TOSFOS DH Ad she'Yazir mi'Kulan (pertains to Daf 3b)
úåñôåú ã"ä òã ùéæéø îëåìï (ùééê ìãó â:)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that if he specifies, he must specify all the Isurim.)
àå éàîø ñúîà ãîùîò ëì îéìé ãðæéøåú ÷éáì òìéä
Explanation: Or, he says Stam, which connotes that he accepted on himself all matters of Nezirus;
åàí áà ìôøù çøöï åæâ öøéê ìôøù ëåìí âí úâìçú åèåîàä.
If he comes to specify Chartzan and Zag, he must specify all [matters of Nezirus], also shaving and Tum'ah.
TOSFOS DH mi'Kol Asher Ye'aseh mi'Gefen ha'Yayin (pertains to Daf 3b)
úåñôåú ã"ä îëì àùø éòùä îâôï äééï (ùééê ìãó â:)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how we learn all matters from here.)
àìîà ãîëåìäå öøéê ìäæéø
Inference: This shows that he must vow to abstain from all of them.
åà"ú åàëúé úâìçú åèåîàä ìà ùîòéðï
Question: Still, we do not learn [from here he must vow to abstain from] shaving and Tum'ah!
åé"ì ëéåï ãâìé ìï áééï ä"ä ùöøéê ì÷áì âí úâìçú åèåîàä åðô÷à ìï îìéùðà ã÷øà îëì.
Answer: Since the Torah revealed to us about wine, likewise he must accept shaving and Tum'ah. We learn from the wording of the Torah "mi'Kol".
TOSFOS DH mi'Yayin v'Shechar Yazir (pertains to Daf 3b)
úåñôåú ã"ä îééï åùëø éæéø (ùééê ìãó â:)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how we expound that it suffices to vow from one of them.)
îùîò àôéìå áçã äåé ðæéø ãäà ëáø ëúéá îëì àùø éòùä îâôï ìîä ìé ìîéëúá îééï åùëø
Inference: This connotes that even from one of them, he is a Nazir, for it already "mi'Kol Asher Ye'aseh mi'Gefen." Why must the Torah write mi'Yayin v'Shechar?
àìà ìàùîåòé' ãàôé' ìà ðãø ëé àí áçã îäðé ãçééì ðæéøåú òìéå
Rather, it is to teach that even if he vowed only from one of these, Nezirus takes effect on him;
åàôéìå ëùáà ìôøù ãäëà çøöï åæâ ìà ëúéáé.
This is even if he comes to specify, for here it does not say Chartzan and Zag.
TOSFOS DH Le'esor Yayin Mitzvah k'Yayin ha'Reshus (pertains to Daf 3b)
úåñôåú ã"ä ìàñåø ééï îöåä ëééï äøùåú (ùééê ìãó â:)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives the source for this.)
ëìåîø î÷øà éúéøà ãîééï åùëø éæéø.
Explanation: We learn from the extra verse mi'Yayin v'Shechar Yazir.
TOSFOS DH Mai Hi Kidusha v'Avdalta Mushba v'Omed mi'Har Sinai Hu
úåñôåú ã"ä îàé äéà ÷éãåùà åàáãìúà îåùáò åòåîã îäø ñéðé äåà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that this is said in astonishment.)
ã÷ãåù äéåí ãàåøééúà åàéê úçåì òìéå ðæéøåú
Explanation #1: Kidush ha'Yom (at the beginning of Shabbos) is mid'Oraisa. [We ask] how can Nezirus take effect on it [to forbid it]?
å÷ùä ãàãøáä ìäëé àéöèøéê ÷øà îéåúø ìåîø ãçééì òìéä ðæéøåú
Question #1: Just the contrary! This is why we need an extra verse to teach that Nezirus takes effect on it!
åòåã ÷ùä îàé îùðé áúø äëé ëâåï ùðùáò ìùúåú åçæø åðãø áðæéø ãàúéà ðæéøåú åçééì àùáåòä
Question #2: We answer after this "the case is, he swore to drink, and then vowed to be a Nazir. The Nezirus takes effect on the Shevu'ah." (This is not an answer!)
