here that] a Kohen is not commanded about [avoiding] a Goses, for we hold like R. Yochanan against Reish Lakish.

åîéäå áä"â âøéñ àáéé áî÷åí øáé éåçðï åøáà áî÷åí ø"ì åìô"æ äìëä ëøáà ìâáé ãàáéé


Alternate opinion: Bahag's text says "Abaye" in place of R. Yochanan, and "Rava" in place of Reish Lakish. According to this, the Halachah follows Rava against Abaye;

[åìøáà] ôìéâé øáé åøáðï åàéú ìï äìëä ëøáé îçáéøå [åìà îçáéøéå ðîöà] éäà ëäï îåæäø òì âåññ.


According to Rava, Rebbi and Rabanan argue. We hold that the Halachah follows Rebbi against his colleague, but not against his colleagues. It turns out that a Kohen is commanded about a Goses.



TOSFOS DH v'Hai Mes Mitzvah Hu bi'Tmiyah...

úåñôåú ã"ä åäàé îú îöåä äåà áúîéä...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses what is considered a Mes Mitzvah.)

ëìåîø ùàí äîú éëåì ì÷øåú åéù ìå òåðéï ÷øåáéï àéï æä îú îöåä


Explanation: If the Mes could call, and people would answer, this is not a Mes Mitzvah.

åäà éù ìå áï ùéëåì (äâäú àåøç îéùåø) ìùëåø àçøéí îúòñ÷éï áå


[We ask that] the Mes' son is here. He can hire others to engage in the Mes!

ëéåï ã÷à àæéì áàåøçà ëîé ùàéï ìå ÷åáøéï ãîé, ãìà ùëéçé àéðùé äúí


[We answer that] since he is traveling, it is as if there is no one to bury the Mes, for people are not found there.

ôé' ø"é ëäï (äâäú àåøç îéùåø) äáà ìéèôì áîú îöåä àí éù ùí éùøàì ùéëåì ìèôì àó ëé àéðï ÷øåáéï ìà ìéèôì áäï [ëäðéí] ÷øåáéí


Pesak (Ri): A Kohen who comes to engage in a Mes Mitzvah, if there is a Yisrael who can engage, even if [the Yisrael] is not a relative, Kohanim relatives may not engage. (We do not discuss one of the seven relatives for whom Kohanim must become Tamei.)

åøàéä ãàîø áô' ë"â (ì÷îï ãó îæ.) âáé îú îöåä ë"â åðæéø éèîà ðæéø åàì éèîà ëäï


Proof: Below (47a), it says about a Mes Mitzvah, if a Kohen Gadol and Nazir [are the only ones there], the Nazir becomes Tamei, and not the Kohen Gadol;

åë"ù ëäï åéùøàì éèîà éùøàì åàì éèîà ëäï


All the more so, if a Kohen and Yisrael [are the only ones there], the Yisrael becomes Tamei, and not the Kohen.

åö"ò [îäàé] ãô' (äàùä øáä éáîåú ãó ôè:) âáé àùúå ÷èðä éåøùä åîéèîà ìä ôøéê åàé àéï (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) ëç áéã çëîéí (ìé÷åèé âøñàåú) ìò÷åø ãáø îï äúåøä [åàîàé] éèîà


Question: In Yevamos (89b), regarding "a minor wife - her husband inherits her, and become Tamei for her [if she dies]", the Gemara asks "if Chachamim do not have the power to uproot a matter from the Torah, why is he Mitamei?"

åîùðé ëéåï ã÷øåáéï ìà [éøúé ìä ÷øé åìà òðé] ìä ÷øéðï áä


The Gemara answers that since the relatives do not inherit her, we apply to her "she calls and they do not answer."

åäùúà ä"ã àé ãìéëà îúòñ÷éí àçøéí îàé àéøéà îèòí àùúå úéôå÷ ìéä ãàôéìå àçøéúé ðîé îú îöåä âîåø äéà


Question: What is the case? If there is no one else to engage in her, why do we say that he buries her because she was his wife? Even someone else [he would bury]. This is an absolute Mes Mitzvah!

