
What is the meaning of "Nekademah Fanav b'Sodah"?


Radak: Let us summons to thank verbally for the good that He did for us.


Malbim: The second way to recognize Hashem is via His Hashgachah Pratis that clings to Yisrael. Through the wonders that He did for us, we recognize also that He created everything. One who can change nature, perforce He created it. This is why Aseres ha'Dibros begins "I am Hashem Elokecha who took you out of Egypt" (Shemos 20:2), and not 'I am Hashem who created the world', like the Kuzari writes. First we thank Hashem for His special benefits to us, and afterwards "Nari'a Lo" (tell His general praises).

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