NAZIR 10 (23 Adar II) - dedicated by David and Zahava Rubner of Petach Tikva in loving memory of their son, Moshe Simcha Z'L, who was killed in action on 23 Adar II 5740 and in celebration of the Bris of their grandson, Netanel Moshe, born to their son Avraham Rubner.
אמר אמרה פרה זו הריני נזירה אם עומדת אני What is the case?
He said 'this cow thinks that it will not stand. I am a Nazir from it if it stands on its own", and it stood on its own.
He said "I am a Nazir from it if it will not stand", and the cow stood on its own.
He said "I am a Nazir from wine if it will not stand", and the cow stood on its own.
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes A&C.
In this case is he a נזיר?
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes A&C.
Is he allowed to eat the cow?
Only after his Nezirus.
Machlokes A&B.
אומר הדלת הזה הריני נזירה אם נפתח אני Why this case when we already learnt the principle twice?
I might have thought here בית שמאי would admit.
לא זו אף זו
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes A&C.
According to רבא's final answer if the cow does not get up is the fellow a נזיר?