TOSFOS DH Ela me'Atah... (cont.)
úåñôåú ã"ä àìà [îòúä]... (äîùê)
ãçùáú (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé) áäîä ëîôåøù áúòøåáú àåìé (äâäú áøëú øàù) ðúï ãòúå òì àçú îäï çèàú
Explanation: This is because you consider an animal like Mefurash in a mixture, lest he decided to make one the Chatas;
àí ëï (äâäú àøæé äìáðåï) âáé òåôåú ðîé ìéçåù ìëê àí ìà ôéøù áùòú ì÷éçä ùîà ðúï ãòúå áéï ì÷éçä ìä÷øáä åâîø (äâäú îìàëú éå"è) áìáå çã ìçèàú åçã ìòåìä
If so, also regarding birds, we should be concerned for this, if he did not specify at the time of purchase, perhaps between purchase and offering he decided and resolved in his heart that one is the Chatas and one is the Olah...
åìà éåëì äëäï ìä÷øéá àåúä àéæä ùéøöä ìçèàú åàéæä ùéøöä ìòåìä.
[If so,] the Kohen may not offer whichever he wants for Chatas, and whichever he wants for Olah! (Even though between purchase and offering he cannot make one a Chatas or Olah, his intent can make them Mefurashim in a mixture, like the coming Tosfos says.)
TOSFOS DH v'Chi Teima... (pertains to Daf 26b)
úåñôåú ã"ä åëé úéîà... (ùééê ìãó ëå:)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the question from Rav Chisda's teaching.)
åà"ú [åîàé] ôøéê åäìà äà (äâäú áøëú øàù) ãàîø (ëï äåà áãôåñ åðöéä) îòåú åìà áäîä äééðå îùåí ãàéëà ùäééä îùåí ãáòå îåí ëãôøéùéú
Question: What was the question? This is that he said "coins, and not a Behemah", is because there is a delay, because it needs a Mum, like I explained;
àáì äðé òåôåú çæå ìä÷øáä åàéï öøéê ùäééä åìëê àéï ìçåù ùîà ðúï ãòúå ìôøù áìáå äàé ìçèàú åäàé ìòåìä ãìéäåå ëîôåøùéï
However, these birds may be offered. He need not delay. Therefore, we need not be concerned lest he decided to specify in his heart that this one is the Chatas and this one is the Olah, that they would be like Mefurashim!
åé"ì ãäëà ðîé (äâäú áøëú øàù) ãëéåï ãìà ôéøùå äáòìéí áùòú ì÷éçä ùåá àéï áéãí ìäôøéù' ãäà áòå ìäúôøù áòùééú ëäï åòùééú ëäï àéðå áéã äáòìéí
Answer: Also here, since the owner did not specify at the time of purchase, he cannot specify, for they must be specified at the time the Kohen offers them, and this is not in the owner's power;
äéìëê àéëà ìîéîø ãàçø ì÷éçä àåìé ðúï ìáå ìôøùí áúòøåáú
Therefore, we can say that after purchase, perhaps he put his heart to specify them amidst the mixture.
Note: Above (26b Sof DH Aval Behemah), Tosfos said that we are not concerned lest he put his heart to specify in a case when he can clarify immediately, through buying the needed Korbanos. Therefore, here that he cannot clarify them, there is concern lest he put his heart to specify them!
åà"ú åäà àéï îåòéì ôéøåù äáòìéí àçø äì÷éçä
Question: The owner's specification after purchase does not help!
åé"ì ðäé ãàéï îåòéì ôéøåù äáòìéí àçø ì÷éçä ìáøø àéæä é÷øá çèàú åàéæä é÷øá òåìä î"î îäðé ôéøù áúòøåáú
Answer: Granted, the owner's specification after purchase does not help to clarify which will be offered for the Chatas and which for the Olah. In any case, specifying helps (it makes them Mefurashim) in a mixture;
åàéëà ìîéçù ãùîà ðúï áãòúå ìôøù àçø äì÷éçä äàé ìçèàú åäàé ìòåìä ãäåé îôøåùéí (ëï ðøàä ìäâéä) áúòøåáú
There is concern lest after purchase, he put to his heart to specify which is the Chatas and which is the Olah, that they are Mefurashim in a mixture;
åîòúä ìà éåëì äëäï ìä÷øéáí ëøöåðå àéæä ùéøöä çèàú åàéæä ùéøöä òåìä
Now, the Kohen may not offer like he pleases, whichever he wants for Chatas, and whichever he wants for Olah.
åìäëé ôøéê åëé úéîà àéï ä"ð åäà"ø çñãà ëå' àìà áòùééú äëäï ëìåîø äà áòùééú ëäï îéôøù äéëà ãìà ôéøùå åáéøøå äáòìéí áùòú äì÷éçä
Therefore, we ask "if you will say that indeed, [also Kinim are Mefurashim,] behold, Rav Chisda taught... only through the Kohen's Hakravah." I.e. it becomes Mefurash through the Kohen, when the owner did not specify and clarify at the time of purchase";
åùîà (äâäú áøëú øàù) ãòúí ìáøøí åäåå ëîå îôåøùéï áúòøåáú åàéê úîöà ùéúôøùå áùòú òùééú ëäï ëùäáòìéí ÷ééîéí
Perhaps [the owner] intended to clarify them, and they are like Mefurashim in a mixture. How do we find that they are specified at the time of Hakravah of the Kohen, when the owner is alive?