î"î ú÷ùé ìå äøé îåùáò åòåîã îäø ñéðé ëìåîø ãàéï îåùáò åòåîã âãåì îæä ùðùáò ìùúåú
Still, it is difficult. He is Mushba v'Omed mi'Har Sinai! I.e. this is the ultimate case of Mushba v'Omed, for he swore to drink!
åòåã ÷ùä ã÷ãåù äéåí ìàå ãàåøééúà äåà
Question #3: Kidush ha'Yom is not mid'Oraisa!
ãðäé ðîé ãëúéá æëåø åãøùéðï æåëøäå òì äééï àñîëúà äåà
Even though it says "Zachor", and we expound "mention [Shabbos] over wine", this is a mere Asmachta.
ìë"ð ìø"ú ãâøñéðï áúîéä åëé îåùáò åòåîã îäø ñéðé ëìåîø ì"ì ÷øà îéåúø ìàñåø ééï îöåä åëé îåùáò åëå'
Explanation #2 (R. Tam): The text asks in astonishment "is he Mushba v'Omed mi'Har Sinai?!" I.e. why do we need an extra verse to forbid wine of a Mitzvah?
ãðäé ã÷éãåù äéåí ãàåøééúà òì äééï ìàå ãàåøééúà ãæåëøäå òì äééï àñîëúà
Granted, Kidush ha'Yom is mid'Oraisa! [To say it] over wine is not mid'Oraisa. "Mention it over wine" is an Asmachta.
åäùúà îùðé ëâåï ùðùáò ìùúåú å÷î"ì ÷øà éúéøà ãçééì òìéä àò"â ùðùáò ìùúåú.
Now, we answer that "the case is, he swore to drink [and vowed to be a Nazir]." The extra verse teaches that [Nezirus] takes effect on it, even though he swore to drink.
TOSFOS DH Lealufei l'Mikdash
úåñôåú ã"ä ìàìåôé ìî÷ãù
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we learn to limit liability for entering the Mikdash while drunk.)
îäëà åàéðå çééá ìî÷ãù àìà àééï åùëø åìàôå÷é îøáé éäåãä ëå'.
Explanation: [We learn] from here, and he is liable for [entering] the Mikdash only for wine and strong drink, and to teach unlike R. Yehudah [who obligates for other intoxicants].
TOSFOS DH R. Shimon Leis Lei Isur Chal Al Isur
úåñôåú ã"ä ø"ù ìéú ìéä àéñåø çì òì àéñåø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the verse teaches that here, Isur Chal Al Isur.)
ôéøåù áòìîà ëãúðéà ëå'
Explanation: In general [he holds that Ein Isur Chal Al Isur], like the Beraisa...
åàé ìàå ÷øà äëà ä"à äéëà ãðùáò ùìà ìùúåú åùåá äæéø áðæéø åùúä áééï ìà çééá àðæéøåú ÷î"ì ÷øà éúéøà ãîééï åùëø
If not for the verse here, one might have thought that when he swore not to drink, and then vowed to be a Nazir, and drank wine, he is not liable for Nezirus. The extra verse mi'Yayin v'Shechar teaches that this is not so.
ãàí ðùáò ùìà ìùúåú ëåñ æä åðãø áðæéø åòáø åùúä äëåñ ãì÷é úøúé îùåí ùáåòúà åîùåí ðæéøåú
If he swore not to drink this cup, and vowed to be a Nazir, and transgressed and drank the cup, he is lashed twice, for the Shevu'ah, and for Nezirus.
åìà úéîà ëã÷àîø øáà ìòéì ùáåòä ùàùúä àìà úåëì ìúøõ àôéìå ùáåòä ùìà àùúä ëãôéøùúé.
Do not say [only] like Rava above "Shevu'ah that I will drink." Rather, you can answer even "Shevu'ah that I will not drink", like I explained.
TOSFOS DH v'R. Shimon Leis Lei Tziruf
úåñôåú ã"ä åøáé ùîòåï ìéú ìéä öéøåó
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he does not need a verse for Tziruf.)
