
What is the meaning of "u'Keyu"?


Rashi: This is like one who drinks too much - he vomits. Radak - the root is Ka'ah. The Yud is in place of the Aleph.


Why does it say "Niflu v'Lo Sakumu"?


Radak: After an intoxicated person vomits, he regains some of his sanity and rises. These nations will not rise.


Malbim: Some drink and do not get drunk. Some get drunk and do not vomit. Some vomit and rise. These will get drunk, vomit and not rise. I.e. when they will want to cast off the yoke of Bavel and vomit (expel) it, they will be totally destroyed, for the sword of one nation will be against another, and all will fall.


What sword is discussed?


Rashi: It is aggression of war.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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