
Why does the Torah write ?Ya?asu oso? (and not ?Ya?asuhu?. See Torah Temimah, note 24)?


Pesachim, 95a: To teach us that one should make every effort to avoid bringing a Korban Pesach for oneself only. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 24, who elaborates.


What is the significance of the fact that the Torah inserts three P?ratim ? ?Al Matzos u?Merrorim Yochluhu? (in Pasuk 11), ?Lo Yash?iru mimenu Ad Boker? and ?ve?Etzem Lo Yishb?ru bo?, and one K?lal - ?ke?Chol Chukas ha?Pesach Ya?asu oso??


Pesachim, 92a: They form a ?P?rat u?Chelal, from which we learn one inclusion regarding each P?rat of the Pesach Sheini, and one exclusion: ?Al Matzos u?Merorim Yochluhu?, (an Asei), includes ?Tz?li Eish? ? and precludes ?Tashbisu Se?or ? ?; 1 ?Lo Yash?iru mimenu Ad Boker? (a La?av ha?Nitak la?Asei) includes ?Lo Sotzi mimenu Chutzah? and precludes ??Lo Yera?eh ve?Lo Yimatzei?; ?ke?Chol Chukas ha?Pesach Ya?asu oso? (a regular Lo Sa?aseh) includes ?Al Tochlu mimenu Na? and precludes ?Lo Sishchat al Chametz Dam Zivchi?.


Pesachim Ibid.: Each case includes a Mitzvah connected with the body of the Pesach ? like the K?lal ? ke?Chol Chukas ha?Pesach ? ?, and precludes a Mitzvah that is not connected to it.

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