
Why does it say "[Yashuvu Resha'im] li'Sh'olah"?


Rashi (from Shocher Tov 15): The suffix Hei is like the prefix Lamed, e.g. Mitzraimah, Midbarah. Why does li'Sh'olah have both the prefix Lamed and the suffix Hei? Resha'im will go to the pit (Gehinom), leave to stand in judgment, be condemned, and return to the lowest level of Gehinom.


Radak: This is like "v'El Afar Tashuv" (Bereishis 3:19). This is a Tefilah. Just like these haters of Yisrael died, so should die all who forget Hashem.


Malbim: Also now that Laben died, and Resha'im Bein Adam l'Chavero should return to Gehinom - Hashem should punish them now.


Refer to 9:18:2:1.


What do we learn from "Kol Goyim Shechechei Elokim"?


R. Eliezer (Sanhedrin 105a, according to Rashi there): These are Nochri Resha'im 1 ; Nochrim have no share in the world to come. (The Reisha, "Yashuvu Resha'im li'Sh'olah" refers to Yisrael Resha'im.)


R. Yehoshua: (Sanhedrin 105a, according to Rashi there): This explains the Reisha ("Yashuvu Resha'im li'Sh'olah"), for it does not say v'Chol (or k'Chol) Goyim' The Nochrim who are Resha'im, i.e. those who forget Hashem, have no share in the world to come).


Yad Ramah (105b): This refers to the seven Kena'ani nations; most of them are Resha'im.

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