ëìåîø àéï öøéê éúåø ìöéøåó ãàôé' áùàø àéñåøéí ëçìá åãí îçééá áëì ùäå åìà àîøå ëæéú àìà ì÷øáï
Explanation: He does not need an extra verse, for even regarding other Isurim such as Chelev and blood, he obligates [lashes] for any amount. [He holds that the Shi'ur of] a k'Zayis is only for [liability to bring] a Korban;
åäëà ìà ùééê öéøåó ì÷øáï ù÷øáï ðæéø àéðå áà òì ùùúä ééï àìà îì÷åú
Here, joining for a Korban does not apply, for Korban Nazir does not come for drinking wine. He is only lashed;
åä÷øáï áà òì äùìîú ðãøå.
The Korban comes when he finishes his vow [or for Tum'ah].
TOSFOS DH Mah Bein Nazir Shimshon l'Nazir Olam
úåñôåú ã"ä îä áéï ðæéø ùîùåï ìðæéø òåìí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we did not say that they differ regarding She'elah.)
åà"ú ùàìä àéëà áéðééäå ãðæéø ùîùåï ìéúà áùàìä åðæéø òåìí àéúà áùàìä ëãàé' áô' áúøà ãîëåú (ãó ëá.) âáé çåøù úìí àçã
Question: They differ regarding She'elah (permitting through regret)! She'elah does not apply to Nazir Shimshon, but it applies to Nazir Olam, like it says in Makos (22a) regarding one who plows one furrow [and gets eight sets of lashes]!
åé"ì îéìúà ãìéúà áðæéøåú ìà ÷úðé åàí éùàì òì ðæéøåú àæ ìà äåé ðæéø
Answer: [The Mishnah] does not teach about something that does not apply to Nezirus. If he asks to permit his Nezirus, then he is not a Nazir;
åä"÷ îä áéï ðæéø ùîùåï ëå' ëùùðéäí ðæéøéï.
It means as follows. What is the difference between Nazir Shimshon... when both of them are Nezirim.
TOSFOS DH k'Shimshon k'Ben Mano'ach k'Ba'al Delilah
úåñôåú ã"ä ëùîùåï ëáï îðåç ëáòì ãìéìä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that one of the last three descriptions is necessary and sufficient.)
àáì ëùîùåï ìçåãéä àå ëáï îðåç ìçåãéä ìà ñâé òã ùéàîø ùìùúï ëãîåëç áâî'
Explanation: Saying only "k'Shimshon" or only "k'Ben Mano'ach" does not help, until he says all three, like is proven in the Gemara.
îëàï åàéìê âøéñ ø"ú åëîé ùò÷ø ãìúåú òæä áåé"å åëîé ùð÷øå ôìùúéí àú òéðéå ãàå àå ÷àîø
From here and onwards, R. Tam says that the text says and like the one who uprooted the doors of Azah with a Vov, and like the one whom Plishtim gouged out his eyes, for the Mishnah means or;
ëìåîø àå ùéàîø ëîé ùò÷ø àå ëîé ùð÷øå ëå' ãàé àîø ëáòì ãìéìä ìçåã àå ëîé ùò÷ø ãìúåú òæä ìçåã àå ëîé ùð÷øå ôìùúéí àú òéðéå ìçåã ãäåé ðæéø ùîùåï ãáäà ìéëà ìîéèòé.
I.e. Either he says like the one who uprooted, or like the one whom they gouged out..., for if he said "like Delilah's husband" alone, or "like the one who uprooted the doors of Azah" alone, or "like the one whom Plishtim gouged out his eyes" alone he is a Nazir Shimshon, for one cannot err about this.
TOSFOS DH Nazir Olam Meikel
úåñôåú ã"ä ðæéø òåìí îé÷ì
(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves that he does not totally shave his hair.)
åìà îâìç ìâîøé ëàáùìåí ùìà âìç ìâîøé ùäøé ðúìä áùòøå.
Explanation: He does not totally shave [his hair], like Avshalom, who did not totally shave, for [his hair became caught in a tree, and] he was hung through his hair. (Merumei Sadeh says that Tosfos' proof is from the opinion (below, 5a) that he shaved every Erev Shabbos. Surely, his hair could not grow so much in one week! However, he questions the proof, for Avshalom's hair had a Divine semblance (Sotah 10a).)
TOSFOS DH u'Mevi Gimel Behemos
úåñôåú ã"ä åîáéà â' áäîåú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is a tradition from Moshe from Sinai.)
