
TOSFOS DH Metzora d'Mitzvah (cont.)

úåñôåú ã"ä îöåøò ãîöåä... (äâäú áøëú øàù) (äîùê)

åäëà àé ìàå ÷"å ãîðæéø ìà àúé [ìäå] úòø áîöåøò


Summation of question: Here, if not for the Kal va'Chomer from Nazir, we would not know that a Metzora must shave with a razor!

åé"ì ãàôéìå ìà ÷éí ìï (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé) ãîöåú ðæéø áúòø î"î ùôéø éìôéðï ÷"å îðæéø ããçé úâìçú ãéãéä ôéàåú ãä÷ôú äøàù ãàéëà áäå ìàå áî÷éó áîñôøéí ëãîùîò áñîåê


Answer: Even if we did not know that the Mitzvah for a Nazir to shave is with a razor, we could learn a Kal va'Chomer from Nazir that his Tiglachas overrides [the Isur of] Hakafah of the sideburns, for there is a Lav of Hakafah with scissors, like it connotes below;

îöåøò ìà ëì ùëï ùéäà îåúø ìâìç àó áúòø åéãçä ìàå ãäùçúú æ÷ï


A Metzora, all the more so he may shave even with a razor, and override the Lav of shaving the beard!

àìà ò"ë ÷øà ãæ÷ðå àúà ìäèòéðå úòø åìà îùçéúéí àçøéí.


Conclusion: Rather, you are forced to say that the verse of Zekano comes to obligate a razor, and not other matters that remove.


TOSFOS DH v'Su Iy Salka Daitach Ki Avid b'Melaket u'Rehitani

úåñôåú ã"ä åúå àé ñ"ã ëé òáéã áîì÷è åøäéèðé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the inference that he must shave with a razor.)

ã÷ééí îöåú âéìåç ò"ë ÷øà ãæ÷ðå ìà àúà ìîéîø ãîöé òáéã áúòø


Explanation: [If you think that through Melaket or Rehitani] he fulfills the Mitzvah of shaving, you are forced to say that "Zekano" does not come to say that he may use a razor;

îãìà ëúéá úòø ôéøåù áäãéà ãîáòé ìï ìîéîø ëãøùá"ì


Since the Torah did not write Ta'ar, i.e. explicitly, we must say like Reish Lakish...

ãàñåø ìòùåú åìâìç áúòø äåàéì åéëåì ì÷ééí ùðéäí ùéâìç áîì÷è åøäéèðé àå áîñôøéí åìà éãçä ìàå ãäùçúú æ÷ï


It is forbidden to shave with a razor, since he can fulfill both of them through shaving with a Melaket, Rehitani or scissors, and not override the Lav of shaving the beard.

åäéä ìäù"ñ ìåîø ìà ùøéðï úòø îãìà ëúá úòø


Implied question: The Gemara should have said "we do not permit a razor, since the Torah did not [explicitly] write Ta'ar!"

àìà äù"ñ ÷öø äìéùðà ãðæéø ìéùðà ÷ìéìà åøâéì áëîä î÷åîåú ì÷öø ìùåðå


Answer: The Gemara abbreviated what it should have said. The text in Nazir is concise. In several places it is abbreviated.

àìà ò"ë ÷øà ãæ÷ðå àúà ì÷åáòå çåáä åìäèòéï úòø ìîöåøò ãìà éöà éãé úâìçúå àìà áúòø.


Conclusion: You are forced to say that "Zekano" comes to make a razor obligatory for a Metzora. He fulfills his Tiglachas only with a razor.


TOSFOS DH v'Rosho Mah Talmud Lomar

úåñôåú ã"ä øàùå îú"ì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how R. Eliezer learns from Rosho.)

øàùå ãëúéá áîöåøò åäìà ëáø ëúéá áøéùà ã÷øà éâìç àú ëì ùòøå àú øàùå (äâäú áøëú øàù) îú"ì


Explanation: [We ask, what do we learn from] Rosho written regarding Metzora? The beginning of the verse already said "Yegalach Es Kol Se'aro." What does "Es Rosho" teach?

ìôé ùðàîø âáé ðæéø úòø ìà éòáåø òì øàùå úåê éîé ðæéøåúéå éëåì àó ðæéø [îöåøò] ëê éäà àñåø ìâìç


[We answer that] since it says regarding Nazir "Ta'ar Lo Ya'avor Al Rosho" during his Nezirus, one might have thought that even a Nazir Metzora may not shave;

åëì ùòøå (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé åáøëú øàù) ã÷øà áùàø âåôå àå áëì àãí (äâäú áøëú øàù)


"Kol Se'aro" refers to the rest of his body, or to other people (Metzora'im who are not Nezirim);

ãàéï ìåîø ãòùä ãåâéìç ãîöåøò ãçé ìà úòùä ãðæéø ãúòø ìà éòáåø òì øàùå åòùä ãâãì ôøò ùòø øàùå


We should not say that the Aseh of shaving a Metzora overrides the Lav of a Nazir "Ta'ar Lo Ya'avor Al Rosho" and the Aseh of "Gadel Pera Se'ar Rosho"!