àãøáä ìà éäéä äëäï øùàé ìòùåú àçã ìçèàú åàçã ìòåìä ìôé ãòúå àí ìà éùàì ôé äáòìéí àí ðúðå ãòúí òì äâåæìåú îòåìí àéæä ìòåìä åàéæä ìçèàú
Just the contrary! The Kohen may not offer one for a Chatas and one for an Olah according to his whim, unless he asks the owner if he ever intended for the birds, which is for Olah and which is for Chatas;
ãàí àéðå ùåàì àú ôéäí ùîà éòùä àéôëà îðúéðú ãòú äáòìéí
If he does not ask him, perhaps he will do opposite of the owner's intent!
àìà åãàé îã÷àîø øá çñãà ãáòùééú äëäï îúôøùåú ù"î ãàéï ìðå ìçåù ùðúðå äáòìéí òéðéäí òìéäí îòåìí
Conclusion: Rather, surely since Rav Chisda said that they are specified through Hakravah of the Kohen, this shows that we are not concerned lest the owner ever put his eyes on them;
àå àôé' ðúðå òéðéäí òìéäí àåúä ðúéðä ìà îòìä åìà îåøãú ëéåï ùìà äåöéà äôéøåù áôéå ìäãéà
Or, even if he put his eyes on them, this does not change anything, since he did not explicitly say it with his mouth;
åä"ä ìáäîä åñåàø ùì ÷åøåú ùéäéå ëñúåîéï âîåøéí ìîéìúééäå ùéôìå ìðãáä åìà ðéîà îòåú ãå÷à
The same applies to an animal or beams. They are like absolute Stumim for their law, that they go to Nedavah. We do not say that only coins [get the law of Stumim]...
ëé äéëé ãòåôåú äåå ëñúåîéï ìîéìúééäå ùäëäï òåùä àéæä ùéøöä çèàú åàéæä ùéøöä òåìä ò"ë ùéèú äúåñ'
Just like birds are Stumim for their law, that the Kohen offers whichever he wants for Chatas, and whichever he wants for Olah. Until here is Tosfos' opinion.
åä÷ùä äø"î ëéåï ãîòùééú äëäï ôøéê ëãôøéùéú à"ë àãî÷ùéðï îãøá çñãà
Question #1 (Maharam): Since we ask from Hakravah of the Kohen, like I explained, if so, why did he ask from Rav Chisda's teaching?
úé÷ùé ìéä îëîä îùðéåú ãîñ' ÷éðéï ãàééøé á÷éðéï ñúåîéï ôéøåù ùìà ôéøùå äáòìéí áùòú ì÷éçä ãîùîò ùëäï îáøø áòùééúå
He should ask from [any of] several Mishnayos in Maseches Kinim, which discuss Kinim Stumim; i.e. the owner did not specify at the time of purchase. They connote that the Kohen clarifies through his Hakravah!
åò"÷ îàé ôøéê ãäéëé ðéçåù ùäáòìéí áéøøåí àéôëà îîä ùäëäï òåùä
Question #2: What was the question? Why should we be concerned lest the owner clarified them opposite to how the Kohen offers them?
åäìà äí îáéàéí àåúí ìëäï ìä÷øéáí áãòúå àéæä ùéøöä ìòåìä åàéæä ùéøöä ìçèàú åà"ë ìà ôéøùåí ëìì
[The owner] brings them to the Kohen to offer like he pleases, whichever he wants for Olah, and whichever he wants for Chatas! If so, he did not specify them at all! (Had he specified, he would tell the Kohen.)
åìòåìí àéîà ìê ãäéëà ãìà äáéàåí ìáñåó ìëäï ãäåå ëîôåøùéí áúòøåáú ëîå ðñëà åñåàø ùì ÷åøåú [åîàé] ôøéê
Really, I can say that when [the owner] does not bring them in the end to the Kohen, they are like Mefurashim in a mixture, just like ingots or beams. What was the question?!
åò"÷ äéàê éåòéì [ôøéùú] äáòìéí áúòøåáú àçø äì÷éçä ãçééùéðï àåìé ðúï áãòúå ìôøù ùùåá ìà éåëì äëäï ìùðåúí
Question #3: How does it work for the owner to make them Mefurashim in a mixture after the purchase, that we are concerned lest he put to his heart to specify, and afterwards the Kohen cannot change them...
éåúø îàéìå àîø áäãéà æä çèàú åæä òåìä ãàéðå îåòéì àçø äì÷éçä ëãàîø àå áì÷éçú áòìéí àå áòùééú äëäï
[How can this work] more than if he explicitly said "this is the Chatas, and this is the Olah"? This does not work after purchase, like [Rav Chisda] said, [it works only] at the time of purchase, or through Hakravah of the Kohen!
