
What are "Hod v'Hadar Lefanav"?


Radak: They are the stars. They recognize His grandeur, and give glory and honor in front of Him.


Gra (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 16:27): Hod is intrinsic beauty in a matter itself, e.g. the sun itself illuminates. Hadar is moonshine; it receives its light from the sun.


Malbim: Hod is internal [beauty] in a matter itself. Hadar is external beauty seen to the eyes. These refer to His inner desire, and His revealed desire.


What are "Oz v'Sif'eres b'Mikdasho"?


Radak: Mikdasho is Shamayim, His Kadosh abode - "Lema'an Kadsho la'Shamayim" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 30:27). Shamayim tells His strength and glory, and admits that He is Master over everything - "ha'Shamayim Mesaperim Kevod Kel" (above, 19:2).


Malbim: Oz is internal in a matter itself. Hashem's Oz results from His Hod. It is in His Mikdash, from which He runs the world. Tiferes is something external, in which it is glorified in front of others. Hashem's Tiferes Oz results from His Hadar; in it, He conducts wondrously, in which He is glorified for His great strength.

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