
What are the implications of the (otherwise superfluous) words "ha'Anashim ha'Heimah"?


Sifri: It implies that Moshe presented their request to Hashem because they asked him personally and not through a Shali'ach. 1


See Oznayim la'Torah


Seeing as they were standing before Moshe and Ahron, why does the Trah insert the word "Vayomru Eilav??


Oznayim la'Torah: There sre three possible reasons for this: 1. Because they did not want to upset Aharon when they alluded to the death of his sons; 2. Because Moshe's request to the Shchinah was similar tto the Urim ve'Tumim, where the questioner would ask qujietly in a way that only the Kohen Gadol heard; 3. Since Moshe was the one who instructed them (Misha'el and Eltzafan) out of the Azara - thereby rendering them Tamei Meis, "Eilav" hints that he should now be the one to reinstate them - to permit them to eat the Korban Pesach.


What was the Anashim Teme?im?s request?


Rashi: When Moshe told them that Kodshim cannot be brought be'Tum'ah, they asked why the blood could not be sprinkled be'Taharah, and allow them to eat it be'Taharah 1 (at night, they will be Tahor). 2


Seforno: They claimed that, since they had become Tamei due to a Mitzvah, why should it result in the sin of not bringing the Korban Pesach?


Riva: They pointed out that "be'Mo'ado" permits even be'Tum'ah - unaware of the distinction between a Tzibur and an individual.


According to the version of Mizrachi ? Refer to 9:7:1:1**.


Or why they could not be sprinkled be'Taharah, and allow people who were Tahor when the Korban was Shechted to eat it after nightfall. See Sifsei Chachamim and Oznayim la'Torah. See also Malbim who elaborates.


Why did this episode have to come about for the Parshah of Pesach Sheini to emerge? Why did Moshe not simply teach Yisrael about Pesach Sheini directly, like he did the rest of the Torah?


Rashi: The people concerned were Tzadikim, and, based on the principle 'One brings about merits via meritous people, they merited to be responsible for the introduction of Pesach Sheini to Klal Yisrael. 1


Moshav Zekenim (in Pasuk 8): They engaged in a Meis Mitzvah, and their seventh day was on Erev Pesach (even though they knew that the seventh day would fall on Erev Pesach, and they were likely to forfeit the Mitzvah of Korban Pesach. PF)


Why did the Teme'im add the word "be'Mo'ado"?


Seforno: They were asking to be permitted to eat the Pesach be'Tum'ah, since it was a passing Mitzvah whose time would expire the next day.



Rashi writes that, due to their merit, Pesach Sheini was taught through them. What was their merit, that they were Tamei?


Moshav Zekenim (on Pasuk 8): They engaged in a Meis Mitzvah, and their seventh day was on Erev Pesach. 1


They were not negligent for not becoming Tahor earlier. Alternatively, they engaged in a Meis Mitzvah, even though their seventh day would be on Erev Pesach, and due to this. they might forfeit being able to fulfill Pesach. (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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