ìë"ð ìäø"í ãôøéê àäà ãàîø ìòéì îòåú åìà áäîä ôé' îùåí ãàéëà ùäééä åùîà ðúï áãòúå ìôøù áúòøåáú áéîé äùäééä ãäééðå áéîéí ùáéï ùòú äôøùä ìùòú ä÷øáä
Answer (to all the questions - Maharam): We challenge what we said above "coins, and not an animal." I.e. because there is a delay, and perhaps he intended to specify in the mixture during the days of delay, i.e. the days between the time of purchase and the time of Hakravah...
åàôé' áúòøåáú îùîò (äâäú îìàëú éå"è) ëùîæëéø áôéøåù àéæå ìçèàú åàéæå ìòåìä ãàäðé ôéøåùå ì÷áåò æä ìçèàú åæä ìòåìä
And even in a mixture, it connotes that when he explicitly mentions which is the Chatas and which is the Olah, his specification helps to fix this to be the Chatas, and this to be the Olah.
ôøéê åäà"ø çñãà ëå' àìîà ìà îäðé ôéøåù äáòìéí áéï äì÷éçä ãäééðå äôøùä åáéï ùòú ä÷øáä âáé ÷éðéï åîñúîà ä"ä âáé ùàø ÷øáðåú ò"ë ôé' äø"í
[Against this,] we ask that Rav Chisda said... I.e. specification of the owner does not help to fix this to be the Chatas, and this to be the Olah regarding Kinim, and presumably the same applies to other Korbanos. Until here is from Maharam.
å÷ùä ãäà ã÷àîø øá çñãà àéï ä÷éðéï îúôøùåú îùîò ãå÷à ÷éðéï îãìà ÷àîø àéï ä÷øáðåú
Question #1: Rav Chisda said "Kinim are clarified only..." This implies that this is only for Kinim, since he did not say "Korbanos..."
åòåã àôé' àú"ì ãéìéó ùàø ÷øáðåú î÷éðéï î"î àéï ñáøà äåà ìãîåú ì÷éðéï àìà ÷øáï ãçæé ìä÷øáä äï òöîï ãåîéà ã÷éðéï àáì ðñëà åñåàø ÷åøåú ìà
Question #2: Even if you will say that he learns other Korbanos from Kinim, in any case, it is reasonable to compare Kinim only to a Korban that itself is proper to be offered, like Kinim, but not ingots and beams;
åëï ôøéí åùòéøéí ìâáé ðæéø ãìà çæå ìä÷øáä âåôééäå ìéëà ìîéìó ìäå î÷éðéï
Also bulls and goats themselves are not proper to be offered regarding a Nazir. We cannot learn them from Kinim!
åòåã îä ìå ìäàøéê áìùåðå ë"ë ã÷àîø îàé èòîééäå ãøáðï ã÷àîøé îòåú åìà áäîä åëå'
Question #3: Why does he elaborate so much, and say "what is the reason of Rabanan, who say "coins, and not an animal..."?
ìòéì ìàìúø ä"ì ìà÷ùåéé àøá äåðà ãàîø àáì áäîä äøé äéà ëîôåøùú àéðé åäà"ø çñãà åìàåëåçé ãìà îäðé [ôøéùú] äáòìéí áéðé åáéðé (äâäú áøëú øàù) ìôé ùéèú äø"í
Above, immediately he should have asked against Rav Huna, who said "but an animal is like Mefurash." [He should have asked] "Rav Chisda said..." to prove that the owner's specification does not help in the interim! [This is difficult] according to Maharam!
åâí äìùåï ÷ùä ìôéøåùå (äâäú àøæé äìáðåï) ãîñé÷ åàîø åäà îòåú âîéøé
Question #4: The wording is difficult for his Perush. [Rav Simi] concludes [his question] and says "the tradition is about coins"! (According to Maharam, he should conclude "and the same applies to animals!")
åòåã ÷ùä ìàåúå èòí ùôéøùå äúåñ' ãäà ãàîø îòåú åìà áäîä åìà ðñëà ãëéåï ãàéëà ùäééä çééùéðï ùîà ðúï ìáå ìôøùí áúòøåáú áàåúå äæîï åäùéäåé
Question #5: Tosfos (26b DH Aval Behemah) explained the reason we say "coins, and not an animal or ingot" is since there is a delay, we are concerned lest he put to his heart to specify amidst the mixture during that time and delay;
åæäå ãåç÷ âãåì ùèòí æä àéðå øîåæ ëìì áñôø
This is very difficult. There is no hint to this reason at all in the text! (This question does not depend on Maharam's explanation.)
