
What did Shimshon ask Hashem to remember?


Rashi citing Sotah 10a: For 20 years I was Shofet in Yisrael, and I never asked one of them [even] to transport a staff from one place to another.


Why did he request vengeance for only one eye?


Rashi (citing Yerushalmi Sotah 1:8): The reward for [suffering the loss of] the other should be saved for me for the world to come. I ask now for the reward for one of them.


Why is there no Dagesh (dot) in the Sav in "mi'Shesei"?


Radak: This is proper. There is never a Dagesh after a Sheva Na (one that is pronounced; a Sheva Nach is not pronounced), except for the words Shtei and Shetayim. 1


Here it has a prefix, and the general rule applies. (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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