áùòä ùîé÷ì äìëä ìîùä îñéðé åàñîëúà îàáùìåí ãàîø àùìí ðãøé
Explanation: [He bring three animals] when he trims his hair. This is a tradition from Moshe from Sinai with an Asmachta from Avshalom, who said "Ashalem Nidri."
çèàú òåìä åùìîéí ëðæéø èäåø ÷øáï èåîàä ùúé úåøéí åàùí.
He brings a Chatas, Olah and Shelamim, like a Nazir Tahor. Korban Tum'ah (if he became Tamei) is two Turim (or Benei Yonah; one is a Chatas, and one is an Olah) and an Asham.
TOSFOS DH Korban Hu d'Lo Maisi
úåñôåú ã"ä ÷øáï äåà ãìà îééúé
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he is a Nazir regarding the Isur of Tum'ah.)
ôéøåù ðæéø ùîùåï àáì ðæéøåú çééì òìéä ëìåîø ìòðéï ùàñåø ìèîàåú ìîúéí ìëúçéìä.
Explanation: A Nazir Shimshon [does not bring Korban Tum'ah], but Nezirus takes effect on him, i.e. to forbid becoming Tamei Mes l'Chatchilah.
TOSFOS DH she'Lo Matzinu b'Shimshon she'Yatza Nezirus mi'Piv
úåñôåú ã"ä ùìà îöéðå áùîùåï ùéöà ðæéøåú îôéå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this prevents others from becoming a Nazir Shimshon.)
ëìåîø ìà ðæø áðæéø àìà îáèï àîå äéä ðãåø áðæéø îîéìà
Explanation: He did not vow to be a Nazir. From his birth he was vowed to be a Nazir automatically;
åàðï áòéðï ùéãåø áãáø äðãåø ëîå äøéðé ëæä ùðãø áðæéø
We require that one vow with Davar ha'Nadur, like Hareini ka'Zeh (like this one) who vowed to be a Nazir;
ëããøùé' (ðãøéí ãó éã.) ëé éãåø ðãø òã ùéãåø áãáø äðãåø.
This is like we expound (Nedarim 14a) "Ki Yidor Neder" - he must vow with Davar ha'Nadur.
TOSFOS DH Harei Alai k'Bechor
úåñôåú ã"ä äøé òìé ëáëåø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos illustrates the case.)
ôé' ëëø æä ëáëåø.
Example: He said this loaf is like a Bechor.
TOSFOS DH Lo d'Kuli Alma
úåñôåú ã"ä ìà ãë"ò
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Nazir Shimshon is like Bechor.)
ëìåîø ë"ò àé àîø ëòåìä åëùìîéí äåé ãáø äðãåø àáì áëåø ÷ãåù îøçí àîå
Explanation: All hold that if he said "k'Olah" or "ki'Shelamim", this is Davar ha'Nadur. However, Bechor is Kodesh [automatically] from birth.
øáé éäåãä ñáø ìä ëøáé éò÷á ãàîø ìà áòéðï ãáø äðãåø åàí àîø äøéðé ëùîùåï äåé ðæéø àò"â ãðæéø ùîùåï ìàå ðãåø äåä àìà ÷ãåù îáèï àîå ëáëåø.
R. Yehudah holds like Yakov, who does not require Davar ha'Nadur. If one said 'I am like Shimshon', he is a Nazir, even though Nazir Shimshon is not Davar ha'Nadur, rather, he was Kodesh from birth, like a Bechor.
TOSFOS DH Lo d'Kuli Alma Ba'inan Davar ha'Nadur b'Alma Legabei Nezirus...
úåñôåú ã"ä ìà ãë"ò áòéðï ãáø äðãåø áòìîà ìâáé ðæéøåú...
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Bechor is different.)
ëé éãåø ðãø ìä' ìøáåú àú äáëåø ëìåîø ùäåà ìä' îîéìà àôéìå [äëé] äåé ðãåø.
Explanation: "Ki Yidor Neder la'Shem" includes a Bechor. I.e. it is automatically of Hash-m, and even so it is [considered Davar ha']Nadur.
Note: The words in the Dibur ha'Maschil "Legabei Nezirus" are not in our Gemara. Perhaps They were added to explain that "b'Alma" includes Nezirus.
