
Why does it say "Moshel bi'Gvuraso Olam"?


Radak: He will show His strength when He will take Yisrael from among the nations. He will always rule over the nations - "v'Hayah Hashem l'Melech Al Kol ha'Aretz" (Zecharyah 14:9).


Malbim: He rules over the world and nature is submissive under Him. He has the ability to subdue natural laws.


What is the meaning of "Einav ba'Goyim Titzpenah"?


Radak: Then His eyes will look at the nations to see their deeds and to pay them accordingly. Until then, He delays His anger against Resha'im. From then and onwards he will not delay, He will pay everyone according to his deeds - "v'Shavtem u'R'isim Bein Tzadik l'Rasha Bein Oved Elokim la'Asher Lo Avado" (Mal'achi 3:18).


Malbim: Like He did miracles for Yisrael, so His eyes will look at the nations, to see their deeds and to pay them like their evil.


What is the meaning of "Al Yaromu"?


Rashi: Their hand should not be elevated.


Radak: He will lower them, they will not be raised, the way they were raised now.


Malbim: They will not lift Hashem's eyes, i.e. to say that His eyes do not oversee the lowly world because He is elevated above all nations. Really, His eyes lower to see everything done in the land!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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