àìà ãàéëà àçøéí ãéëåìéí ìäúòñ÷ åçùåá ëîú îöåä


Answer: Rather, there are others who could engage in her, and [since they do not want to], this is considered like a Mes Mitzvah

àìîà ëäï åîú ìôðéå åéù ùí éùøàì åàéðå çåùù ìéèôì çùéá îú îöåä


Inference: If there is a Mes in front of a Kohen, and there is a Yisrael, but he is not concerned to deal with it, it is considered a Mes Mitzvah.

åàø"é ãåãàé îï äãéï ìàå îú îöåä äúí ø÷ ìôé ù÷øåáéä îúøùìéí îîðä ùåéåä øáðï ëîú îöåä


Answer (Ri): Surely, letter of the law [a minor wife] is not a Mes Mitzvah. However, since her relatives neglect her, Rabanan made her like a Mes Mitzvah;

åàó ëé àéï ëç áéã çëîéí ìò÷åø ãáø îï äúåøä á÷åí åòùä áî÷åí ùéù ôðéí åèòí áãáø åãàé ìë"ò éù ëç ìò÷åø


Even though Chachamim do not have the power to uproot a Torah law to permit an action, when there are aspects and reasons [to permit], surely all agree that they have the power to uproot.

úãò ãáëåìé ñåâéà ãäúí (ìà) îééúé îàùä ùðàîðú ìåîø îú áòìé ãäøé òå÷øä ãáø úåøä á÷åí åòùä


Proof: In the entire Sugya there, we do not bring that a woman is believed to say "my husband died" [and we permit her to remarry without witnesses]. They uprooted a Torah law to permit an action!

àìîà åãàé áî÷åí ùéù ôðéí åèòí éù ëç ìò÷åø åáàùä éù èòí áãáø ããéé÷à (äâäú áøëú øàù) åîðñáà îúåê çåîø ùîçîéøéï áñåôä.


Inference: Surely when there are aspects and reasons [to permit], surely all agree that they have the power to uproot. Regarding a woman [who says that her husband died], there is a reason [to permit her]. She checks thoroughly before remarrying, due to the stringencies that apply at the end. (If her husband returns after she remarried, she suffers 13 fines, e.g. she is permanently forbidden to her old and new husbands and receives no Kesuvah from them, her children from them are Mamzerim...)


TOSFOS DH Meisivei Lah Yetama

úåñôåú ã"ä îéúéáé ìä éèîà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we exclude Ever Min ha'Chai and Ever Min ha'Mes.)

âáé ëäï äãéåè [ëúéá] åàéðå îèîà ìä ôøè ìàáø îï äçé ùì àçåúå åàáø îï äîú ùàéðå øùàé ìäèîàåú áäï,


Explanation: This is written regarding a Kohen Hedyot. "He is not Mitamei for her" excludes Ever Min ha'Chai of his sister, and Ever Min ha'Mes. He may not become Tamei for them.


TOSFOS DH Meisivei (part 2)

úåñôåú ã"ä îéúéáé (çì÷ á)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the same law applies to his father.)

ìôé ùàéðå îéèîà ìàáø îï äçé ùì àáéå


Citation of Gemara: This is because he does not become Tamei for Ever Min ha'Chai of his father.

, ëìåîø ùàó áàáéå ä÷øåá éåúø àéðå øùàé ìèîàåú ìàáø àáéå


Explanation: Even of his father, who is closer, he may not become Tamei for a limb of his father.

åö"ò îðà ìï (ëï äåà áãôåñ åðöéä)


Question: What is the source of this?

åùîà (äâäú áøëú øàù) îìàáéå ðô÷à.


Answer: Perhaps we learn from "l'Aviv".


TOSFOS DH R. Yehudah Hi...