ìëê ðøàä (äâäú äøù"ù) ìôøù äñåâéà ëôé' ä÷åðèøñ ãäà ã÷àîø îòåú åìà áäîä åìà ðñëà åëå' äåé èòîà (äâäú áøëú øàù) îùåí ùäééä äåà
Answer (to all the questions): Rather, we explain the Sugya like Rashi. We say "coins, and not an animal or ingot..." The reason is due to delay;
åîéäå àéï äèòí îùåí çùùà [ëé ôéøù] áúòøåáú áìáå àìà îùåí ãàéï ìê àìà ëìùåï (äâäú áøëú øàù) ääìëä ùðùðéú îòåú ñúåîéí éôìå ìðãáä áìùåï äîùðä
However, the reason is not due to concern lest in his heart he made them Mefurashim in a mixture. Rather, you may learn only like the text of the tradition. We learned in the Mishnah that Ma'os Stumim go to Nedavah;
åòì æä ÷àîø ãå÷à îòåú âîéøé åìà áäîä ôé' åìà áäîä úîéîä ãìà çæéà ìðæéø ìä÷øáä ëâåï ôøéí àå ùòéøéí åëï ðñëà åñåàø ÷åøåú
Regarding this he says that we learned only coins, but not an animal, i.e. not a Tamim animal that is not proper to offer for a Nazir, such as bulls or goats, and the same applies to an ingot or beams;
åäàé øáåúà (äâäú áøëú øàù) îùîéòéï àåúðå äðê àîåøàé ùìà úàîø ãäìëä ðú÷áìä áëì îéìé ãìà çæé ìä÷øáä ãåîéà ãîòåú ëîå ðñëà åñåàø ÷åøåú åôøéí ìâáé ðæéø
The Amora'im teach us this Chidush. Do not say that the Halachah was received about everything that cannot be offered, like money, e.g. an ingot or beams, or bulls for a Nazir;
æä àéï ìê ìåîø ããå÷à îòåú âîéøé (úéîà) ùðåôìéï ìðãáä äéìëê àéï ìê àìà ääìëä
Do not say so. The tradition is only that coins go to Nedavah. You have only the tradition. (You may not extrapolate.)
åîéäå áäîä áòìú îåí áëìì îòåú äéà ëéåï ãçæé ìãîé ìàìúø ëîå îòåú åàôé' ðùðéú äìëä áäãéà îòåú áäîä áòìú îåí áëìì ëéåï ããîéà ìîòåú ìâîøé ãçæéà (äâäú îàåøé àåø) ìãîé ìàìúø
Distinction: However, a blemished animal is included in "coins", since it proper [to be sold] for money immediately, just like coins. Even if the tradition explicitly said coins, a Behemah Ba'al Mum is included, for it is totally like coins. It is it proper [to be sold] for money immediately.
åëä"â àîøé' ìòéì úðà áðæéø åëì ããîé ìéä (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé)
Support: We say like this above (26a). "He taught Nazir, and everything that resembles [Nazir]."
àáì ðñëà åñåàø ÷åøåú ãìà çæé ìãîé ìàìúø ëãôéøù áôéøåù (äâää áâìéåï) øàùåï àåúå åãàé ðúîòè îëìì äìëä ùðùðéú îòåú
Distinction: However, an ingot or beams, which are not proper [to be sold] for money immediately, like the first Perush explained, surely this is excluded from the Halachah, which taught "coins".
åäùúà ôøéê ùôéø ã÷àîø îàé èòîà ãøáðï ãàîøé îòåú åìà áäîä åëå' àìà îòúä ã÷àîø îòåú ãå÷à âîéøé îòåú åìà òåôåú áúîéä
Support: Now, it is a proper question. He said "what is the reason for Rabanan, who say "coins, and not an animal..."? If so, that the tradition is only for coins, will you say "coins and not birds"?!
ôé' àí àçã îçééáé ÷éðéï àå ðæéø èîà ùäôøéù úåøéï åáðé éåðä ñúåîéï ùìà ôéøù áùòú ì÷éçä åîú ä"ð ãìà éôìå ìðãáä åìà ðçùéáí ëîòåú ñúåîéï
Explanation: If one who was obligated Kinim, or a Nazir Tamei, separated Turim or Bnei Yonah Stumim, which he did not specify at the time of purchase, and he died, will you say that they do not go to Nedavah, and they are not considered like Ma'os Stumim?!
åë"ú àéï ä"ð åäà [àîø] øá çñãà ëå'
If you will say "yes indeed!", Rav Chisda taught...
ôé' ãäéëà ãìà ôéøùåí äáòìéí áùòú ì÷éçä ãàéï îúôøùåú àìà áòùééú äëäï ëìåîø ãàéï ìäí ùåí ãéï ôéøåù àìà éù ìäí ãéï ñúåîéí ìëì îéìé
Explanation: When the owner did not specify at the time of purchase, they are specified only through Hakravah of the Kohen. I.e. there is no law of specification on them. Rather, they are Stumim in every way;
áéï ìòðéï ùëäï éòùä àéæä ùéøöä çèàú åàéæä ùéøöä òåìä
This is both regarding that the Kohen may offer whichever he wants for Chatas, and whichever he wants for Olah...
åáéï ìòðéï ùéôìå ìðãáä ëîòåú (ëï ðøàä ìäâéä) ñúåîéï àí îúå äáòìéí ÷åãí ä÷øáä
And also that they go to Nedavah, like Ma'os Stumim, if the owner died before Hakravah.
ëê éù ìôøù ä÷åùéà ãôøéê îãøá (äâäú úôàøú öéåï) çñãà ìôé' ä÷åðèøñ åìà îòùééú äëäï ÷ôøéê ëîå ìôé' øàùåï (äâäú áøëú øàù)
Explanation (cont.): So we explain the question from Rav Chisda's teaching according to Rashi. We do not ask from Hakravah of the Kohen, like according to the first Perush;
àìà ëãôøéùéú ãîùîò ìéä ãàí ìà ðúôøùå áì÷éçä úå ìà çùéá ëîôåøùéï àìà ëñúåîéï ìëì îéìé
Rather, it is like I explained. It connotes to him (Rav Simi) that if they were not specified at the time of purchase, afterwards they are not considered Mefurashim, rather Stumim, in every way;
åàó ìòðéï æä äåå ëñúåîéï ãéôìå ìðãáä
They are like Stumim even in this way, that they go to Nedavah.