ú"ì (ùòø) øàùå îéåúø ãàó ðæéø åîöåøò çééá ìâìç áúòø


[We answer that] Rosho is extra, to teach that even a Nazir Metzora must shave with a razor.

åäàé ãìà îå÷é ø"à øàùå áøàùå ãëì àãí åìà áðæéø åìîãçé [ìàå] ãä÷ôä [âøéãà]


Implied question: Why doesn't R. Eliezer establish Rosho to discuss any person's head, and not [only] a Nazir, to override the Lav of Hakafah alone?

àé îùåí ãñ"ì ä÷ôú ëì äøàù [ìà] ùîä ä÷ôä


Answer #1: He holds that Hakafah of the entire head is not called Hakafah. (It is always permitted, so we do not need a verse to permit it.)

àé îùåí ãòùä ãçé ìà úòùä [âøéãà] ðô÷à ìø"à îâãéìéí ëãáñîåê à"ë øàùå ìà àéöèøéê àìà ìøàùå ãðæéø


Answer #2: R. Eliezer knows that Aseh is Docheh a mere Lo Sa'aseh from "Gedilim", like we say below. If so, Rosho is needed only for a Nazir's head;

àò"â ãàéëà ìàå ãúòø ìà éòáåø åòùä ãâãì ôøò ãçé ìäå òùä ãåâéìç îéúåøà ãøàùå ãëúéá áîöåøò


Even though there is a Lav "Ta'ar Lo Ya'avor" and an Aseh of "Gadel Pera", the Aseh v'Gilach overrides them, due to the superfluous Rosho written regarding Metzora.

åäùúà ðô÷à ìéä ìø"à úòø áîöåøò îðæéø ãîéãé ãàñø áðæéø ìäòáéø úòø òì øàùå äèòéï áîöåøò ìâìç áúòø


Observation: Now, R. Eliezer learns a razor for a Metzora from Nazir. What is forbidden for a Nazir, to pass a razor on his head, is required for a Metzora, to shave with a razor.

åäééðå ã÷à îäãø ááøééúà ãìòéì (ãó î:) ìîéìó úòø áîöåøò îìåéí åðæéø îï ãéðà åìà àúé ìéä


Support: This is what the Beraisa above (40b) tried to learn a razor for a Metzora from Leviyim and Nazir from a Tzad ha'Shavah, and could not;

åöøéê äåà ììåîãä îøàùå (äâäú áøëú øàù) åìòåìí îðæéø éìôéðï ìîöåøò ãèòåï úòø


It needed to learn from Rosho. Really, we learn from Nazir to Metzora, that he requires a razor [for Tiglachas].

åñ"ì ìø"à ãðæéø ìà ì÷é àìà áúòø ãå÷à ëø' éåðúï ãìòéì


Explanation: R. Eliezer holds that a Nazir is lashed only for [shaving with] a razor, like R. Yonason above (39b).

äéìëê îéãé ãàñåø áðæéø ãäééðå úòø äèòéï ìâáé îöåøò (äâää áâìéåï) ëãîùîò


Therefore, what is forbidden for a Nazir, i.e. a razor, is required for a Metzora, like it (Rosho) connotes;

[ãàé] òì ùàø îòáéøéï ðîé ìéì÷é áðæéø àëúé ìà éãòéðï úòø áîöåøò ãàéëà ìîéîø ÷øà ãøàùå ìùàø îòáéøéï.


If a Nazir were lashed also for other matters that remove, we would not know that a Metzora need a razor. We could say that the verse Rosho teaches about other matters that remove!


TOSFOS DH u'Parich kid'Le'eil

úåñôåú ã"ä åôøéê ëãìòéì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the proof that there is no Mitzvah through Melaket or Rehitani.)

ãìîà àôéìå áîì÷è åøäéèðé ðîé îöåä ÷òáéã áîöåøò


Explanation: [We ask like above, that] perhaps even through Melaket or Rehitani, he fulfills the Mitzvah of [Tiglachas] Metzora.

åë"ú ìîä ìé ìîéùøé ãàôéìå áúòø


[The Gemara asks, if so,] why would we need [Rosho] to permit even through a razor?

ãñã"à ëå' âáé îöåøò ðîé ìéçééá ëìåîø âí ëùéäéä äðæéø îöåøò ÷î"ì


[It answers that] one might have thought that [since a Nazir is liable,] also regarding a Metzora he is liable. I.e. also when the Nazir is a Metzora [he is liable. Rosho] teaches that this is not so.

åîùðé àé ñ"ã ëé òáéã áîì÷è åøäéèðé îöåä ÷òáéã áîöåøò îãìà ëúéá äéúø úòø áôéøåù ìà ìãçé òùä ãîöåøò ìà úòùä ãðæéø ùäøé àôùø ì÷ééí ùðéäí


Explanation (cont.): [We answer that] if you would think that through Melaket or Rehitani, he fulfills the Mitzvah of [Tiglachas] Metzora, since the Torah did not explicitly write Ta'ar, the Aseh of Metzora would not be Docheh the Lo Sa'aseh of Nazir, since it is possible to fulfill both of them.

