
Why did he say "Gam El Beis Avdecha"?


Rashi: You make my children kings after me.


Why does it say "va'Tiktan


Radak: What You did for me is small [compared to what You promised to my house].


Why did he say "leme'Rachok"?


Radak #1: I was distant, and You drew me close.


Radak #2, Malbim: You promised permanent kingship to my seed.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: For the world to come.


Why did he say "v'Zos Toras ha'Adam"?


Rashi #1: Is it proper for a person to receive such tidings?!


Rashi #2: You did to me like You did to Adam ha'Rishon - you showed to him generations that will come from him.


Radak: What you said about me is proper for a great man, and not someone like me, like he said (verse 18) "Mi Anochi." "U'Re'isani k'Sor ha'Adam ha'Ma'alah" (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 17:17).


Radak citing Shochar Tov 1: This is the Torah of the greatest of the prophets, i.e. Moshe - "Aleh El ha'Elokim" (Shemos 19:3). The greatest of the kings is David. Everything that Moshe did, David did. Moshe took Yisrael out of Egypt, and David took Yisrael out of Shibud Malchuyos. 1 Moshe split the sea, and David split the rivers - "b'Hatzoso Es Aram Naharayim" (Tehilim 60:2). Moshe gave to Yisrael five Chumashim, and David gave to Yisrael five Seforim of Tehilim.


Kli Yakar: The Isur on Amoni u'Mo'avi [marrying into Yisrael] is only on ha'Adam, i.e. the males.


Malbim: This promise of a permanent kingship was not for David individually, rather, for mankind in general, just like Hashem chose Yisrael among the nations and Beis Aharon from Yisrael to serve Him. The name of Mashi'ach (who comes from David) is one of seven things created before the world (Bereishis Rabah 1:4).


Usually, 'Shibud Malchuyos' refers to the four kingdoms that ruled over Yisrael (Bavel, Paras u'Madai, Yavan and Romi). Our text of Shochar Tov says Shibud Galuyos. Perhaps Yisrael deserved exile at this time, and David's merit spared Yisrael. (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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