
The Nevu'ah was that Kohanei ha'Bamos will be slaughtered on 'you' (the Mizbe'ach in Beis Kel), and bones will be burned on 'you'. Was this not fulfilled?!


Malbim: Beis Kel was a ruin at the time. There were not Kohanim offering on it. We must say that the Nevu'ah pertained to Kohanei ha'Bamos in other cities of Yisrael. The Mizbe'ach of Beis Kel was the source of all of them. What happened on them (the other Mizbechos) is as if it happened to the Mizbe'ach of Beis Kel. This is why it says "Yihyeh

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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