å÷"÷ àîàé ìà îñé÷ ðîé äëà ìùéðåéà ãìòéì ìùúå÷ ÷øà îéðéä åàðà àîéðà åîä ðæéø ãàéñåøà ÷òáéã ëå'


Question: Why didn't we give here also the answer we gave above (40b) [that if through Melaket or Rehitani he fulfills Tiglachas Metzora,] the Torah should have omitted ["v'Lo Sashchis" and "Lo Yegalechu", which teach a Ta'ar], and I would say that a Nazir transgressed... [yet his Tiglachas overrides Hakafah. All the more so, Tiglachas Metzora overrides the Isur of shaving!]?

åé"ì ãäëà àéëà ìîéîø ãùàðé ðæéø ãìéëà àìà çã ìàå ãä÷ôú øàù åìëê ãçé ìéä úâìçúå ãðæéø


Answer #1: Here [we cannot give this answer, for] we can say that Nazir is different, for there is only one Lav of Hakafas Rosh. Therefore, Tiglachas Nazir overrides it;

àáì ðæéø îöåøò àéú áéä úøéï ìàåéï ìàå ãðæéø ãúòø ìà éòáåø åìàå ãä÷ôú äøàù åìëê ìà éãçä òùä ãîöåøò ìäðê úøé ìàåéï åòåã òùä ãâéãåì ôøò


However, a Nazir Metzora has two Lavim - the Lav of Nazir "Ta'ar Lo Ya'avor", and the Lav of Hakafas ha'Rosh. Therefore, the Aseh of [Tiglachas] Metzora does not override these two Lavim, and also the Aseh of Gadel Pera.

åòåã úéøõ äø"í ãìîàé ãáòé ìîéîø ôø÷ á' ðæéøéï (ì÷îï ãó ðç.) àäê áøééúà ãøàùå ãä÷ôú ëì äøàù ìà ùîä ä÷ôä àôéìå çã àéñåøà ìéëà áðæéø áî÷åí ôàú äøàù


Answer #2 (Maharam): Based on the Havah Amina below (58a) about this Beraisa, that Hakafah of the entire head is not called Hakafah, there is not even one Isur for a Nazir in the place of the sideburns;

åìéëà ìîéîø ÷"å îðæéø ãäúí ìéëà úå ùåí ãçéä.


We cannot make a Kal va'Chomer from Nazir, for there, there is no Dichuy.


TOSFOS DH Miba'i Lehu

úåñôåú ã"ä îéáòéà ìäå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how Rabanan expound Rosho.)

ìîãçé ìàå ãä÷ôä àó áîöåøò ùàéï ðæéø ãàéöèøéê ÷øà ìåîø ããçé ìàå ãä÷ôä


Explanation: [Rabanan need Rosho] to override the Lav of Hakafah, even for a Metzora who is not a Nazir. We need a verse to override the Lav of Hakafah;

ãúðéà ìà ú÷éôå ôàú øàùëí éëåì àó îöåøò ëï


(Beraisa) Suggestion: Perhaps "Lo Sakifu Pe'as Roshchem" applies even to a Metzora;

åäà ãëúá åâéìç àú ëì ùòøå


Implied question: (How could we think so?) It says "v'Gilach Es Kol Se'aro"!

[çåõ] îôàú äøàù àå ëùîéøè ôàú øàùå


Answer: [This means all his hair] except for the sideburns, or if the sideburns fell out.

ú"ì øàùå îéåúø ãëúéá áîöåøò (îëàï îòîåã á) ìàùîåòéðï ãòùä ãåâéìç ãîöåøò ãçé ìàå ãä÷ôú äøàù


Rejection: Rosho written regarding a Metzora is extra. It teaches that the Aseh of Tiglachas Metzora overrides the Lav of Hakafas ha'Rosh;



TOSFOS DH Miba'i (part 2)

úåñôåú ã"ä îéáòéà ìäå (çì÷ á)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses Hakafas Kol ha'Rosh.)

åàéöèøéê ìîéëúá æ÷ðå [åøàùå] ãàé ëúá øçîðà æ÷ðå åìà ëúá øàùå ä"à ãä÷ôú ëì äøàù [ìà ùîéä] ä÷ôä


Citation of Gemara: The Torah needed to write Zekano and Rosho. Had it written only Zekano but not Rosho, one might have thought that Hakafah of the entire head is not called Hakafah;

ãòé÷ø àéñåø ä÷ôä ãëúéá ìà ú÷éôå ôàú ä"à äééðå ãå÷à ëùðåèì äôàåú ìáã ëãàîø áòìîà àéæå äéà ä÷ôä æä äîùåä öãòéå ìàçåøé àæðå åôãçúå


The primary Isur of Hakafah "Lo Sakifu Pe'as", one might have thought that this is only when he cuts only the sideburns, like we say elsewhere (Makos 20b) "what is Hakafah? It is one who [cuts his sideburns, and] makes his [hairline at the] Tzida'a even with [his hairline] in back of his ear and his forehead.

