
What is the comparison "k'Tzon Amo"?


Rashi: Like the flock that He took out of Egypt to be a nation to Him.


Radak #1: Just like one saves his flock with all his strength, He saves His nation, for it is His flock.


Radak #2: He will save them like He saved them [in Egypt] via Moshe, who tended them - "Nachisa cha'Tzon Amecha b'Yado Moshe v'Aharon" (Tehilim 77:21).


Malbim: Hashem will save them without war, like a shepherd saves his flock from night wolves.


Why does it mention "Avnei Nezer"?


Rashi: The Kohanim Bnei Chashmona'im are glorified with gems in the rows of the Choshen and [shoulders] of the Efod - they will be elevated via miracles on their land.


Radak: Yehudah and Efrayim will be like crown jewels elevated over its land, which is Kodesh. Misnoses is elevated, like "Nasata li'Yre'echa Nes Lehisnoses" (Tehilim 60:6). Also Nes is elevation, for one who carries a flag, he raises it over the head of the nation.


Malbim: Another comparison of His nation to flock - they do not request gold and gems, only good pasture and water. So [Yisrael] request only that the land give out grain and wine to eat and drink, and not gems. They consider grain and wine like gems. This is like flock - grass and water are like pearls and gems for them. They do not request wealth and haughtiness.

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