
What is the meaning of "Mi Yode'a Oz Apecha"?


Rashi: In these few days, who will acquire a heart to know the strength of Your anger, to fear You?


Radak: Who can be guarded from Your anger? How strong is Your anger!


Malbim: We 'fly' with the flow of time; we cannot know the strength of Your anger, that You will punish us for individual sins - "Ki Chalinu v'Apecha" (verse 7).


Why does it say "uch'Yir'asecha Evrasecha"?


Rashi: Just like You are feared, so Your anger is harsh, and punishes sinners.


Radak: The more that one fears You, there is more anger against him when he sins a little. This is like Moshe said about himself "va'Yis'aber Hashem Bi Lema'anchem" (Devarim 3:26). Hashem would not have guarded (punished for) such a sin from someone else. He said about Aharon's sons "bi'Krovai Akadesh" (Vayikra 10:3).


Malbim: No one can know Your general anger for Adam ha'Rishon's sin. It resembles the great fear of You. It includes all living beings; all die due to that anger.

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