ôé' öéãòà äåà äùòø äøáä åâãì ñîåê ìàæðéí åîàçåøé àæðéå çì÷ äåà åàéï ùí ùòø åëï áôãçúå àéï ùòø


Tzida'a is the hair that grows near the ears, and in back of his ears it is smooth, and there is no hair. Also on his forehead, there is no hair;

åëùðåèì àåúí ùáöãòéå ãäééðå ôàú äøàù åéäéä çì÷ (äâäú áøëú øàù) ðîöà ùäåà ùåä ìàçåøé àæðéå åôãçúå åáäà ë"ò îåãå ùäåà áìàå


When one removes the hair on the temples, and it is smooth, it turns out that it is even with in back of his ears and his forehead. All agree that he transgresses a Lav;

åôìéâé áîâìç ëì äøàù åâí äôàåú ãàéëà ìî"ã ùîä ä÷ôä åàéëà ìî"ã ìà ùîä ä÷ôä.


They argue about one who shaves the entire head, and also the sideburns. One opinion holds that this is called Hakafah, and one opinion holds that this is not called Hakafah.


TOSFOS DH v'Iy Kasav Rachmana Rosho Havah Amina Mashma Tartei

úåñôåú ã"ä åàé ëúá øçîðà øàùå ä"à îùîò úøúé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why also Zekano is needed.)

ëìåîø àó ëé îùîò úøúé ãîùîò ãòùä ãçé ìà úòùä åîùîò ðîé ãä÷ôú ëì äøàù ùîä ä÷ôä [åàëúé] áúòø ìà éãòéðï ùéäà âéìåç ãîöåøò ãå÷à áúòø


Explanation: [Had the Torah written only Rosho,] even though this connotes both, i.e. Aseh Docheh Lo Sa'aseh, and Hakafah of the entire head is called Hakafah, still, we would not know a razor, that Tiglachas Metzora requires a razor;

ùäøé àä÷ôú ôàú øàù çééá àôéìå áîñôøéí ùìà áúòø ùìà äåæëø úòø á÷øà àìà ìà ú÷éôå ñúîà


One is liable for Hakafas Pe'as Rosh even with scissors, without a razor. The verse did not mention Ta'ar. It says only Lo Sakifu Stam;

ëúá øçîðà æ÷ðå îéðä ãøùé øáðï ìòéì ãúâìçú ãîöåøò ãå÷à áúòø äìëê öøéëé úøúé øàùå åæ÷ðå


Therefore, the Torah wrote Zekano. From this, Rabanan expound above that Tiglachas Metzora is specifically with a razor. Therefore, we need both Rosho and Zekano.

åàé ÷ùéà ìøáðï äéëà ãäåà ðæéø åîöåøò ãàéëà áøàùå ãðæéø úøé ìàåéï åòùä ìàå ãúòø ìà éòáåø åòùä ãâéãåì ôøò åìàå ãä÷ôä


Question: According to Rabanan, when a Nazir is a Metzora, on his head there are two Lavim and an Aseh! There is the Lav "Ta'ar Lo Ya'avor Al Rosho", the Aseh Gadel Pera, and the Lav of Hakafah;

îðà ìäå ìøáðï ããçé òùä ãâéìåç ãîöåøò ìëì äðäå


What is Rabanan's source that the Aseh of Gilu'ach Metzora overrides all of these?

åö"ì äëì ðô÷à ìäå îøàùå ãî÷øà îìà ãáø äëúåá ìà ùðà äåà ðæéø åìà ùðà àéðå ðæéø


Answer #1: We must say that they learn all of them from Rosho. The verse discusses every case, whether he is a Nazir or he is not a Nazir.

åòåã ëéåï ãâìé ìï áæ÷ðå ããçé òùä ãâéìåç ìàå åòùä ãëäðéí ìàå ãäùçúú æ÷ï åòùä ã÷ãåùéí éäéå (äâäú áøëú øàù) äåà äãéï ùéãçä á' ìàåéï åòùä


Answer #2: Since the Torah revealed through "Zekano" that the Aseh of Gilu'ach overrides the Lav and Aseh of Kohanim - the Lav of shaving, and the Aseh of "Kedoshim Yihyu" - similarly, it overrides two Lavim and an Aseh;

ãàéï ñáøà ìäí ìçì÷ áéï ìàå àçã ìùðé ìàåéï


Rabanan hold that it is unreasonable to distinguish between one Lav and two Lavim.

åäëé àéëà úðà ì÷îï (ãó îç:) (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) ãìà îôìéâ áéï ìàå àçã ìùðé ìàåéï


Support: There is a Tana below (48b) who does not distinguish between one Lav and two Lavim.

åàò"â ãìàå åòùä [ãëäðéí] àéðå ùåä áëì


Implied question: The Lav and Aseh of Kohanim is not Shavah b'Chol! (It is reasonable to distinguish regarding a Nazir, who has a Lav that is Shavah b'Chol!)

ä"ð ìàå åòùä ãðæéø [åìàå] ãä÷ôä àéðå ùåä áëì àìà áðæéøéï åàðùéí (äâäú áøëú øàù)


Answer: Also the Lav and Aseh of Nazir and the Lav of Hakafah are not Shavah b'Chol. They apply only to Nezirim and only to men, [respectively].

