What is the meaning of "Ashki'a Meimeihem"?
Rashi: Animals' feet will not cloud them; the mud will be Shoke'a (sink).
Radak #1: When there is much water in one place, it is deep, and they are called Shoke'im, for one who falls there sinks ? "v'Shak'ah ki'Y'or Mitzrayim" (Amos 9:5).
Radak #2: They will not water fields and gardens from the water, for there will not be people or animals in the land; the water will be Shoke'im.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: I will silence nations and their kings.
What is the comparison to oil?
Rashi: The water will be clear and clean, like refined oil.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: I will make the water go slowly, like oil.
Malbim: The rivers will be quiet, and clean of all earth and mixtures. This is a metaphor ? Egypt will no longer take the abundance of the neighboring nations.