
What is the meaning of "va'Yerdu Chol Yisrael ha'Pelishtim"?


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They came to Eretz Pelishtim.


What is the meaning of "Liltosh"?


Radak: It is to sharpen.


What are "Macharashto", "Eso", "Kardom" and "Machareshaso", respectively?


Rashi: They are the end of the plow, the blade of the plow, axe and pick-ax.


Radak: They are the blade of the plow, shovel, axe, and saw.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They are Perashei (a needle) 1 , the peg that holds the yoke together, Kulbi (Kardom; some say that it is tongs) and Ushpiya. This is like Ushpo, in Kelim 13:3. It is the sharp side of an axe blade. 2 It is sharp like a plow blade.


Radak: So he translated Malmad ha'Bakar (Shoftim 3:31) bi'Frash Toraya (the stick of the plowshare. At one end is a needle, used to sting the ox to make it plow).


Meforshei ha'Mishnah: It is the wide side of an axe blade. Rav Hai Gaon (13:3) - it resembles a plow blade. Radak - ha'Metargem says that it is used to plow. Yonason translated Ushpiya, for it is like the wide side of an axe blade.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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