åà"ú åàëúé åîàé ôøéê îøá çñãà ìôé' æä åãéìîà øá çñãà ìà àééøé àìà ìòðéï æä ùìà éåëìå äáòìéí ìôøù àçø äì÷éçä àéæä ìçèàú åàéæä ìòåìä
Question: Still, what was the question from Rav Chisda, according to this Perush? Perhaps Rav Chisda discusses only that the owner cannot specify after purchase, which is the Chatas and which is the Olah;
[åìà] àééøé ìòðéï ùéôìå ìðãáä ëìì
He does not discuss going to Nedavah at all!
åé"ì ãîùîò ìéä ìëì îéìé ÷àîø ãäåå ëñúåîéï
Answer #1: It connotes to [Rav Simi] that regarding everything, he (Rav Chisda) said that they are like Stumim.
åòåã ãà"ë äåä ìéä ìîéîø àéï ä÷éðéï ð÷áòåú ãäåé îùîò ããå÷à ìòðéï ÷áéòåú ÷àîø àéæå ìçèàú åàéæå ìòåìä ìà îäðé (äâäú áøëú øàù) ÷áéòåú äáòìéí ùàí ìà ÷áòåäå áùòú ì÷éçä ùåá àéðå éëåì ì÷áòå
Answer #2: If so (Rav Chisda does not discuss going to Nedavah), he should have said "Kinim are Kavu'os (specified) only...", which connotes specifically regarding determining which is the Chatas and which is the Olah, the owner's Kevi'us does not help. If he did not specify at the time of purchase, afterwards he cannot specify;
ùâí áòìîà øâéì ìäæëéø ìùåï ÷áéòåú ìâáé ÷øáðåú
Also elsewhere, it is normal to mention "Kevi'us" regarding Korbanos.
îã÷àîø îúôøùåú îùîò òì ëì îéìé ÷àîø àéï ìäí ãéï ôéøåù àìà ãéï ñúåîéï àó (äâäú áøëú øàù) ìòðéï ãçùéáé ëñúåîéï ìéôåì ìðãáä
Inference: Since [instead, Rav Chisda] said "become Mefurashim [only]", this connotes that for all matters, they do not become specified. Rather, they have the law of Stumim, even to be considered Stumim to go to Nedavah.
åäùúà äåé äìùåï ùôéø ãîñé÷ åäà îòåú âîéøé àìà òì ëøçê ìàå ãå÷à îòåú ãä"ä òåôåú
Support: Now, the wording is fine. We conclude "the tradition is about coins!" Rather, you are forced to say that say that it is not only coins. The same applies to birds;
åä"ä ãìàå ãå÷à îòåú àìà àôéìå áäîä åðñëà åñåàø ÷åøåú
Similarly, it is not only coins, rather, even an animal, ingot or beams!
åà"ú ìôé' ä÷åðèøñ ãîôøù äà ãôøéê îòåú åìà òåôåú áòé ìîéîø äî÷ùä ãòåôåú ñúåîéí éôìå ìðãáä
Question: Rashi explains the question "coins, and not birds" that the Makshan wants to say that Stumim birds go to Nedavah;
åäà àîøé' ô"÷ ãùáåòåú (ãó éá:) ãàéï î÷éöéï äîæáç áòåìú äòåó
We say in Shevuos (12b) that we do not offer Olas ha'Of for Kitz ha'Mizbe'ach (Nedavah)!
åé"ì ãä"î áîåúø ðñëéí åùàø îåúøåú ôé' ùàí ðùúééøå îòåú ùáàåúí îòåú àéðå éëåì ì÷ðåú òåôåú ì÷éõ äîæáç
Answer #1: That refers only to excess Nesachim and other excesses. I.e. if coins remained, we do not use them to buy birds for Kitz ha'Mizbe'ach;
àáì àí äòåôåú òöîï ðùúééøå ëîå ùîúå äáòìéí ÷åãí ä÷øáú ëäðéí òåôåú î÷éöéï ùôéø ìâáé äîæáç
However, if the birds themselves remained, e.g. the owner died before the Kohen offered them, we properly offer birds for Kitz ha'Mizbe'ach.
à"ð äî÷ùä ãäëà ìà ñ"ì ääéà ãùáåòåú ùùí äéà îéîøà ãàîåøà.
Answer #2: The Makshan here argues with the teaching in Shevu'os. There, it is a teaching of Amora'im.
TOSFOS DH v'Amai ha'Amrat Behemah Lav k'Mefureshes Damya
úåñôåú ã"ä åàîàé äàîøú [áäîä] ìàå ëîôåøùú ãîéà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the question and the answer.)
