
Why does it say "va'Yisogu"?


Radak: They regressed between one judge and another.


Malbim: Hashem's intent was that they go in a path of perfection from level to level. They backtracked to the rebellion of their fathers.


Who were like Avosam?


Radak: The latter were like the earlier Avos.


What is "k'Keshes Remiyah"?


Rashi: It is a devious bow - it does not shoot the arrows where the archer desires.


Radak: A scheming archer shows that he shoots in one direction, but he shoots in a different direction, so those at whom he shoots will not guard themselves. The archer turns in a moment to the other side. So Yisrael served Hashem in the days of the Shofet, and when he died, they switched in a moment to serve idolatry.


Malbim: It shoots the arrow against its owner (the archer). So, in place of Hashem's intent that they be like arrows in a Gibor's hand to teach to them the true Emunah and to eradicate idols, they returned like an arrow against Him.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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