îéäå (äâäú àåøç îéùåø) åì÷îï áôø÷ ùðé ðæéøéí (ùí) çùéá ìàå ãðæéø ùåä áëì åòáéã öøéëåúà ãðæéø îëäðéí ìà àúé ùëï àéðå ùåä áëì


Disclaimer: However, below (48b), the Lav of Nazir is considered Shavah b'Chol! We make a Tzerichusa (show the need for both), and say that we could not learn Nazir from Kohanim, because Kohanim is not Shavah b'Chol;

åëäðéí îðæéø ìà àúé ùëï éùðå áùàìä


We could not learn Kohanim from Nazir, because Nezirus can be permitted through She'elah.

åà"ú ìø"à ëéåï ãîå÷é øàùå ìøàùå ãðæéø åìîéîø ãòùä ãâéìåç ãçé ìàå ãúòø ìà éòáåø [åâí] òùä ãâéãåì ôøò


Question: According to R. Eliezer, since he establishes Rosho for the head of a Nazir [Metzora], to teach that the Aseh of Gilu'ach overrides the Lav of "Ta'ar Lo Ya'avor" and also the Aseh of Gadel Pera...

îàé àéöèøéê úå [æ÷ðå] ìø"à ãòùä ãâéìåç ãçé ìàå ãëäðéí ãäùçúú æ÷ï [åòùä] ã÷ãåùéí [éäéå] (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé åáøëú øàù) úéôå÷ ìéä îøàùå


Why does R. Eliezer further need Zekano to teach that the Aseh of Gilu'ach overrides the Lav of Kohanim to shave and the Aseh of "Kedoshim Yihyu"? He should learn this from Rosho!

åé"ì (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé) ãàéëà ìîéôøê îä ìøàùå ãðæéø ùëï éùðå áùàìä


Answer #1: We can challenge this. You cannot learn from a Nazir's head, since he can permit Nezirus through She'elah.

åòåã îä ìëäðéí ùëï øéáä áäï äëúåá îöåú éúéøåú åìëê ìà éãçä òùä ãâéìåç ìàå åòùä ãëäðéí


Answer #2: [You cannot learn to] Kohanim, for the Torah gave them extra Mitzvos. Therefore, the Aseh of Gilu'ach is not Docheh the Lav and Aseh of Kohanim.

åë"ú ìëúåá æ÷ðå åìùúå÷ îøàùå


Suggestion: The Torah should have written Zekano, and omitted Rosho!

øàùå (ëï äåà áãôåñ åðöéä) àéöèøéê ìø"à ìàâîåøé ìï ãîöåú âéìåç ãîöåøò äåé ãå÷à áúòø åìà áùàø îùçéúéí ëãàîø ìòéì.


Answer: R. Eliezer needs Rosho to teach that the Mitzvah of Gilu'ach Metzora is specifically with a razor, and not with other matters that remove, like it says above.



úåñôåú ã"ä äùúà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether Hakafas ha'Rosh is only with a razor.)

ò"ë (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) îùîò äëà áñåâéà ãéãï ãä÷ôú äøàù äåé àôéìå áìà úòø


Observation: You are forced to say that here, our Sugya connotes that Hakafas ha'Rosh is even without a razor.

åëï àéúà áú"ë æàú úäéä úåøú äîöåøò øàùå îä ú"ì ìôé ùéù áæ÷ï îùà"ë áøàù åáøàù îùà"ë áæ÷ï


Support (Toras Kohanim, Parshas Zos Tihyeh Toras ha'Metzora): What do we learn from Rosho? Since there are [laws of] the beard that do not apply to the [corners of the] head, and [laws of] the head that do not apply to the beard...

ùäøàù àñåø áîñôøéí åäæ÷ï îåúø


It is forbidden to cut the [hair on the corners of the] head with a scissors, and this is permitted in the beard.

åäà ãúðéà áúåñôúà (ãîëåú ô"â) çééá ùúéí àçú ìöéãòà îëàï åàçú ìöéãòà îëàï åàéðå çééá òã ùé÷éôðå áúòø


Contradiction (Tosefta Makos 4:10): One is liable twice [for the sideburns], once for this temple, and once for this temple. He is liable only for cutting them with a razor.

äééðå ëòéï úòø


Answer: It means that he is liable only for cutting them [very short] like a razor.

åáîëåú (ãó ë:) ðîé ã÷àîø îùåä öéãòéå ìàçåøé àæðå åôãçúå ðîé äééðå ëòéï úòø åàôéìå áîñôøéí


Support: Also in Makos (20b), it says that one who evens [his hairline at the] Tzida'a with [his hairline] in back of his ear and his forehead [is lashed]. Also this means like a razor, and even with scissors.

åääéà ãú"ë àéëà ìîãçé ãò"ë ìàå áàéñåø ä÷ôú äøàù îééøé àìà áðæéø


Disclaimer: We can reject the [support from] Toras Kohanim. You are forced to say that it does not discuss the Isur of Hakafas ha'Rosh, rather, a Nazir;

ãàñåø ìâìç øàùå úåê éîé ðæøå åàó áîñôøéí ìî"ã ìòéì ìøáåú ëì îòáéøéï


It is forbidden to shave his head during the days of his Nezirus even with scissors, according to the opinion above that includes all matters that remove.

