Why did he say "Kumah Hashem"?
Rashi: He prayed that Hashem rise and do so quickly.
Radak: This is a metaphor - rise to judge Resha'im.
Malbim: Do not cut them off via people. Rather, You Yourself should rise to bring them down to the pit.
What is the meaning of "Al Ya'oz Enosh"?
Rashi: The grandeur of Esav (some texts - Amalek) should not endure.
Radak: People with strength over Yisrael, should not persist like this.
Malbim: A person should not be the staff of Your anger to cut off nations.
Why did he say "Al Panecha"?
Rashi: Due to the anger that they angered You in Your Mikdash.
Radak: It is in front of You. the same applies to "Elohim Acherim Al Panai" (Shemos 20:3).
Malbim: You Yourself should do Mishpat against Resha'im, without a human intermediary. All will see that Your face oversees, and You Yourself judge Resha'im!