ëìåîø ìôé îàé ãáòé ìàåëåçé îøá çñãà ãòåôåú ëñúåîéï äí åä"ð áäîä [ðéîà] ëñúåîéï ãîéà åìà ëîôåøùéï åà"ë é÷ùä ìê àîàé çùéá ìäå øùá"â ëîôåøùéï
Explanation: Based on what we want to prove from Rav Chisda, that birds are like Stumim, and likewise we should say that an animal is like Stumim, and not Mefurashim, if so, it is difficult for you. Why does R. Shimon ben Gamliel consider them Mefurashim?
åà"ú åîé ãîé åäà áäîä ãìòéì ãçùéá ëñúåîéí îééøé ëâåï ãäåå â' ôøéí åäðäå åãàé äåå ëñúåîéí
Question: These are different! Above, an animal is considered like Stumim. This refers to a case like three bulls. Surely they are like Stumim;
àáì àìå áäîåú ãîééøé ëàï øùá"â îééøé ááäîä ãçæå ìðæéø åìëê çùáéðï ìäå ëîôåøùéï
However, these animals that R. Shimon ben Gamliel discusses are proper for a Nazir. Therefore, they are considered like Mefurashim.
åé"ì ãäëé ôéøåùå àé àîøú áùìîà ëã÷àîø øá äåðà ááäîåú ãäééðå â' ôøéí çùéáé ÷öú ëîôåøùéï åìëì äôçåú ëîôåøùéï áúòøåáú
Answer: The question means "it is fine if you say like Rav Huna said about animals, i.e. three bulls, that they are considered somewhat Mefurashim, and at the least Mefurashim in a mixture";
äëà ãøùá"â ðéçà ãçåùá â' áäîåú äøàåééí ìðæéø ëîôåøùéï ìâîøé ëàéìå ôéøù áôéå æå ìçèàú åæå ìòåìä åæå ìùìîéí
R. Shimon ben Gamliel's teaching here is fine. He considers three animals proper for Nazir like totally Mefurashim, as if he specified with his mouth "this is the Chatas, this is the Olah, and this is the Shelamim";
àìà àé àîøú äâ' ôøéí ëñúåîéï ãîééï ìâîøé ä"ð îçîú ùäï øàåéï ìðæéø ìà äåä ìï ìîéçùáéðäå (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) ìâîøé ëîôåøùéï
However, if you will say that three bulls are like totally Stumim, also here, just because they are proper for Nazir, we should not consider them like totally Mefurashim!
åà"ú åàëúé îàé [ôøéê ãéìîà] øùá"â àééøé ëùçæø åôéøù äðæéø áôéøåù áùòú ä÷øáä äé ìçèàú åäé ìòåìä åäé ìùìîéí
Question: Still, what was the question? Perhaps R. Shimon ben Gamliel discusses when the Nazir returned and explicitly specified at the time of Hakravah which is the Chatas, which is the Olah, and which is the Shelamim!
åé"ì çãà ãìéùðà (äâäú áøëú øàù) ìà îùîò äëé ã÷úðé äáéà â' áäîåú åìà ôéøù åëå'
Answer: Firstly, the words connote unlike this. It says "he brought three animals and did not specify..."
åîùîò ìéä äøàåé ìòåìä ú÷øá ìòåìä ãîòëùéå (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé) àó ÷åãí ä÷øáä éù (îëàï îòîåã á) òìéä ùí òåìä àó ìîòåì áä åùí çèàú ãàó (äâäú ÷øï àåøä) àí îúå äáòìéí ãìîéúä àæìà
[Also, the Makshan] understands "what is proper for Olah is offered for an Olah", that from now, even before Hakravah, it is called an Olah, even for Me'ilah, and [the Chatas] is called a Chatas, that even if the owner died, it must die.
åòåã àé áîôåøùéï áôéøåù áùòú ä÷øáä öøéê ìîéîø åîàé ÷î"ì øùá"â
Also, if we discuss when he explicitly specified at the time of Hakravah, need this be taught?! What is R. Shimon ben Gamliel's Chidush?
åà"ú åîàé ÷ñ"ã ãøá ôôà åäà îåëçà îãøá çñãà ãáòåôåú ëñúåîéï ãîééï åä"ä ááäîä
Question: What was Rav Papa's Havah Amina? It is proven from Rav Chisda that birds are like Stumim, and the same applies to animals!
åéù ãåç÷ ìåîø ãøá ôôà ñ"ì ãøá çñãà [áãåúà]
Poor Answer #1: Some say that holds that Rav Chisda's teaching is totally wrong.
åìéúà ãáëîä ãåëúé [îééúé] ìãøá çñãà
Rejection: We bring Rav Chisda's teaching in several places!
åö"ì ãøá ôôà åãàé ñ"ì ãàôéìå àú"ì ãòåôåú ëñúåîéí ãîééï åìà îîòèéðï ìäå îîòåú äééðå îùåí ùàéï ìðå ìîòè àìà ãáø äãåîä ìîòåú ãìà çæå ìä÷øáä ëâåï ôøéí (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) ãìà çæå ìðæéø ìä÷øáä
Answer #2: Rather, Rav Papa surely held that even if you will say that birds are like Stumim, and we do not exclude them from "coins", this is because we exclude only something that resembles coins and cannot be offered, such as bulls, which a Nazir cannot offer;
àáì òåôåú ãçæå âåôééäå ìä÷øáä àéï ìîòèï îäìëä ùðúôøù áîòåú ñúåîéï éôìå ìðãáä åäåà äãéï ãäðé (äâäú äøù"ù) ñúåîéï äåå îòìå ìðãáä
However, birds, which they themselves can be offered, we do not exclude them from a tradition that specified that Ma'os Stumim go to Nedavah, and also these Stumim [birds] go to Nedavah.
