
What is the meaning of "v'Chanisi l'Veisi mi'Tzavah"?


Rashi #1: Achaneh (I will camp) near My house to shield it from those who erect against it a fortress and destruction. This is like "v'Chol Tzoveha u'Metzodasah" (Yeshayah 29:7).


Rashi #2: Mi'Tzavah is like mi'Tzeva with an Aleph (from an army). Radak - the Hei is in place of an Aleph. I will be like a Machaneh (camp) for Beis Yisrael, which is My Bayis. My name will be for them as if a great camp was with them - they will not fear an army that camps against them.


Malbim: It is clear in Yechezkel that in the future a strip 75 Mil wide, stretching from the east of Eretz Yisrael to the west, will be Kodesh la'Shem. The Beis ha'Mikdash will stand there, and Hashem will camp there on a fixed basis. He will not let an army camp go there.


What is "me'Over v'Shav"?


Rashi: They will not fear lest passersby harm them.


Malbim: I will guard My house from armies that pass and return. An army will not pass through Eretz Yisrael, and an army that already passed through and wants to return, from there, I will not let them return.


What did Hashem see now?


Rashi: Their affliction - even though until now, He hid His face from them.


Radak: At this time, when this entire promise will be fulfilled, I will see their affliction and being moved around in Galus among the nations, and I will save them and bring all this good to them. "Ra'isi" is like "va'Yar Elokim Es Bnei Yisrael" (Shemos 2:25).


Radak citing Ibn Ezra: The Navi says, now I see with my eyes, in prophetic night visions, all of this.


Malbim (8-9): This is a Ma'amar Musgar (parenthetical comment). It refers to the coming verse 1 - "Hine Malkech Yavo Lach..." The Navi saw Melech ha'Mashi'ach in front of Hashem. He says in the name of Hashem, 'now I saw with My eyes that your king will come to you.' Hashem, and the Navi, see how he comes to redeem Yisrael.


Even though the coming verse begins a below Parashah. (PF)

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