TOSFOS DH Lerabos Es ha'Chatas v'Asham
úåñôåú ã"ä ìøáåú àú äçèàú åàùí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why they require an inclusion.)
ãñã"à òåìä åùìîéí äáàéí ðãáä äåé ãáø äðãåø àáì áçèàú åàùí äáàéí áçåáä ìà îé÷øé ãáø äðãåø
Explanation: One might have thought that Olah and Shelamim, which can be brought for Nedavah (voluntarily), are Davar ha'Nadur, but Chatas and Asham, which come [only] for an obligation, are not called Davar ha'Nadur,
÷î"ì ìä' ãîøáé ëì îéìé ãäåé ìä'.
"La'Shem" teaches that this is not so. It includes everything that is to Hash-m.
TOSFOS DH she'Mitzvah Lekadesh
úåñôåú ã"ä ùîöåä ì÷ãù
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the Mitzvah is merely to call it Kodesh.)
ôéøåù ìåîø (äâäú úôàøú ìîùä) úå÷ãù ááëåøä àò"ô ã÷ãéù îøçí.
Explanation: [It is a Mitzvah to be Mekadesh, i.e.] to say "it should get Kedushas Bechorah", even though it is Kodesh from birth.
TOSFOS DH Mi Lo Kadosh
úåñôåú ã"ä îé ìà ÷ãåù
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that therefore, it is not Davar ha'Nadur.)
äìëê ìàå ãáø äðãåø äåà ëéåï ãàéðå àìà îöåä áòìîà.
Explanation: Therefore, it is not Davar ha'Nadur, since it is a mere Mitzvah [to call it Kodesh, but this does not make it Kadosh].
TOSFOS DH Gabei Nazir Nami ha'Chesiv la'Shem
úåñôåú ã"ä âáé ðæéø ðîé äëúéá ìä'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is a reason to include Nazir Shimshon.)
åëé äéëé ãîøáé ø' éò÷á áëåø îìä' ä"ð ðøáä ðæéø ùîùåï îìä' ãëúé' áðæéø.
Explanation: Just like R. Yakov includes Bechor from the word "la'Shem", also here we should include Nazir Shimshon from the word "la'Shem" written regarding Nazir.
TOSFOS DH Lo Achalti Asham Nezirus
úåñôåú ã"ä ìà àëìúé àùí ðæéøåú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why specifically Asham Nazir he did not eat.)
àáì ùàø àùîåú äéä àåëì àáì àùí ðæéø äéä ÷ùä áòéðéå ìàåëìå ìôé ùàéðå áà àìà áðæéø ùðèîà
Explanation: He ate other Ashamos, but he did not want to eat Asham Nazir, for only a Nazir who became Tamei brings it;
åëéåï ùðèîà äé' ãåàâ ôï îúçøè òì ðãøå ùäéîéí äøàùåðéí ðåôìéï åîáéà çåìéï áòæøä.
Since he became Tamei, [Shimon ha'Tzadik] worried lest he regret his vow, for the first days are cancelled and [he must count Nezirus again from the beginning. If he will ask a Chacham and permit his Nezirus, the Asham] he brings [now retroactively becomes] Chulin b'Azarah.
TOSFOS DH Alecha ha'Kasuv Omer Lehzir la'Shem
úåñôåú ã"ä òìéê äëúåá àåîø ìäæéø ìä'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he was concerned about other Nezirim.)
ëìåîø ùúçéìú ðãøå ìâîøé ìù"ù =ìùí ùîéí= åìà äéä ãåàâ ùéúçøè àò"ô ùðèîà
Explanation: From the beginning of his vow he was totally l'Shem Shamayim. [Shimon ha'Tzadik] was not worried lest he regret [his vow], even though he became Tamei.
àáì ùàø ðåãøéí ñúîà ðåãøé' áòú öøä àå òì òáéøä ùáéãï ëãé ìäöèòø åìëôø òì òåðí
However, others who vow Stam, vow at times of hardship, or due to an Aveirah they did, in order to be pained and atone for their sin;
åëùîúøáéí äéîéí òìéäí îîä ùâîøå áãòúï ÷øåá ìäéåú úåäà òì äøàùåðåú.
When they days become numerous upon them, more than they resolved [to abstain], they are likely to regret their initial [acceptance].