åîùðé ìéä øá ùéîé åà"ì åì÷ç åòùä àîø øçîðà áì÷éçú áòìéí àåîø ëï
Explanation: Rav Simi answered him, and said 'the Torah said "v'Lakach v'Asah" - it refers to the owner's purchase.'
ëìåîø åàí ìà ôéøùå äáòìéí áùòú äì÷éçä äåå ëñúåîéï (äâäú úôàøú öéåï) ìôé ùàéðå îåëéç îâåó äúåøéí äé çèàú åäé òåìä
I.e. if the owner did not specify at the time of purchase, they are like Stumim, because it is not proven from the Turim themselves which is the Chatas and which is the Olah;
åëï ëùäôøéù ùìùä ôøéí àéï îåëéç îâåó äáäîåú ëìåí äé çèàú åäé òåìä äéìëê ðåëì ìåîø ãäåå ëñúåîéï ìâîøé
Similarly, when he separated three bulls, it is not proven from the bodies of the animals themselves which is the Chatas and which is the Olah. Therefore, we can say that they are like totally Stumim.
àáì äëà áîúðé' ãøùá"â ã÷úðé äáéà ùìù áäîåú äøàåéåú ãîåëéç îâåó äáäîä äé ìçèàú åäé ìòåìä åäé ìùìîéí
Distinction: However, here in our Mishnah of R. Shimon ben Gamliel, which teaches "if he brought three animals proper [for Nezirus], it is proven from the animal's body which is the Chatas, which is the Olah and which is the Shelamim;
ãëáùä ìçèàú ùçèàú áàä ð÷áä åìéëà ìîéîø ãú÷øá òåìä ùäòåìä áà æëø ãäééðå ëáù
The female lamb is for the Chatas, for a Chatas is a female. You cannot say that it should be offered for the Olah, for an Olah is a male, i.e. a lamb;
åëï àéì îôåøù áôñå÷éí (äâäú àåøç îéùåø) ìäãéà ã÷øá ùìîéí åëï ëáùä ìçèàú åëï ëáù ìòåìä
Similarly, it is explicit in the verses that the ram is offered for Shelamim, and similarly the female lamb for the Chatas, and the male lamb for the Olah.
äéìëê ëîôåøùéï ãîå ãàéï îôåøù âãåì îæä
Therefore they are like Mefurashim. There is no greater clarification than this!
àáì â' ôøéí ëñúåîéï ãîééï åìà ðàîø àé â' ôøéí äåå ëñúåîéí ä"ð äåå ëñúåîéï ëãñáø (äâäú áøëú øàù) äî÷ùä.
However, 3bu are like Stumim. We do not say that if three bulls are like Stumim, also here (three animals proper for Nezirus) are like Stumim, like the Makshan held.
TOSFOS DH Mesiv Rav Hamnuna
úåñôåú ã"ä îúéá øá äîðåðà (äâää áâìéåï)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the question is against Rav Nachman.)
àîøú áòìú îåí ëñúåîéí ãîéà ìø"ð ãàîø ìòéì äëé ôøéê
Explanation: You said that a Ba'al Mum is like [Ma'os] Stumim. We challenge Rav Nachman, who said so above (26b).
TOSFOS DH Mesiv (part 2)
úåñôåú ã"ä îúéá (çì÷ á)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that his father separated unspecified coins.)
åäúðéà ëéöã äàéù îâìç ìðæéøåú àáéå ä"â áæîï ùàáéå äéä ðæéø åäôøéù îòåú ìðæéøåúå
Citation of Gemara: A Beraisa teaches "what is the case in which a man is Megale'ach [with the Korbanos of] his father's Nezirus?" The text says "this is when his father was a Nazir and separated coins for his Nezirus."
ôéøåù ñúåîéï
Explanation: [He separated Ma'os] Stumim.
TOSFOS DH Mesiv (part 3)
úåñôåú ã"ä îúéá (çì÷ â)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how Nezirus is unlike a Chiyuv Chatas.)
åîú åàîø äáï äøéðé ðæéø ò"î ùàðé îâìç òì îòåú àáé æäå (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) ùîâìç òì îòåú àáéå
Citation of Gemara: [His father] died, and the son said "I am a Nazir on condition that I will shave using my father's coins." This is the case of one who is Megale'ach with his father's coins.
ôéøåù àò"â ãì÷îï îééúéðï ãàí àáéå äôøéù îòåú ìçèàúå ùàëì çìá åîú åðúçééá äáï âí äåà çèàú çìá àéðå îáéà çèàúå îîòåú ùäôøéù àáéå ìçèàú (äâäú äøù"ù)
Implied question: Below, we bring that if his father separated coins for his Chatas, for he ate Chelev, and he died, and the son was also obligated a Chatas for Chelev, he may not bring his Chatas from coins that his father separated for a Chatas!
