NAZIR 32-33 - Dedicated by Dr. and Mrs. Shalom Kelman of Baltimore, MD, in honor of the Bris of their grandson, Yehudah Uriel, son of Yossi and Naomi Frydman. Mazel Tov -- may Yehudah Uriel grow l'Torah l'Chupah ul'Ma'asim Tovim!
One swore to be a נזיר for 90 days and drank wine the entire time. How long must he be a נזיר now?
30 days.
90 days.
This shows he never meant it.
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes B&C.
Our Mishna holds like _______ .
רבי יוסי
Machlokes C&D.
If one became a נזיר, and found that the animal he intended to bring was stolen is he a נזיר?
If it was stolen before he vowed, he is not.
If it was stolen after his vow, he is not.
Machlokes B&D.
The second חורבן was how many years after חורבן בית ראשון?
היו מהלכין בדרך ואחד בא כנגדן אמר אחד מהן הריני נזיר שזה פלוני ואחד אמר הריני נזיר שאין זה פלוני etc. Who here is a נזיר?
All of them.
None of them.
Only those whom were correct.
Machlokes all of the above.
Why does Beis Hillel say that those words were not fulfilled are Nezirim?
מי שנתקיימו דבריו is how it should read.
He said ''even if it is not Ploni, I will be a Nazir''.