TOSFOS DH Shimshon Lav Nadur Havah
úåñôåú ã"ä ùîùåï ìàå ðãåø äåä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we thought that Shimon was Nadur.)
ôéøåù ìà ðãåø ðæéø äåä åäà ëúéá ëé ðæéø àìäéí éäéä ëå',
Explanation: [We ask] was he not a Nazir through a vow? It says "Ki Nazir Elokim Yihyeh...";
å÷ñ"ã ùäîìàê äéä àåîø ìàáéå ùéæéøðå ìëùéåìã ëãàîøé' ì÷îï (ãó ëç:) äàéù îãéø áðå áðæéø.
We are thinking that the angel told [Shimshon's] father to vow that he be a Nazir when he will be born, like we say below (28b) that a man can vow to make his son a Nazir.
TOSFOS DH Hasam Mal'ach Hu deka'Amar Lei
úåñôåú ã"ä äúí îìàê äåà ã÷àîø ìéä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that only the angel said that he will be a Nazir.)
áðáåàä åìà éöà ðæéøåú ìà îôé àáéå åìà îôé ùîùåï.
Explanation: [He told him] through prophecy. [Acceptance of] Nezirus did not come from Shimshon's father's mouth, and not from Shimshon's mouth.
TOSFOS DH Geruyei Garei
úåñôåú ã"ä âøåéé âøé
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this means that he threw it at them.)
ìùåï çöéí ëìåîø îøçå÷ æåø÷ áäí åäøâí.
Explanation: This is an expression of arrows, i.e. he threw [the jawbone] at them from afar, and killed them.
TOSFOS DH Dilma Gosesin Shavinhu
úåñôåú ã"ä ãéìîà âåññéï ùååéðäå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is not precise.)
ìàå ãå÷à âåññéí ëé ðæéø àñåø ìéâò ìâåññ àìà ëìåîø ÷øåá ìâåññéï.
Explanation: He did not truly make them Gosesim, for a Nazir may not touch a Goses [because he is prone to die. Presumably, we hold like R. Yochanan (43a), who permits a Kohen to touch a Goses (PF). However, Shimon removed their clothes. This is more than prone to kill a Goses than mere touching (b6r). The Rosh distinguishes between a Goses b'Yedei Shamayim and b'Yedei Adam; see Maharatz Chayos). Rather, they were close to being Goses.
TOSFOS DH Ela Gamrinan
úåñôåú ã"ä àìà âîø'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how we learn that a Nazir Shimshon may become Tamei Mes.)
ôéøåù ãâîøé' ã÷èìéðäå îîù åäãø ùìåçé ùìçéðï
Explanation: We have a tradition that he truly killed them, and then removed their clothes.
åàôé' ìîàï ãàîø (éáîåú ñà.) ÷áøé òåáãé ëåëáéí àéðï îèîàéï áàäì áîâò îéäà îèîàéï.
Even according to the opinion (Yevamos 61a) that Nochri graves do not have Tum'as Ohel, [dead Nochrim] have Tum'ah through touching [just like Yisre'elim].
TOSFOS DH v'Nazir Olam Heicha Kesiv
úåñôåú ã"ä åðæéø òåìí äéëà ëúéá
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we ask about the Heter to trim his hair.)
ëìåîø ùîåúø ìä÷ì
Explanation: [We ask where it is written] that he may trim his hair;
åîééúé îàáùìåí ùäéä îé÷ì ìîø ëãàéú ìéä åìîø ëãàéú ìéä.
We bring a source from Avshalom, who trimmed his hair, each [Tana] according to his opinion [of how often he may do so].
TOSFOS DH Es Nidri Asher Nadarti
úåñôåú ã"ä àú ðãøé àùø ðãøúé
(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives two explanations how we know that he vowed Nezirus.)
åñúí ðãø îùîò ìéä ðæéøåú
Explanation #1: [The Tana holds that] Stam "Neder" refers to Nezirus.
åòåã àçø ùìà äéä îâìç àìà îéîéí ìéîéí îùåí (äâäú áøëú øàù) ùäëáéã òìéå ùòøå îëìì ãðæéøåú ðãø.
Explanation #2: Since he used to shave only from time to time because his hair became heavy on him, we infer that he vowed Nezirus.