NAZIR 32-33 - Dedicated by Dr. and Mrs. Shalom Kelman of Baltimore, MD, in honor of the Bris of their grandson, Yehudah Uriel, son of Yossi and Naomi Frydman. Mazel Tov -- may Yehudah Uriel grow l'Torah l'Chupah ul'Ma'asim Tovim!
How does Abaye answer the Gemara’s question on Beis Hillel (that those words which were *not* fulfilled are Nezirim?)?
The case is that he said, “even if it is not Ploni, I will be a Nazir.”
The Mishnah should say, “those whose words *were* fulfilled.”
The Mishnah is uncertain what Beis Hillel said.
Machlokes between Answers A and B as to Abaye’s opinion.
Machlokes between Answers B and C as to Abaye’s opinion.
What does the Mishnah mean in saying, “Those whose words were not fulfilled”?
Although his words were not fulfilled he is still a Nazir because he uttered a Nezirus vow.
Although his words were not fulfilled he is still a Nazir because he was not serious about his stipulation.
Even one whose first words were not fulfilled, but his latter words were fulfilled, is a Nazir.
Even one whose latter words were not fulfilled, but his first words were fulfilled, is a Nazir.
The question remains unresolved.
When are the first two men not Nezirim?
When the man walking toward them told them that he did not want to play a role in their Nezirus.
When the man walking toward them reversed direction.
When the man stopped walking toward them but did not reverse direction.