åäëé îåëçà ñéôà ãäúí ãúðà áå åäøàù îåúø ìëì àãí åäæ÷ï àñåø ìëì àãí


Proof: The Seifa there proves so. It teaches "the head is permitted to all people, and the beard is forbidden to all people";

åàé áä÷ôú äøàù àééøé àéê îåúø øàù áëì àãí àìîà áðæéø îééøé å÷àîø ãúâìçú (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) îåúø áëì àãí ùàéðí ðæéøéï


If it refers to Hakafas ha'Rosh, how is everyone's head permitted?! [Rather,] we infer that it discusses a Nazir, and teaches that shaving [the head] is permitted for all people who are not Nezirim.


Note: "The head is permitted" does not include the sideburns. Alternatively, it refers to shaving the entire head, according to the opinion that Hakafah of the entire head is not called Hakafah. Seemingly, the Seifa should forbid the beard to all men. Perhaps since the Reisha must teach "to all people", also the Seifa says so.

åîéäå öøéê ìéæäø ùìà ìéèåì ôàú äøàù àôéìå áîñôøéí ãùôéø àé÷øå ëòéï úòø


Pesak: One must be careful not to cut the sideburns even with scissors, for this is properly called like a razor;

åëï ðäâå äòåìí ëùîâìçéï äúéðå÷åú ìùééø áöãòéäï äøáä ùòøåú.


People do so when they shave children. They leave on the temple many hairs.


Note: Tosfos forbids only evening the hairline. If he leaves many hairs, there is no concern. The Shulchan Aruch (YD 181:9) says not to cut anything in the area, for it is a Safek mid'Oraisa (Bi'ur ha'Gra); Semag and a Tosefta hold that one who cuts two hairs transgresses.


TOSFOS DH v'R. Eliezer d'Asi Aseh v'Dachi Lo Sa'aseh Mina Lei

úåñôåú ã"ä åø"à ãàúé òùä åãçé ìà úòùä îðà ìéä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we ask only according to R. Eliezer.)

åà"ú åìéúé îøàùå åæ÷ðå ããçé òùä àôéìå ìàå åòùä


Question: He should learn from Rosho and Zekano that Aseh Docheh Lo Sa'aseh, and even a Lav and Aseh!

åë"ú ãîä ìäðê ùëï ìàå ùàéðå ùåä áëì äåà ãìàå ãæ÷ðå ìéúà áðùéí ëãàîø ô"÷ ã÷éãåùéï (ãó ìä:)


Suggestion: We cannot learn from them, for the Lav is not Shavah b'Chol. The Lav of Zekano does not apply to women, like it says in Kidushin (35b).

à"ë âí ìøáðï úé÷ùä îðìï ãáòìîà òùä ãçé ìà úòùä


Rejection: If so, we can ask also against Rabanan, what is their source in general that Aseh Docheh Lo Sa'aseh!

åàåîø äø"ó ãîù"ä ôøéê ìø"à ãîå÷é ìäàé øàùå îùåí ðæéø ãàéëà ìàå åòùä åà"ë àéú ìéä òùä ãåçä ìà úòùä (äâäú áøëú øàù) î÷øà àçøéðà


Answer #1 (R. Peretz): We ask against R. Eliezer, because he establishes Rosho for Nazir, which has a Lav and an Aseh. If so, he [must] know that Aseh Docheh Lo Sa'aseh from another verse;

ãàì"ë ìà îöé ìàå÷îé ì÷øà ãøàùå ììà úòùä åòùä


If not, he could not establish Rosho for a Lav and an Aseh;

àìà áìàå âøéãà åáøàùå ãàéðéù ãòìîà ìîéãçé ìàå ãä÷ôä ëîå ùøáðï îòîéãéï àåúå ìàùîåòéðï ãä÷ôú ëì äøàù ùîä ä÷ôä åæ÷ðå ìàùîåòéðï ãàôéìå ìàå åòùä ãçé


Rather, [he would establish it] for a Lav alone, for the head of a Stam person (not a Nazir), to override the Lav of Hakafah, like Rabanan establish it to teach that Hakafas Kol ha'Rosh is considered Hakafah, and Zekano teaches that it is Docheh even a Lav and Aseh.

åàé ìà äåä [ëúéá øàùå ìà äåé] éãòéðï ãä÷ôú ëì äøàù ùîä ä÷ôä ÷î"ì øàùå.


Had it not written Rosho, we would not know that Hakafas Kol ha'Rosh is considered Hakafah. Rosho teaches [that it is].

åáúåñôåú àçøéðà îôøù äëé ìø"à òùä ããçé ìà úòùä îðà ìéä


Answer #2 (another Tosfos): We ask what is R. Eliezer's source that Aseh Docheh Lo Sa'aseh;

îãîå÷é æ÷ðå ìòéì áëäï îöåøò åãçé òùä ãâéìåç ìàå åòùä ãëäðéí ìàå ãæ÷ï åòùä ã÷ãåùéí éäéå (äâäú áøëú øàù) àìîà ôùéèà ìéä ìø"à áòìîà ãòùä ãçé ìàå âøéãà


Since he establishes Zekano above for a Kohen Metzora, and the Aseh of Gilu'ach is Docheh the Lav and Aseh of Kohanim, i.e. the Lav of the beard and the Aseh "Kedoshim Yihyu", this implies that it is obvious to him that elsewhere, an Aseh is Docheh a mere Lav;

