
Did she sit under a date tree?


Rashi: Chazal explained that she was rich; the verse hints to the sources of her income. She had date trees in Yericho (Ir ha'Temarim), vineyards in Ramah, olive trees in the valley of Beis Kel, and white earth 1 in Har Efrayim.


Megilah 14a: Yes, to avoid seclusion with a man.


Radak: Her house was under the date tree.


Malbim citing Sukah 45b: Just like a date tree has only one heart, Yisrael have only one heart for their Father in Heaven.


Malbim: Just like a date tree has little shade, so then, they were few Chachamim. (Midrash ha'Gadol Shemos 1:15): If not, they would not have gone from the end of the land to a woman for judgment! 2


Rashi: White earth is sold to people who make earthenware. Some say that it is a seeded (grain) field (Sadeh Lavan).


According to the opinion that people came to her due to Shechinah (refer to 4:4:3:4), there is no proof that there were few Chachamim. Even a Chacham could obligate the innocent due to false claims or witnesses! (PF)


Was she truly between Haramah and Beis Kel?


Rashi: No (refer to 4:5:1:1). She dwelled in her city (Targum Yonasan - Ataros).


Malbim: Yes.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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