
What do we learn from "Shuvu l'Vitzaron"?


Sanhedrin 22a: Return to your former glory. At first the Torah was given in Ashuris. After Yisrael sinned, it was changed to Ro'atz (crushed, i.e. forgotten. The Yerushalmi connotes that Ro'atz is Ivri writing.) After they repented, it was returned to Ashuris.


Rashi: Return to your strength and honor.


Radak #1: The Meforshim say that this Parashah refers to Bayis Sheni.


Radak citing his father: This Parashah refers to Bayis Sheni, but the first half of this verse refers to the future predicted above. Return to Hashem, who is a Mivtzar (fortress) and a strong tower.


Radak (10:12): I say that the entire Parashah is for the future, when all of Yisrael, Yehudah and Efrayim (the 10 tribes), will return to their land. Efrayim did not return in Bayis Sheni.


Malbim: Return from the pit of Galus to Bitzaron - Tziyon will be Mevutzeres (fortified).


Who are "Asirei ha'Tikvah"?


Rashi: Yisrael. Even though now you are in the Reshus of Malchei Paras, you are "Asirei ha'Tikvah" - you hoped for Me until now to fulfill My word [to redeem you] at the end of 70 years. Radak - they were Asurim (incarcerated) in Galus.


What do we learn from "Gam ha'Yom Magid Mishneh Ashiv Lach"?


Rashi: Even today, I herald for you a second matter, aside from building [the Bayis]. Radak - the second matter is Hashem's salvation of Yisrael from Yavan, in Bayis Sheni, via Matisyahu ben Yochanan Kohen Gadol and his sons.


Malbim: I answer you a double matter - double miracles that will be at two times. He will inform them of the wars of the Chashmona'im against the Yevanim in the days of Antiyochas, and the wars of Bnei Efrayim against Gog and Magog in the future. "Gam ha'Yom" hints to something that will be before the future Ge'ulah - the war of the Macabees against Bnei Yavan.

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