
Is "Masa Devar Hashem" connected to what came above?


Malbim: Yes - in those days, when 10 men will grab... Masa Devar Hashem will be in Eretz Chadrach. Even though it is very far [from Eretz Yisrael], Devar Hashem and Nevu'ah will be there. [Goyim] will ask Devar Hashem from a Jew there - the entire nation will have Nevu'ah, like it says "v'Nav'u Bneichem u'Vnoseichem..." (Yo'el 3:1).


What is "b'Eretz Chadrach"?


Rashi citing Sifri Devarim 1 #1: This is Mashi'ach, who is Chad (sharp) to Nochrim and Rach (soft) to Yisrael.


Rashi citing Sifri Devarim 1 #2: There is a place in Damesek called Chadrach.


What do we learn from "v'Damesek Menuchaso"?


Rashi and Radak, citing Sifri Devarim 1: In the future, Yerushalayim will reach until Damesek. Menuchaso is Yerushalayim - "Zos Menuchasi Adei Ad" (Tehilim 132:14). "V'Nivnesah Ir Al Tilah" (Yirmeyahu 30:18) teaches that it will not move from its place. It says "v'Rachavah v'Nasvah l'Ma'alah" (Yechezkel 41:7) - in the future, Yerushalayim will rise and widen on all sides, like a date tree is narrow below and wide above. The gates of Yerushalayim will reach until Damesek - "Apech k'Migadl ha'Levanon Tzofeh Pnei Damasek" (Shir ha'Shirim 7:5). The exiles will come and camp in it - "v'Damesek Menuchaso."


Radak #1: This Nevu'ah is in Eretz Chadrach and Damesek - there will be its rest.


Radak #2: Nevu'as Hashem will still be in Eretz Chadrach, like in Eretz Yisrael, for Eretz Chadrach will be part of Eretz Yisrael. Also Damesek will be its rest, i.e. the dwelling of His honor and Nevu'ah.


Malbim: Until now, His Menuchah was in Yerushalayim - "Ki Lo Vasem... El ha'Menuchah" (Devarim 12:9), "Zos Menuchasi Adei Ad." It will spread until Damesek. It will be the north border of Eretz Yisrael, like I explained in Yechezkel Perek 47.


What do we learn from "Ki la'Shem Ein Adam"?


Rashi: On that day, man will turn to his Maker, and his eyes will look to Hashem - "Nelecha Imachem" (8:23). They (the nations) and their cities will be appended to Yisrrael's cities.


Radak: In those days, everyone's eyes will be to Hashem, and not to idols. Eretz Chadrach, Damesek and other places close to Eretz Yisrael, like Tzor, Tzidon, Chamas and Arei Pelishtim, will be included in Arei Yehudah, and they will have the Emunah of Yisrael.


Malbim: Everyone's eye will look to Hashem, with all Shivtei Yisrael who particularly look to Him.


What does the verse teach about Kol Shivtei Yisrael?


Rashi: They are more important to Hashem than all the other nations. We find like this - "Shlomo Ahav Nashim Nochriyos v'Es Bas Pharaoh" (Melachim I, 11:1)] - Bas Pharaoh was included in Nashim Nochriyos. She is specified, for she was as dear to Shlomo as all of them together. Also here, Yisrael is as dear to Hashem as all the nations together.


Radak #1: All the more so, Shivtei Yisrael, their eyes and hearts will be to Hashem.


Radak #2: Man's eyes will be to Hashem and to all Shivtei Yisrael, to go in their ways - "Nelecha Imachem" (the previous verse).


Malbim: Refer to 9:1:4:3.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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