
What was the command "v'Hevesa"?


Radak #1: You will gather [produce] from the field and enter it into the house.


Radak #2: It is an expression of Tevu'ah (grain). Do all labors of the land, until you gathered the grain.


If Mefivoshes will eat at David's table, why must Tziva bring food to him?


Radak: The first 'Ben Adonecha' in this verse refers to Mefivoshes' son (verse 12). Tziva will bring food to him.


Malbim: People who eat at the king's table do not rely on it for all their food. Their primary meal was in their house. They had much food there for their families and acquaintances, sometimes more than the king's table! After satiation at home, they came to the king's table in the afternoon for honor and glory.


Why did he say first only "Ben Adonecha", and later added his name Mefivoshes?


Refer to 9:10:2:1.


Malbim: He added his name regarding eating at the king's table, which is only for great people.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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