úåñôåú ã"ä øáé éäåãä äéà...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the Heter to be Mitamei for a limb.)

ò"é [çæøä] àí ðèîà àì ùàø äâåó àáì ìëúçéìä åãàé îåãä øáé éäåãä ãìà éèîà ëáøééúà ãìòéì


Explanation: [R. Yehudah permits to be Mitamei for Ever Min ha'Mes of his father] through returning, if he was Mitamei for the rest of the body. However, l'Chatchilah, surely R. Yehudah agrees that he may not be Mitamei, like the Beraisa above.

åáñéôà ãääéà ãìòéì úðéà áúåøú ëäðéí øáé éäåãä (äâää áâìéåï) àåîø àéðå îéèîà ìòöí ëùòåøä îàáéå àáì îçæéø äåà òì òöí ëùòåøä


Citation (the Seifa of the Beraisa above, in Toras Kohanim - Rebbi): He is not Mitamei for a bone k'Se'orah (the size of a barley seed) from his father, but he returns for a bone k'Se'orah.

åãáø úéîä ãàå÷éîðà ëø' éäåãä åäøé îééøé áñéôà îëìì ãøéùà ìàå ø' éäåãä äéà


Question: We established this like R. Yehudah. Since R. Yehudah speaks in the Seifa, we infer that the Reisha is not R. Yehudah!

àí ìà ðàîø ëåìä ø' éäåãä äéà.


Answer: [This is difficult,] unless we will say that the entire Beraisa is R. Yehudah.


TOSFOS DH keshe'Hu Omer Emor v'Amarta

úåñôåú ã"ä ëùäåà àåîø àîåø åàîøú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Beraisa.)

ãëúéá àîåø àì äëäðéí åàîøú äåñéó äëúåá èåîàä àçøú ùúåëì ìéèîà


Explanation: It is written "Emor El ha'Kohanim v'Amarta" - the verse adds another Tum'ah for which [a Kohen] may be Mitamei;

åñáøà äåà ìäòîéã àîåø åàîøú ààçåúå ãàééøé ìîòåèé àáøéí åìäåñéó ùéåëì ìèîàåú ìøåá áðééðä åøåá îðééðä


It is reasonable to establish "Emor v'Amarta" regarding his sister, which [the verse] was discussing, to exclude limbs [from "Lah Yitama"], and [Emor... v'Amarta] adds that he may become Tamei for [bones that comprise] the majority of her stature or the majority of the number [of her bones];

éëåì ìà éèîà ìùãøä åâåìâåìú åìøåá îðééðå åìøåá áðééðå ùì ÷øåáéí àçøéí ùáúåøä ùëúéá ìèîà áäï (äâäú áøëú øàù)


[We ask that] perhaps he may not become Tamei for the spine, skull, majority of the number [of bones] or majority of the stature of other relatives in the Torah for which it is written that he is Mitamei for them!

àîøú îä àçåúå îéåçãú ùâåôä úìåé áå ëìåîø ùäøé ÷øåáúå åîåèìú òìéå ì÷åáøä (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé)


[We answer that] just like his sister, her body depends on him, i.e. she is his relative and it is incumbent on him to bury her [the same applies to other relatives].

åîï äãéï äåä ìéä ìîéîø éëåì éèîà ìîúéí àçøéí àó ìàáøéí àé ìà âîøéðï îàçåúå ãëúéá áä ìä


Observation: We should have asked that perhaps he may become Tamei for others (relatives) even for limbs, had we not learned from his sister, about whom it says "Lah". (In any case, the answer we gave answers also this; we learn from his sister.)

åîùðé ääéà ðîé ãøàá"é ëø' (äâäú áøëú øàù) éäåãä åøá çñãà ãàîø ëé äàé úðà.


Explanation: We answer [the question against Rav Chisda from this Beraisa], and say that also this [Beraisa] of R. Eliezer ben Yakov is like R. Yehudah, and Rav Chisda holds like the following Tana.