ãàì"ë îðà ìéä ìàå÷îéä áëäï ìå÷îéä áæ÷ï ãéùøàì ãîöåøò åìàùîåòéðï ãòùä ãâéìåç ãîöåøò ãçé ìàå ãäùçúä ãéùøàì


If not, what is his source to establish [Zekano] regarding a Kohen? He should establish it to teach about a Yisrael's beard, to teach that he Aseh of Gilu'ach Metzora is Docheh the Lav of shaving for Yisre'elim;

àáì áëäï îöåøò ãìîà ìà ãçé ìàå åòùä ãëäðéí ã÷ãåùéí


However, a Kohen Metzora, perhaps [his Aseh to shave] is not Docheh the Lav and Aseh of Kohanim "Kedoshim [Yihyu]"!

ãáùìîà ìøáðï ãîå÷îé øàùå ãîöåøò ìîéîø ãòùä ãâéìåç ãçé ìàå ãä÷ôú äøàù à"ë ä"ä ãòùä ãîöåøò ãçé ìàå ãôàú æ÷ï


Distinction: Granted, according to Rabanan, who establish Rosho of Metzora to teach that the Aseh of Gilu'ach is Docheh the Lav of Hakafas ha'Rosh, if so, similarly, the Aseh of Metzora is Docheh the Lav of the corners of the beard;

åäìëê ìéùøàì åëå'


Therefore, for a Yisrael [we do not need Zekano, for we learn from Rosho. Rather, Zekano teaches about a Kohen - Birkas Rosh].

åäø"í àîø ãìøáðï ðéçà ãîöéðå ìîéîø ãøàùå àí àéðå òðéï ìùàéðå ùåä áëì ãðô÷à ìï îæ÷ðå àôéìå ìàå åòùä ùàéðå ùåä áëì úðéäå òðéï ììàå äùåä áëì


Answer #3 (Maharam): It is fine for Rabanan. We can say that Rosho, Im Eino Inyan (if we do not need it to teach that Aseh Docheh Lo Sa'aseh) that is not Shavah b'Chol, for we know from Zekano even a Lav and an Aseh that are not Shavah b'Chol, we use it to teach a Lav that is Shavah b'Chol.

åàì úúîä ãäìà ùôéø àöèøéê øàùå ìàùîåòéðï ãä÷ôú ëì äøàù ùîä ä÷ôä


Question: We need Rosho to teach that Hakafas Kol ha'Rosh is considered Hakafah!

ãàéëà ìîéîø [îñáøà] ðô÷à ìéä åëæä úîöà äñåâéà çìå÷ä øéù ùðé ðæéøéï (ì÷îï ãó ðç. åùí)


Answer: We can say that we know this from reasoning. In this way, the Sugya is unlike the Sugya below (58a):

ãîòé÷øà áòé äù"ñ ìîéîø ãîå÷é øàùå ìä÷ôú øàù âøéãà ìàùîåòéðï ãä÷ôú ëì äøàù ùîä ä÷ôä


[Here], initially the Gemara wanted to say that we establish Rosho only for Hakafas Rosh, to teach that Hakafas Kol ha'Rosh is considered Hakafah;

åáúø äëé ö"ì áëì (äâäú áøëú øàù) äñåâéà ãä÷ôú ëì äøàù ùîä ä÷ôä îñáøà (äâäú áøëú øàù)


After this, we must say in the entire Sugya that we know that Hakafas Kol ha'Rosh is considered Hakafah from reasoning;

åìøååçà (äâäú áøëú øàù) ãîìúà àîøä äù"ñ äëé àú"ì ãùôéø ðô÷à ìï ãòùä ãåçä ìà úòùä îâãéìéí ãìëìàéí àúé (äâäú áøëú øàù)


Merely to cover all possibilities, the Gemara [initially] said so, if you will say that we properly learn Aseh Docheh Lo Sa'aseh from Tzitzis of Kil'ayim (then Rosho teaches only that Hakafas Kol ha'Rosh is considered Hakafah);

àáì àé (äâäú áøëú øàù) àúé âãéìéí ìëãøáà ëãàîø áîñëú éáîåú (ãó ã:) ù÷éì äù"ñ ãà"ä (ëï äåà áãôåñ åðöéä) ìøáðï ùôéø ðô÷à ãòùä ãåçä ìà úòùä áàí àéðå òðéï


However, if Gedilim comes to teach like Rava, like he said in Yevamos (4b, that wool and linen exempt garments of any material), the Gemara discusses [and concludes that] even so, Rabanan properly learn that Aseh Docheh Lo Sa'aseh through Im Eino Inyan;

åàæ ðàîø ãä÷ôú ëì äøàù ùîä ä÷ôä îñáøà (äâäú áøëú øàù) ëãîñé÷ øéù ôø÷ ùðé ðæéøéï


Then, we will say from reasoning that Hakafas Kol ha'Rosh is considered Hakafah, like we conclude below (58a).

àáì ìø"à ãîå÷é øàùå ìðæéø îöåøò åâí æ÷ðå àúà ìëäï


Explanation: [This is why the Gemara asks] however, according to R. Eliezer, who establishes Rosho for a Nazir Metzora, and also Zekano comes to teach about a Kohen, [what is his source that Aseh Docheh Lo Sa'aseh ha'Shavah b'Chol]?