äëà (äâäú áøëú øàù) äìëä äéà áðæéø ùîâìç òì îòåú ùäôøéù àáéå ìðæéøåúå
Answer: Here, it is a tradition [from Moshe from Sinai] that a Nazir may shave using coins that his father separated for his [own] Nezirus.
åãå÷à ùìà ðãø äáï áçéé àáéå ëãîñé÷ åäåìê àáì ðãø áçéé àáéå ìà
Limitation: This is only if the son did not vow in his father's lifetime, like we proceed to conclude. However, if he vowed in his father's lifetime, he may not;
ëã÷úðé àáì îé ùäéä äåà åàáéå ðæéøéí åäôøéù àáéå îòåú ôéøåù áñúîà åîú åàîø äáï äøéðé îâìç òì îòåú àáé àéðå îâìç òìéäí
This is like it teaches "however, if he and his father were Nezirim, and his father separated coins", i.e. Stumim, and [his father] died, and the son said "I will shave using my father's coins", he may not use them to shave;
àìà éôìå ìðãáä ãëê äéà äìëä åàéú ñôøéí ãâøñé àéôëà åâéøñà æå òé÷ø.
Rather, they go to Nedavah. This is the tradition. Some texts say oppositely; this text (that I wrote) is primary.
TOSFOS DH Mai Irya d'Tani Ma'os v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä îàé àéøéà ãúðé îòåú ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we ask from the Beraisa, and not from our Mishnah.)
[àîàé ð÷è áøéùà îòåú ä"ì ìîéúðé áøéùà äéúä ìå áäîä áòìú îåí ãäëé äåé ùôéø èôé ìîéúðé ãéï ñúåîéí åîôåøù äëì ááäîåú]
Explanation: We ask why the Reisha taught coins. The Reisha should have taught one who had a Behemah Ba'al Mum. It could have properly taught the laws of Stumim and Mefurash, all regarding animals.
åà"ú åàîàé ìà ôøéê îîúðé' ã÷úðé îòåú ñúåîéï éôìå ìðãáä åàé áäîä áòìú îåí ëîòåú ñúåîéï ìéúðé áäîä áòìú îåí
Question: Why don't we ask from our Mishnah, which teaches that Ma'os Stumim go to Nedavah? If a Behemah Ba'al Mum is like Ma'os Stumim, it should teach an animal Ba'al Mum!
åé"ì ãîáøééúà ôøéê ùôéø ãééøé ñéôà ãáøééúà ááäîä åà"ë ìéúðé (äâäú áàø îùä) ëåìä ááäîä åìéôìåâ åìéúðé áãéãä äëì áéï áòìú îåí áéï úîéîä
Answer: We ask properly from the Beraisa. The Seifa of the Beraisa discusses an animal. If so, the entire Beraisa should teach about and distinguish within animals, between a Ba'al Mum and a Tamim;
àáì áîúðé' ÷úðé îòåú îôåøùéï ìäëé ÷úðé áøéùà (äâäú áøëú øàù) îòåú ñúåîéï åîçì÷ äëì áîòåú
However, our Mishnah taught Ma'os Mefurashim. Therefore, it taught in the Reisha, Ma'os Stumim, and distinguishes totally within coins;
ìäëé ìéëà ìîéôøê ìéúðé áäîä áòìú îåí ãäåé ëñúåîéï áî÷åí [îòåú].
Therefore, we cannot ask that it should teach an animal Ba'al Mum, which is like Stumim, in place of coins.
TOSFOS DH v'Eino Yotzei b'Korban Aviv
úåñôåú ã"ä åàéðå éåöà á÷øáï àáéå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions the need for a verse to teach about this.)
ö"ò ãîä àéöèøéê ÷øà äà åãàé ãçèàú ùîúå áòìéä ìîéúä àæìà
Question: Why do we need the verse? Surely, a Chatas whose owner died, it must die!
åîàé äàé ã÷àîø ðîé áúø äëé àáì éåöà äåà á÷øáï àáéå ùäôøéù îï ä÷ìä òì ä÷ìä åëå'.
Also, why do we say below "[perhaps] he is Yotzei with his father's Korban that he separated for a light Aveirah, for a light Aveirah [of the son]!"?
Note: The Shitah Mekubetzes answers that when his son needs a Chatas, one might have thought that his son may atone with his father's Korban, so it need not die.
TOSFOS DH she'Harei Ein Adam Megale'ach Al Behemas Aviv bi'Nezirus
úåñôåú ã"ä ùäøé àéï àãí îâìç òì áäîú àáéå áðæéøåú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the tradition was only about Ma'os Stumim.)
ëãàîøéðï áùéìäé ôéø÷éï ùàéðå îâìç òì ðæéøåú (äâää áâìéåï) àáéå ëé àí òì îòåú ñúåîéï ãìà äåæëø áìùåï äîùðä àìà îòåú ñúåîéí ãäìëä ðùðéú áîòåú ñúåîéï ãå÷à
Explanation: This is like it says below (30b), that one may not shave using his father's Nezirus, only with Ma'os Stumim. The Mishnah mentions only Ma'os Stumim. The tradition was taught only with Ma'os Stumim.
Note: The end of this Tosfos pertains to the end of Tosfos DH she'Harei on Daf 28a (Maharav Ransborg). We bring it and explain it there.