
Why does the verse say to give Kavod to Hashem? The previous verse said so!


Radak: Verse 7 discusses verbal praise. Our verse says to bring a Minchah (gift) to his Chatzeros, i.e. of the Mikdash, for the honor of His name.


Malbim: This compares Hashem to a king who sits in an inner chamber. His nation does not recognize him. The honor that they give, they give to His name. This is like servants who carry a gift to the king's Chatzeros, but they do not reach the palace to see his face, for he is hidden from his nation. You who recognize Hashem as the Creator, and He deserves honor, the gift that you carry for His name, leave it in His Chatzeros. It is as if the entire world is His Chatzer; He left His officers to receive the gift; they stand in place of Him.


What is "Kevod Shmo"?


'Rashi' (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 16:29): His name (Aleph-Dalet) means that He is Master of everything. Like His name, so is His praise.

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