
What is the meaning of "Mi Pesi Yasur Henah [Chasar Lev Omerah Lo]"?


Sanhedrin 38a 1 : Hashem said, who enticed Adam? The woman (who lacks understanding) did - "No'ef Ishah Chasar Lev" (6:32).


Rashi: A fool should come and learn me (Chachmah), and become wise!


Malbim: They invite also the Pesi and Chasar Lev. The Pesi is enticed due to lack of Da'as, like a silly dove; he did not learn the laws of Chachmah. Chasar Lev is even one who knows the laws of Chachmah, just he lacks power to rule over his Yetzer and overpower his desire and evil images that oppose the laws of Chachmah.


So Rashi explained there. Yad Ramah explains, Adam is called Chasar Lev, because a woman enticed him, just like an adulterer is called so, because a woman enticed him.

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