àé âîøéðï îðééäå ðàîø ãôìéâ áòìîà (äâäú áøëú øàù) ãòùä ãåçä ìà úòùä åòùä


If we learn from them, will we say that he argues everywhere and says that Aseh Docheh Lo Sa'aseh v'Aseh?!


Note: We explain like Birkas Rosh, who moves the next two lines of Tosfos (printed in our Gemaros) to the end of this Dibur.

àìà îùåí ãàéëà ìîôøê ëãôøéê (äâäú áøëú øàù) áøéù îñëú éáîåú (ãó ä.åùí)


Rather, [he does not learn from them] because we can ask like it asks in Yevamos (5a);

îä ìëäï ùëï àéðå ùåä áëì (äâäú áøëú øàù) îä ìðæéø ùëï éùðå áùàìä åàéöèøéê úøåééäå


We cannot learn from a Kohen, for [his Lav and Aseh are] not Shavah b'Chol. We cannot learn from a Nazir, because She'elah can undo [his Nezirus]. We need both of them.

åàëúé ãòùä ãçé ìà úòùä äùåä áëì îðìéä (äâäú áøëú øàù)


It is still difficult, what is his source that Aseh Docheh Lo Sa'aseh ha'Shavah b'Chol?

àáì ìø"à ö"ì ò"ë ãðô÷à ìéä ãòùä ãåçä ì"ú âøéãà áëì ìàå ëäàé ãàé ìà úòø îðà ìéä áîöåøò


Explanation: However, you are forced to say that R. Eliezer derives that an Aseh is Docheh a Lo Sa'aseh alone for all Lavim like this (i.e. without an accompanying Aseh). If not, what is his source for a Metzora to shave with a razor?

ãàé îøàùå ãìîà ìàå ìîãçé ðæéø ãàéú áéä úøé ìàåé ãä÷ôä åãðæéø (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé) àìà ìàå ãä÷ôä âøéãà


He cannot learn from Rosho. Perhaps it does not come to override for a [Metzora] Nazir, for there are two Lavim, of Hakafah and of Nazir. Rather, it comes only for Hakafah [of one who is not a Nazir]!

àìà ãñ"ì äùúà ìäù"ñ ãôìéâ ø"à [åàîø] ä÷ôú ëì äøàù ìà ùîä ä÷ôä


Rather, now the Gemara holds that R. Eliezer argues, and holds that Hakafah of the entire head is not called Hakafah.


TOSFOS DH Yalif me'Gedilim

úåñôåú ã"ä éìéó îâãéìéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why he must learn from Tzitzis.)

ãñîëéä øçîðà öéöéú ìëìàéí ìîéîø ãòùä ãöéöéú ãçé ìà úòùä ãëìàéí


Explanation: The Torah wrote Tzitzis next to Kil'ayim, to teach that the Aseh of Tzitzis overrides the Lav of Kil'ayim.

åáäëé ðéçà áøéù îñëú ãéáîåú ìà îöé äù"ñ ìîéôùè ãòùä ãåçä ìà úòùä âøéãà äùåä áëì îøàùå åæ÷ðå åäëà ôùéèà ìøáðï ããçé áìà âãéìéí


Support: Based on this, we can answer [a difficulty]. In Yevamos (5a), the Gemara was unable to learn that an Aseh is Docheh a Lav alone that is Shavah b'Chol from Rosho and Zekano. Here, it is obvious to Rabanan that it is Docheh, without Tzitzis!


Note: In Defus Vinitziya, Birkas Rosh and Be'eros ha'Mayim, this (DH Yalif) is not a new Dibur. It is the end of the previous Dibur (DH v'R. Eliezer). "Based on this", i.e. what Tosfos said above, that R. Eliezer holds that Hakafah of the entire head is not called Hakafah, we can resolve the Sugyos.

åäùúà ðéçà (äâäú áøëú øàù) ãñåâéà ãùîòúéï ãéáîåú ãáòé ìîéîø ãàéöèøéê ÷øà ìøàùå ãä÷ôú øàù ùîä ä÷ôä åìäëé ìéëà ìàåëåçé ãòùä ãåçä ìà úòùä áàí àéðå òðéï


Now, this is fine. The Sugya in Yevamos wanted to say that we need "Rosho" to teach that Hakafas Kol ha'Rosh is considered Hakafah. Therefore, we cannot prove from it that Aseh Docheh Lo Sa'aseh [ha'Shavah b'Chol] through Im Eino Inyan [just like R. Eliezer cannot learn from Im Eino Inyan, for if he had nothing else to learn from Rosho, he would learn from it that Hakafas Kol ha'Rosh is considered Hakafah. Therefore, he must learn from Tzitzis];

[àáì äëà ñ"ì ëñåâéà ãôø÷ ùðé ðæéøéï ãä÷ôú (äâäú áøëú øàù) ëì äøàù ùîä ä÷ôä îñáøà.


However, here we hold like the Sugya below (58a), that [Rabanan] know from reasoning that Hakafas Kol ha'Rosh is considered Hakafah.